Do you know any movies with paranoid schizophrenia?
Do you know any movies with paranoid schizophrenia?
A Beautiful Mind
fuck off kike
he's a narcissist, not schizo
i dont get why this has got you so worked up? Was it really confrontational for you or something?
Mr. Brooks
Back to Sup Forums scummy.
Kills defenceless children on an island with automatic weapons.
What was this characters end game?
who are you talking to?
sorry wrong thread
Damn, Charls isn't taking the World Peace ratings well I see
It's "Charles"
I love the liberal art of twisting words to push your narrative on every possible occasion.
he he a slippa da e
Yes. Gollum In Lord of the Rings
It was a youth camp wasn't it?
no. It was a communist reunion on an island. He killed adults and a few teenagers (the youngest one was 14). Only a few were minors.
Clean, Shaven
great film, rather disturbing
Clean, Shaven is said to be the most accurate portrayal of paranaoid schizophrenia. I recommend you watch it, even though it's a heavy subject.
Ah he is a hero then.
Btw nice Television and Film thread.
The Truman Show could be about a normal guy having a severe paranoid breakdown, except it turns out his delusions were actually right or so we think
A Scanner Darkly
not my thread. I'm just here to (((correct the record))).
Anyone below 18 is a child according to the UN.
this made me so fucking uncomfortable
Well this ain't the UN. A teenager is not a child, and an adult is not a teenager.
>some of the people killed were adults
>therefore the mass shooting is justified
Glad I'm sharing this board with genuine psychopaths.
I never said it was justified you filthy kike. I just pointed out that it was not a child massacre.
Once again, liberal fags twisting words.
He's nothing, other than maybe a little autism, maybe a little delusional.
But those cultural marxist traitors deserved what they got, good on Breivik
Spider (2002) :
Jacob's Ladder (1990)
Machinist (2004)
Take Shelter (2011)
>Da joos!!! You must be one of them!!
weak meme
>guy opposes mass shooting perpetrated by le ebin Sup Forums hero
>immediately assume he is a manipulative libfag pulling an agenda
Yeah, quite the twist.
Take your pills.
>kills people without hint of shame in a carefully planned attack that is meant to instill fear on others like them
>"the communists were out to get me"
The Dark Knight rises.
plot twist: user was the schizophrenic all along
Is this thread /JA/ck/ now? Can we start posting the webms?
>Can we start posting the webms?
He's not a Sup Forumshero you faggot.
And twisting words is the favorite hobby of every liberal.
you're doing it right now
breivik was indeed a Sup Forums hero and we'll always remember his sacrifice
communists were out to get the country
we had a thread about him two days ago and everyone agreed that he's a huge faggot. What he did had exactly the opposite effect of what he wanted.
However, we also had a biography thread that quotation user made and it was pretty interesting.
Anyone would have gone fucking mental growing up the way he did.
>What he did had exactly the opposite effect of what he wanted.
thats simply not true
and Sup Forums has a serious problems with normies nowadays
now that we have the first Sup Forums president about to be elected
i would advice you to take a break from Sup Forums and maybe experience the real world for a short while.
ok reddit
Eliminating future bolsheviks. You would kill 12-year-old Stalin if you had the chance, right?
Give norwegian social democrats are resurgence by staging a false flag operation. Bravo Anders
Breivik was only acting in self-defense
you're dumb
that excellent "shelter" movie with michael shannon
Original Sup Forumstards migrated to other boards about 2 years ago after the grand cuckening. Nowadays Sup Forums is nothing but normies and cheap bait.
Literally the only answer
Ma nigga right here.
Clean, Shaven
>we had a thread about him two days ago and everyone agreed
>everyone agreed
le Sup Forums round table
>good on Breivik for killing a bunch of people who had opinions I didn't like
You're dumber than a Alabama nigger. Go fuck yourself.
He killed yuro children, he'll forever be OUR GUY
What if I tould you he killed Aryans so he could make his point about how dangerous mudslimes are?