Since when do lightsabers give people visions of the past?

Since when do lightsabers give people visions of the past?

Is Rey meant to be the most powerful force user in the entire galaxy? You know Disney is going to do this (if the Force Tree Episode 8 theory is true).

The Episode 8 leak plot twist is supposedly that Rey is a reincarnation of some young girl who was killed by a young boy millions of years ago beside the force tree and that created the dark side whilst the young girl's soul became very gifted and Rey is that prophecy whilst the prophecy of Anakin was a mistake and it was Rey all along to bring balance to the force

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Since just now. Just to spite you. YOU. The Wookieepedian autist. The EU cuckist. Yes, you. And only you. Disney is the author of all of your pain.


>Disney is the author of all of your pain.

ah the twin theory, eh? supposedly it was her brother that slayed her, becoming the first sith

she can see into the past and future thanks to being a palpatine.

>thanks to being a palpatine.
I hope this theory is true but you know Disney will go the "goody good princess" route and not make Rey a Sith sadly

Its a JewJew production so we gotta have some pointless mysteries, bitches love mysteries.

i thought echos like that were common in force infused items, also didnt luke bring balance to the force?

There was an EU character that could see force visions related to the person that owned objects that he touched. JJ just stealing from other, better writers again.

>JJ just stealing from other
And you just worked this out?

TFA's plot of finding look while hunting down a missing starmap piece is identical to the plot of Knights of the Old Republic where you have to hunt for missing starmap pieces to find the location of a ruthless Sith.

>finding look
finding Luke*

>caring about a kids movie franchise

This faggot cock sucker is in love with the fucking Disney fan fiction.

This is some Naruto level writing

>we want the anime audience
Why do you think these films sell so well in China?

tfa didn't do well at all because it was garbage.

I hope her brother is incarnated like her so we can get some sweet incestuous sexual tension vibes from them.

>Lucas banged that

source please?

If anything like that pic ever happens I'll eat my words, but Disney doesn't do taking risks like turning their new princess evil. Especially in this age of political correctness.

She'll probably turn out to be the daughter of royalty. Just so she can literally be another princess.

She's a fucked up nuchosen one

>Rey is that prophecy whilst the prophecy of Anakin was a mistake and it was Rey all along to bring balance to the force
This would easily be one of the stupidest things the sequel trilogy could do. The only thing worse would be Luke turning evil.

>The only thing worse would be Luke turning evil
You haven't read the Eu have you?

George Lucas is still alive. How is it that he is no longer the author of Star Wars?

I don't get it, how can history consider these movies anything but fanfiction? The original author is still alive.

Parts. And it was stupid.

>Rey is that prophecy whilst the prophecy of Anakin was a mistake and it was Rey all along to bring balance to the force
>Naruto is that prophecy whilst the prophecy of Nagato was a mistake and it was Naruto all along to bring balance to the Ninja world

Literally fucking Naruto tier shit. Thanks Disney.

Are you an idiot?

The fuck, dumbass?

>no u

Well her name is Rey. Either it means 'ray of light' or 'king'.

I'd rather Rey and Kylo do each a 360 and become bad/good respectively.

Luke Killed himself in a Vader suit in Dagobah
The force works in mysterious ways

wow the Chinese must really dislike TFA

That lightsaber was used to kill dozens of younglings, so I suspect it had a lot of young force ghosts following it around

or they just dislike having a black main character. Just look at the Chinese posters and trailers. They either made Finn tiny or completely removed him from the posters, and he was barely shown in any of their trailers.

>Episode VII: The Force Awakens

Obviously, not

Man, sets are cool. Marvel should build sets.

that gif
massive kek

Like Cain and Abel

Rey is starwars poochie

Psychometry is a common psychic power.