Guy wants to kill himself

>Guy wants to kill himself
>You say don't do it
>He says but he really wants to do it
>You say ok fine do it
>You go to jail for 15 months

Please explain this.

Tits or gtfo

Not long enough honestly

She physically prevented him from getting out of a car he was going to kill himself in when he had doubts. That's what makes it a crime.

There, thread over. Move on.

We live in a universe filled with faggots.

Because if I tell you to do something then you have no choice but to do it

The girl spent days convincing him to do it. He got out of the car and she told him to get back in. She admitted her guilt and that she knew she shouldn't have done what she did.

Have you seen the full set of text messages between them? Its fucked. She got what she deserved.

That's what she gets for being an edgelord.

Why are all you fags defending a stacy? Shes a cunt anyways. Now she'll be remembered for the rest of her life as a monster who convinced a guy to kill himself. What she could have done was call the cops kuz they'd take him to a ward to maybe get medication he needed to not feel suicidal.

This isn't true. Fake News! SAD!

>>Guy wants to kill himself
>>You say don't do it
>>He says but he really wants to do it
>>You say ok fine do it
>>You tell him how to do it
>>You notice he wants to pussy out
>>You enforce him to do it
>>You bring him to do it
>>You go to jail for 15 months


being told to do something removes all of your free will so you're no longer responsible for your actions

>She physically prevented him from getting out of a car

No she didn't she wasn't even there when he did it.

That's one way to put it with not context or quotes


Except this isn't how it happened at all

If someone's considering suicide, you have two choices, talk them out of it, or talk them into it. If they wouldn't have done it without your encouragement (as this guy clearly wouldn't given how many times he tried to bail out), then the death is your fault.

If someone tells me to rob a bank and I do it, are they at fault?

>>guy dies
>>you go to jail
>explain this

>(btw, you killed him i just missed that out before)

I don't know, it's fucked. She was slow and methodical and fucking insane. I get telling someone to kys on 4chins but this bitch was a straight sociopath, she deserved way waaaaaaaaay more than 15 months

But she was on the phone texting amd talking to him...

Apparently they'd get all of the blame

How does she deserve prison for his decision. Also for not committing any crime at all.

the judge was probably just disgusted with her looks, jucky eyebrows and ears this bitch has, totally justified.

>getting manipulated into giving a low-key death threat
Who is this master ruseman?

>Don't say "okay, do it"
>Say: "Don't involve me in this, I told you not to do it" and you call the police
>If he dies: You don't have a suicidal boyfriend, and you have nothing to do with it, no prison
>If he lives: He'll probably get pissed and you won't have a suicidal boyfriend, no prison

Ok she didn't physically force him.


IS THAT IT? fucking kek
Didn't know the story, damn.

Fucking retard

It was mostly about the day of his suicide. Sure, they had a fucked up relationship, but on that day, she prodded him about killing himself with dozens of texts. She should have just dropped the relationship like a normal human being would do, but she was feeding on his misery. He needed real help, not some dumb teenage psycho nagging him about his shitty life.

Wrong, the death is the guy who decided to commit suicide's fault.

Telling someone to commit a crime is incitement and a crime. Suicide is not a crime.

Lawfag here
It depends on how forcefully they're telling you to do it. If someone blackmails or threatens you with force then you're under duress and unaccountable for your actions. Also if you're a woman, anything more than "please go stab a guy" counts as under duress.

Really missed a good opportunity there.
> guy wants to kill himself
> girl says he shoud
> guy says ok, but I'm coming for your first bitch


He was suicidal for a long time. He wanted to kill himself. He sought her out to help him end it. He convinced HER to help him.

If you've never been suicidal, you wouldn't understand, but suicidal people seek approval, they seek people who agree with them, who will back them up.

Yes, she gave him the motivation in the short term, but only because he spent weeks coaching her up to do it.

He would have told her long stories about how terrible his life is, how much he suffers daily, and how much better things would be if he were dead. He chose her because he could manipulate her. He just needed a little encouragement when his own bodies instinct of self-preservation kicked in.

She did it. And maybe she's more sociopathic or narcissistic than most. But he recruited her for that purpose. People intent on committing suicide find a way to get over the instinct of survival. He used her, like some people use pills.

But he killed himself.

Jump off a bridge faggots

and onto concrete too, not water because that won't kill you

How does she deserve 15 months for not committing any crime. And how is she a sociopath for telling him to do what he wants.

Suicide is actually illegal. It's so the state can stop anyone from killing themselves with as much force as possible.

Fuck off with this same fucking shitty thread every 5 minutes.
Stop being a fucking repeating cunt.
You fucking cunt.

Suicide is a crime in many countries. They made it a crime and made accomplices of the crime punishable in order to prevent some suicides.

>I'm calling the police to help you.
>call the police, report that there is someone planning to kill themselves at this location.
>police arrive, take him to hospital.
>if he keeps contacting you, get a restraining order.

Instead, she spend a lot more time/energy in convincing him to kill himself. Wanted to get attention/sympathy from her friends out of it.

Sauce on the chat plz

Suicide is illegal in some countries, but assisting suicide is illegal in most of the countries.

There's nothing wrong with telling someone to kill themselves.

Oh, please, THIS. I want to read that shit so bad.

>Also for not committing any crime at all.
Harassing someone is, in fact, a crime.

It's not a crime in america where this occurred.

my top ten sexual fantasies

literally kill yourself commit suicide today

Sets a precedent for the apathetic sheeple. Odds are she will commit another crime in the future.
She will be watched.

Not in america. And she didn't assist him, she just told him to do it. He bought everything and did everything physically to do it.

I was going to say no because you don't suffer from a mental disorder but clearly you do, you fucking moron. What is so hard to understand? Did you not read the texts? He was clearly suffering and instead of helping, she talked him into it. And she didn't say "lol just do it m8".
She WANTED him to die. If the shoe had been on the other foot, you virgin white knighting faggots would have your panties in a twist.

Someone is triggered

It doesn't count as "assisting suicide"? It's illegal in the majority of the world.

generally if you see a jumper at a ledge the human thing to do is not yell " do a flip faggot"

Having fun kid? Getting anxious about school?

Shes ugly so who cares. All ugly bitches should be jailed for life.

You clicked ALL those numbers. You get a gold star. Get 3 more and you can get a cookie.

She didn't harass him. He never told her to stop contacting him. He wanted to talk to her. Wouldn't make sense to tell her to stop talking to him anyway since she was just telling him to do what he told her he wanted to do.

it was a joke lol cause she said he should kill himself get it

i would have found her not guilty via being a caterpillar

She never committed a crime in the past so why think she'll commit one in the future.

I believe you are miming the girl in pic related.

Op is disingenuous.

What none of you niggers understand is that she encouraged him because she cared. She encouraged him because he spent dozens of hours over weeks begging her and convincing her this is what he wanted. He convinced her that if she cared for him, she would do it. She, a teenager with mental health problems herself. Him, an older permanently suicidal manipulator.

Charles Manson found runaways and raped them, brainwashed them, and now he's in prison. This faggot took this young teen, brainwashed her into simply saying some words of encouragement to kill himself, and you're all crying for him and damning her?

You know fucking nothing. And her lawyer was shit. She was railroaded. It should have been counselling and community service, if guilty at all. The fallback wasn't the TRUTH THAT HE MANIPULATED HER AND HE CONVINCED HER AND HE IS THE FUCK WHO DID ALL THIS STOP CRYING FOR THE KILLER, HE IS LITERALLY THE KILLER RETARDS.


America is not the worst country in human history but it's trying.

She wouldn't have been sentenced to prison if she hadn't committed a crime.

Now you're never getting out of prison with this list of murders on your hands.

Stop talking shit u faggots he dead she in jail now get me the chat so i can read it while i take a dump filthy pussies


Either a)He was mentally disturbed, in which case all of that crap you said is irrelevant or b)SOMEHOW, a mentally stable person committed a suicide immediately after talking to her.

I believe you.

i'm a serial killer now

i didn't pay attention to this american circus, was she convicted by a judge or jury?


She can make up for the jail-time countless other women have avoided

Except they would be at fault. You can't tell people to commit crimes, like being a mob boss, and then not in get in trouble because you didn't do it yourself. However suicide is not a crime so there's nothing wrong with telling people to do it. And she did help him by letting him die, he said that was the way to help him.


Charles Mansin is doing life in jail for killing nobody
Welcome to America

Like I said you short sighted motherfucker this was a deliberate, well thought out attack on a weak man's psyche. She's a threat to society and should be locked up so she doesn't do it again.


>Physically there


False imprisonments and successful appeals exist for a reason. It's one someone is goes to jail while not having committed any crime. This is another one of those times.

I am completely honest: I think you should kill yourself, sir

Then she should have told her parents, those in authority. Severed contact with him. I hear ya, but I do want a precedent to be set. Nope, people don't have to help people, but you can't cause or encourage harm. Better to just do nothing. She didn't just do nothing.

Let's face the facts: anyone who supports the existence of laws, government, society, community, even having a tribe is literally a low-test beta cuck.

That's a retarded reply to someone referring to general sentencing practices. It's the truth. People with no criminal record are usually given a lot of leniency in their first conviction. Usually no time in jail at all. They basically threw the book at her considering she has no record, she was a teen, he manipulated her, and the fact that she didn't actually do a god damn thing.

>Harry Potter



What are you talking about. The fact is, she didn't harass him, because he never told her to stop contacting him. It was just a normal conversation.

Is this it? Someone post the texts, or something.


Not being mean, but you need to get tested. Wow.
How are you able to use a computer? Read?


And I suppose if your grandpa had alzheimers and thought the television was telling him to kill himself you'd be doing him justice by telling him he's right and convincing him? You missed the point completely, Jack ass.
m e n t a l
D I s O r d e r
Is that easier?

This is not what happened. Anyone who sees it like this is retarded. This cunt is absolute trash. Nothing of value would be lost if she was executed.

It's great that a looser killed himself, but trash should be taken out.

I still think she's sexy. Would bang.

>Suicide is illegal in some countries
Oh shit, I can't kms now, or I'll get a fine.

Google michelle carter text messages scribd. The full report is on there.

In liberal America, it's ALWAYS someone else's fault. There is no personal responsibility anymore