Overdosed on drugs yesterday, AMA

Overdosed on drugs yesterday, AMA

How does it feel to be a loser

We believe you

Junkie faggot

How does it feel to be an overwhelming burden on the EMS system?

Let me guess, ydgaf

How much cock do you suck per 1 pill faggot

Tramadol is a faggot drug only good for keeping withdrawals to a minimum
What did you OD on


What drug(s)?

ems? no i just sat in the bathroom and suffered?

How cool do you feel

i dont

youre a faggot drug

theyre free


Why would you suck cock for faggot drugs

So what the fuck did you OD on, junkie

Did you shove the pills up your butt using some guys cock

Kek. The dog with carrot taped to his head

hey i know youre in a dark place man but i believe in u

have u considered getting on subs ever?



i have never even heard of those so i wouldnt know how to get my hands on some, not using dark web

lmfao bro its something doctors perscribe for getting people off opioids, its like a really slow taper


>doesn't know about subs

hes not really a junkie hes doing tram, for all we know its someone who just went overboard w their pain meds

greentext what happened leading up to it for me cause i'm a faggot

Wannabe junkie

nigga do u think a heroin addiction is a trophy

Trams are not real opioids lmao, pathetic

I once overdosed on some stupid "ecstasy" pills. Everything was gray and I couldn't see.

yea he'd be way more badass if he still overdosed but on a slightly different drug i totally get u man

Kid in my town just od sunday night. He's in icu and most likely brain damaged because he had passed out, had a seizure, vomited, then aspirated the vomit. Roommates didn't call 911 right away. Have fun while it lasts op

damn, do u know what on? seizure doesnt sound like opiates

Assumed heroin. He had fresh track marks and roommates said he had been drinking.
Theory is he passed out and hit his head on night stand. Roommates heard a loud noise come from his room.

oh shit ok if he hit his head the seziure makes sense. H has the whole world so fucked up right now...

Sure does. Seems to be getting worse


imho its gonna keep getting worse until people realize that making drugs illegal just makes people die from withdrawals more often. hope someday everyone will realize we're worth saving

Why have you let everyone who's ever cared about you down, you selfish faggot?

did ur daddy drink too much or do u have nothing better to do than pick on dying people on the internet

You said ask you anything on Sup Forums, what do you expect man? Maybe if you're having a tough time you should get some real councelling instead of doing an interview wit autists

nigga i aint op i just think you're an asshole

well, to answer the question, the latter. But like, again, I think I am entitled to shitpost on b. Fuck off oversensitive something or other

are those percoset

and i'm entitled to call you an ignorant fuckwad, free speech goes both ways you idiot. quit talking shit about what you know nothing about

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