Ask a dude who just got done fucking a prostitute anything

Ask a dude who just got done fucking a prostitute anything.

What did you get and how much did it cost?

Everything except anal and kissing for 100

How's it feel to have aids?

Well, right now, not too bad. We shall see in the future.

Did you go looking at prostitutes or did you just pick up the first one you spotted

well how does it feel to know that you are so pathetic you have to pay for sex?

Wont you feel shame over telling your potential future partner that you paid a girl to fuck you?

As odd as it sounds a bit of both. I had been lurking backpage for a few weeks just to get a feel for it and decided to go for it today on one that was a semi frequent poster.

Why not kissing?

>implying I tell them?

I know what you mean though. I may, will cross that bridge when I get there.

did she feel loose or?

Idk, not her thing I guess?

oh and would you do it again?

Surprisingly no. Quite tight.

Did you use a condom?

Was she attractive or was she the typical low sagging, crack addicted hooker?

Eh. Maybe. Not anytime in the near future. It certainly was not an unpleasant experience, but want to avoid any that may happen as a result of continual and frequent usage.

Most prostitutes saves kissing for their boyfriends. They think it makes up for them taking 50 dicks every day.

was this your first time with a prostitute? are you going to do it again? with her or with a different one?

she suck your dick without a condom?

Didn't seem like the crackhoe vibe. It was at her apartment. It was clean and smelled pleasant. She wasn't by any means a 10 but I would say a solid 7 for someone who gets paid for sex.

Did you know that herpes can be transmitted through skin contact? When you go balls deep and get splashed your balls and crotch area get infected. Enjoy.

>Walks up to boyfriend
>So here's your £2000 for cocaine, I didn't kiss any of them babes so please stay with me!




herpes shmerpes

asymptomatic master race reporting in


That's too cheap. I would not trust her to not have an infection for less than the price of an ounce of decent weed

Don't listen to these virgins op. I've boned plenty of escorts. They have rent to pay too. I'd say my number is at 20 or so.

Well, its not like I can ask for a complete medical history to fuck her. Sooo...

Thats cool. Best/worst stories?

How do find these women?

It will pop up some day. Maybe as soon as an hour from now. That's the thing about herpes. It can pop up at any moment.


have more pics of her? save all the pics from her ad that you can. one day you'll have a collection of the 100s of prostitutes that you've fucked over the years :)


how big was her dick? did it hurt your little butt hole when they crammed it in?

who goes to harbor blv in santa ana to pick up hoes?

No dick lol

I'm assuming she gets regularly screened

lol was that easy, seems mad sketchy


A few. One ended up doing porn. Saw her get fucked by some black dudes with humongous dongs. It was satisfying to see her get railed bc she was a bitch sometimes. Almost got caught in what I'm sure was a sting a couple times. Almost got jumped. Had a bitch stiff me once. But it comes with the territory. I got to know a few of them as a regular. Condoms broke with those a few times. All in all, never caught anything

go to and click on escorts

That's a sure way to get caught in a sting or get aids. Backpage was the way to go bc most of them were freelance girls who just needed money. Street walkers are completely different. Open sores in the face, homeless types

So you regret that she didn't now that it is over and done with?

More about the possible stings?

Showed up to the motel. Left everything in the car. Got the room number. Knocked. No answer. Knocked again. Nothing. Room looked empty. 3rd floor. Looked down. Saw the impala park quick. 2 guys running up the stairs. So I left. When I was down the street the girl called back and begged me to comeback. Even offered me a discounted price. Fuck that I was gone

Haha damn dude. Lucky

She high?

What you should do now is say that you are doing a project for school. And would like to interview them but also pay them for their time like a regular customer and say no sex is involved. Then show up and if it's cool say sike and get to business

All in all backpage is busted now. I wouldn't advise it. There's too many stings. Agencies are targeting human trafficking, so don't risk it. Go to a strip club. Those girls do sell pussy, trust me. It's just not a flat rate. You have to tip the dance. Pay the for it, then pay the "tip." So you'll end up paying like 200 when it would've been 100 flat if she was on her own

"Human Trafficking" aka Feminist Puritans story to shut down prostitution. While I'm sure it happens, especially in 3rd world countries, it is overblown here in the U.S.

It does happen. Mostly with the Asian brothels. I had found one that had new girls every week. Mostly Koreans. I learned a lot about Asian pussy around this time guys.

Are the Asians indentured servants or something? They all seem to be tatted up, speak english and aren't crying while they jerk me off so I don't see how those I've been with are being forced to do it.

Asian brothel? Where? I'm down guys

Was it weird fucking your mom?

I just find mine on rubmaps. What's dumb is they won't fuck you and even act offended sometimes if you ask for a BJ or sex. They're tugging your dick at this point btw.