Stuck in traffic

>stuck in traffic
>turn around
>see this
>wat do?

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Tell that whore to put on her seatbelt and sit normally because this isn't safe


ahhh thanks for the wake up darling

sick and pathetic

never change tv

pull over for a quick cunny sesh until the traffic clears up

she makes my peepee hard

>conceive a child with a busted old roastie
>if it's a boy kill her and skip the country
>repeat until you conceive a girl
>wait for the hag to give birth
>kill her
>live a perfect life with your qt daughter

What are you talking about? She is strapped in.

>turn around
>see this

what do?

good plan

Literally Humbert Humbert: The post

That little girl is kino

was he autistic?

What did he mean by this?

Isn't she a bit old for a child's car seat?


Her knees are very sharp

that tailgating tho

Is there any reason white people shouldn't rule the planet? Look how cute she is.

for you

Question how I'm driving since I don't have a license or a car.

Lick that foot

I fucking hate pedophiles. Every one should be fucking hanged.

And yet you don't question why there's a little girl in the car.

We're on to you, lad.

Post more girl feet, fag.

I will molest your offspring