What are anons experiences on Modafinil and where are the best places to buy it?

What are anons experiences on Modafinil and where are the best places to buy it?

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It's okay. I have used it quite a bit and after a while of prolonged usage it loses that "special" feeling. It is NOT the limitless pill like you'd see in the movies. I find it more preferable when compared to stimulants; it allows for you to eat when you are ready to eat. However, unlike stimulants, there's not that dopamine drive given by amphetamine.

All in all, I like them both, sometimes I mix. Modafinil at large doses (400mg) gets a bit weird... almost everything you think of is logical, and it is VERY easy to get distracted on Modafinil and focus on something. (e.g. I got into topology one random fucking day).

Long term modafinil user here. This is pretty much spot on.

I use it daily for a few years yes it depotentiates with tolerance like last post said - however, unlike a traditional stimulant, I feel that it promotes a certain sort of patterned thought that supersedes the stim pushiness and therefor allows for a longer lasting knock on effect from the drug. Get it on dreammarket from vendor Angelina. Done.

any strategies you can recommend in order to not get sidetracked?

Anyone ever use duck dose?

I have been using modafinil for almost two years now. I was using 200mg daily mixed with amphetamines (don't recommend, you'll become a logician villain and everyone will hate you).

But, with modafinil I have noticed it is most effective if you experiment with your dosage. A full 200mg pill is pretty heavy. I take around 50mg-100mg when I take modafinil now.

Just take it, and do the task at hand. Sure, your brain will want to open up a billion tabs studying whatever your brain's desire, but just drink LOTS of water and focus on the task.

Once you finish your task, go nuts and research something you've never learned about before. It makes learning more much more enjoyable, because it also teaches you that you probably know nothing at all.

I use modapharma to get modafinil and armodafinil. They are a little pricey but I have never had a problem with them. They ship from either Singapore or India and it gets through Australian customs no problems. The stuff they send seems legit and I have never tested positive for anything at work so its not like they are putting speed or anything into the tabs.

whats a good place to buy if youre living in western europe?

I'll add that I honestly prefer it to amphetamines at this point.

Which one's better, modafinil or armondafinil?

Armodafinil is the diet coke of Modafinil.

Only analogy I can think of.

I have schizoid personality disorder and I heard that it can be effective for treating some of the symptoms. Any other schizo fags out there on the stuff confirm this?

You will pretty much latch on to the first thing you start doing after you take it. Make sure you immediately start doing what you wanted to focus on and you'll be fine.

Modadinil lasts longer for me but Armodafinil gives me a more awake sort of feeling. I take it to help with my shift work so I use both of them depending on what I need.

It cleared up my yeast infection in less than 3 days

At modafinil is cleaner. U feel it less as a spike, but it persists a bit longer... modafinil is a bit more raw and has a sharper spike. I prefer good ole modafinil tbh

At modafinil = armodafinil. Sorry, autocorrect.

what symptoms/interferences do you get from shift work if you dont take moda?

Do you cycle your doses (3wk on, 1wk off) or do you just take it everyday?

Do you take supplements with it as well? I used to take racetams but would need to take choline to avoid the headaches.

Not the guys you quoted, but I take it on weekdays and some saturdays only. Seems to work out pretty well. (200mg daily)

woah, from what i know thats already pretty heavy dosage.
usually hear about ppl taking 50-100mg and not even daily, but only every other day...

It makes quite a difference. That is just a single tablet though. Taken first thing in the morning.

Just checked through my orders... Looks like I've been taking modafinil routinely for about 5 years. Not dead yet!

I do have a reckless disregard for my long term health, though... So perhaps don't take a leaf out of my book if you're planning on being alive 'til you're old.



Yeah they don't sell laffy modaffy either. Boo

No I don't cycle off much. Usually hold out on the weekends. Sometimes I'll go without it. It all depends. Really haven't experienced much of a downside. Except the slight tolerance and the occasional travesty of running out. Plus it's sooooo much cheaper than the other alternatives...

It just makes me feel less fatigued. I work irregular hours and sometimes I get 4-5 hours sleep then have to be alert for 9+ hours. Moda just helps me get through it by getting rid of the tired feeling. Only side effect is a headache if I dont drink enough water and my pee smells bad. I haven't noticed withdrawal symptoms when I stop using it.

I take a multivitamin and drink plenty of water. I dont really chase the nootropic effects but I do notice them. I take it as needed. Sometimes everyday for 3 weeks other times i go for a week or two without it.

I heard you can get a sense of euphoria on waklert. Any truth to this?

so how do i get this shit?

You can order it online since it's schedule 4. I recommend duckdose.com and going with their starter pack: duckdose.org/product/sample-pack/

Take a half a pill of the modivigil the first day and a full pill the next day and repeat this process with all the other drugs so you can find out which one at what dosage works best for you.

A slight increase in feeling good. I wouldn't call it euphoria. Taking 20mg of codeine makes me feel more euphoric than waklert

Also avoid caffeine or any other stimulants when you're first starting out. Although I can pretty much guarantee you that you won't need any on this stuff.

Yeah I have coffee once in the AM (habit) but modaffy has basically cured me of any other speed related addictions lol

research/studies as well as users show shit ain't worth fuck and it falls under the placebo effect for cognitive benefits

If anyone here was actually taking modafinil and getting benifits they probs have undiagnosed ADHD etc and for that there are more effective medications.

>graded as useless by researchers and users
>graded useless by biochemists
>graded useless by GPs
>graded usefull by 4chin


Compared to a couple cups of very strong coffee, what is the difference?

Med student here, it's effectiveness is debated. I've taken it and felt absolutely nothing, even after several doses. I much prefer amphetamines.

Anyone ever take it for treating depression?

If you have depression because of past abuse/PTSD etc than no this isn't effective.

If you have depression because you're a NEET that does nothing all day than it can be effective. It doesn't treat depression head on but it does give you a kick in the ass and focus so you can actually go out and do things and be active, and if you are a NEET the lack of these things in your life is basically why you're so damn depressed all the time. I recommend waklert for it.

Any links to those studies?

A lot less jittery and you dont get a crash

this guy knows what hes talking about.
just wanted to add that depression is also correlated with amout of sleep.
sleep deprivation has been proven a legitimate measure against minor depressive disorders.
thus moda also indirectly battles depression by dialing down your urge to sleep.

Anyone ever taken it with wellbutrin?


Yeah try again.

Also you can't just pop one of these things and have a "limitless" experience. You have to find and start a task yourself, and then the modafinil will give you the energy and focus to keep at it. I recommend going to the gym on it. If you just stay home you'll just start playing vidya/looking at porn and you'll end up focusing in on that.

Anyone tried this that can compare it to Phentermine?

Sounds like it makes you feel similarly.


no place to buy moda in west europe?

Yr a dummy take 600mg and let us know how u feel. Lmao.

Wheres the cheapest place to get modafinil on the clearnet?

It's all pretty much the same price.


Or you could try modafinilstar.com