"Sonic the Sissyhog" stories thread

"Sonic the Sissyhog" stories thread

archiveofourown.org/works/11798901 (Cowritten by Omni2120 and TimedWatcher)

archiveofourown.org/works/11778270 (Cowritten by Butter-Boy and TimedWatcher)

Feel free to still post ideas for fap fictions

Other urls found in this thread:





Why is this such a thing now

I'm fucking hysteric

Someone post the one with the bat bitch


This one?










My penis dose not know how to feel about such things


Been seeing a lot more Sonic yiff threads as of late. Must be in direct response to the release of Sonic Mania. So tell me, how's the game?

Also, when are the release dates for Sonic Forces & Galaxy Trail's Freedom Planet 2?

Is there any more or no?


>How ironic $75 -> $0


>Nice trips
I havent play Sonic Mania yet. It got delayed on pc



It still boggles my mind that there are people so sick in their minds, that they develop feelings towards cartoons & game characters.

thank for existing, crazy bastards. you are nuttier than squirrel poop, and i love you for it

I think its less love and more off the need for a good fap


lol same thing for me actually


fapping? no, this is pure comedy gold, nigga. i haven't laughed this hard since i heard the internet historian read hank hill erotic fanfic


I cant tell how gay this is. But I like it



FurBox discordapp.com/invite/vWss7CF


2 Things.
1. Nice dubs
2. Enjoy lurking & posting on a porn thread. I'm sure you tell yourself it's entirely 'comedy'.


nice triple-dubs

>Hahaha so funny this porn dude haha *faps furiously*




something about how absolutely degenerate this is turns me on


I hope you read the stories in the OP

Reading throught the first one


Yes that is my favorite it cracks me up

Sure it dose user. Sure it dose

If you like it, make sure to leave a comment. I think my co-authors would appreciate it.

Ill make sure to. Question do you guys have an other sotryes coming up and do you take requests? Becuse I have an idea but im shit a wrighting

Leave a positive comment on both stories, but also make sure to include your suggestions for the different stories. If they're good ideas, we'll use them.

Thank you ill make sure to do that.








>Every time I got to a trap thread




















Why is this so hot

You fucking son of a bitch! I love he originals that these are based off of! Now I'll just see this shit when I look at them!



You have autism that's why

fem tails is hotter

What in gods name?

what is this degeneracy going on here
















