Villeneuve will be our Kubrick.
Is this the best film of 2015?
Other urls found in this thread:
He is a better Nolan.
That's not much saying much.
>Sup Forums's retarded fanfic
>best film
el oh el
No, and it was probably his worst film too.
it's a meme movie favored by reddit
He's better than shitty overrated Kubrick
yes, it's a masterpiece
Reddit likes it smart guy.
I think I prefer Enemy tho
you know this how
Bone Tomahawk. Neo Western masterpiece
Overrated. No character progression. Turns into capeshit in the last act and ignores the main character (who changes from whining about things that are wrong and doing nothing, to whining less about things that are wrong and doing nothing). Totally passive protagonist which is boring to watch. No real emotional edge in the ending because we don't care about this asshole operator. The only interesting thing is the moral dilemma, but nothing is done with it.
Oh but I love cinetomatotography. I love cinematorgraphy so much. Deakins = GOAT.
Did someone say H Y P E ?
They like everything that's generally liked.
>female lead
What? Have you seen Alien? Fargo, Amélie, Mulholland Drive, etc..?
Grow up, kid. Being misogynistic is not cool anymore when you get past 15.
>implying passive main character is a bad thing
You should've stick to Nolan my man, kill yourself.
Please leave, I don't want autists in my thread.
lol, I wasn't aware of this meme. I thought redditors were anti-femminists and atheists.
EBIN WIN, I'M SO GONNA APPEAR ON r/Sup Forums, lads!!!!! *tips*
>this thread
Don'tm worry an, they keep the thread bumped.
The short story this is based on is so good. The trailer looks pretty close to the source material.
I'm gonna predict now that people will be butthurt about the aliens being there for no reason and not realize the story is a vehicle to experiment with non linear storytelling and still make you feel.
It does look promising. Didn't know it was based on a book, I may read it then.
This idea of human contact (especially involving lenguage) with aliens hasn't really been portrayed in a detailed and complex way in films (At least from my experience). It looks really interesting to see with what problems or clogs they find.
Loving the aesthetics shown in the trailer too.
is this a meme? i liked the movie but i don't see why anyone would love it
this. I was pissed by the switch of the main character in the middle of the movie.
I hate to say it, but this.
Garbage thriller, Villeneuve is shit director. It's nice to see plebs praise this, affirms I still got a good taste
I need EB to star in Blade Runner or no deal.
Best soundtrack for sure.
Only lost because it was "oh shi-, we never gave Ennio Morricone an Oscar" year. Not that he didn't more than fucking deserve one, he deserves ten, but Jóhann Jóhannsson simply killed it that year, and I doubt Sicario would have been half as effective a movie without his input.
The fucking Hateful Eight soundtrack re-used old Morricone music, too. It had the fucking song from the Thing play several times throughout the movie.
Combine that with the random pop song and H8's soundtrack was mediocre as fuck.
>The only interesting thing is the moral dilemma, but nothing is done with it.
Except pointing it out for the viewers which might have been the whole point of it. To really make you think
>French-Canadian director Denis Villeneuve’s personal moral fascination is what makes his movies’ political topics so greatly compelling. He brings moral seriousness, not topical attitudes, to Sicario’s war on drugs. The title, an arcane hitman-assassin reference, purposely alludes to a group of Jewish Zealots in the a.d. 70 Jewish–Roman war in the Holy Land, in order to broaden — and complicate — an issue that otherwise would be subject to political controversy.
>As in his powerful 2010 film Incendies (about the effect of the war in Lebanon on later generations in North America), Villeneuve closely examines the motivations of his three main characters: local DEA agent Kate Macer (Emily Blunt), federal agent Matt (Josh Brolin), and covert agent Alejandro (Benicio Del Toro). Looking beyond their legal jurisdiction, Villeneuve depicts them as players in a grave human tragedy.
>Villeneuve sees — almost smells — the bloodiness of their efforts. No filmmaker since Sam Peckinpah has handled violence so effectively. “Be alert. Be vigilant. Be aware,” an FBI commander tells his troops. And that’s how Villeneuve directs. His Southwestern landscapes are presented existentially: plane shadows over flesh-like terrain; the Big Earth seen from above, catching microscopic human movements. One extraordinary vista features a sign (Las Biblias es verdad) on a mountainside. It gives an almost numinous perspective on the characters’ vexing, mundane maneuvers. And on the ground, in tunnels, or in hide-outs, the action involves all one’s senses. Sicario is technically superb, with vibrant sound effects and imagery ranging from sun-bright clarity to spectral night-vision by cinematographer Roger Deakins.
>personal moral fascination is what makes his movies’ political topics so greatly compelling
It's exactly what makes them bad because he reveals what a fucking simpleton, and quite possibly double-digit IQ sub-human he (Villeneuve) is.
Prisoners and Sicario are both more dumb than your average Bay or Nolan film
>a movie examining what is right/wrong and necessary is bad for doing so because it's not a black and white cartoon
why do plebs have such a hardon for villeneuve? the way some people on this board go on about him and this film in particular just perplexes me
It was good, not great
BEST: Incendies
WORST: Maelstrom
OVERRATED: Prisoners
UNDERRATED: Polytechnique
he looks like bruce green from funhaus
I don't care what you say. The buildup to the highway shooting scene is pretty fucking legit. The movie loses its way after that though.
>The Thermal imaging shots
Except it was done like a cartoon in Sicario. Villeneuve has serious case of double digit IQ
Based Rocco
she's passive because she's a woman retard.
its a totally redpilled film
What's some essential Emily Blunt kino? Already saw Edge of Tomorrow and this
Mah nigga
The adjustment bureau
the same from /fit/? been a while since i saw that nick
Find a rope, mate
Villeneuve is probably my favorite currently working director desu.
Then you have a very low cinematic IQ
Double digit. In hexadecimal.
What's with you and this IQ meme
Jesus Christ, i swear all the people that try to detract from this movie never even watched it. Obviously Blunt's character was passive and doesn't really change anything, but why should she, as evidenced by the first fucking scene, she's seen the horrors of what the cartel does. As the movie goes on she is time and time again shown just how cruel and shitty the cartel is, and even though all her operator homies are wasting those clowns left and right she knows that they're sort of doing the right thing, but most likely going about it the wrong way. Then at the end she doesn't want to sign the paper but is forced to at gunpoint, which is sort of an allegory for the whole film but I doubt half of you fucking idiots picked up on that. Anyway OP it's an excellent film, best of last year for sure.
Why? Did you seriously think Blunt's character was not shit and entertaining?
yeah Sup Forums got this fat middle aged man going NAVY SEAL against cartel head quarters on his own TOP KINO post emore OPRETARO CO RE Fucking EPIC BRO DID YOU SEE THAT
>Director of Prisoners
The most IMDB sensibility film made so far. Anybody who thinks that Prisoners is above mediocre is juvenile about the medium and entirely emblematic of the video game crossposter fueled downfall of this board.
Villeneuve is one of the biggest trashmasters working today. This is hot pocket the movie. Cheeto dust: the flick.
IMDB "FILM BUFF" pleb fodder. If you like this film then you are an enemy of the medium.
All the memes are there
>no mention of incendies or polytechnique
This is how you know the whole only low IQ movie buffs love this director thing is true.
>hating on deakins and jake
>being this much of a contrarian
Kill yourself bud :)
Deakins is a just a front bad directors use to cover up their shittyness.
What about this film was Sup Forums?
mad villeneuve pleb detected
Only reddit and the idiots on Sup Forums like this film and villeneuve
> comparing him to kubrick
> yfw you realize anyone that makes comparisons to greatness are usually stupid and wrong
This guy's working non-stop and he'll make the Blade Runner sequel.I am fucking excited.
You forgot
Displays the Mexican border without filter.
it was showing the cruel reality i guess.
I don't remember Kubrick being as much as a hack as Villeneuve.
This is correct
Didn't think it was all that great, good though
>I'm gonna predict now that people will be butthurt about the aliens being there for no reason and not realize the story is a vehicle to experiment with non linear storytelling and still make you feel.
I predict people will be stupid, and shoehorn it into whatever they want it to say about their own childish and utterly retarded ideology.
$2 pays out $5 on it. how much you want to bet?
Emily Blunt will NEVER vomit on your thanksgiving dinner after calling your mother a filthy paki transsexual, and your father a fucking gobshite wanker twat, while drunk and then drag you along on a high speed chase after stabbing the cops that were called with an ice cream scoop while yelling YOU THINK YOU'RE HARD M8? R U AVIN A FUCKING GIGGLE? IL FUCKN SOCK U RITE INNA GABBER I SWER 2 CRIST U FOCKIN POOF!! I'LL FUCKING EXECUTE EVERY LAST WUNNA YA FOCKING CUNTS!!
If you cant have this, why live?
I'd be happy just having her shitting on my chest desu senpai.
it filters a lot out. the 12 year old hookers with cut up faces, the packs of dogs, the goddamn smell, the screaming all hours of day and night, people beating each other over the head just for standing within 15 feet of each other.
When I think of Hell, I think of Juarez.
thank god for some small favors of cinema.
>lol he has a serious case of double digit IQ
not as bad as the case you seem to be suffering from, you pretentious twit
>duuuude it's le Cia conspiracy to promote the people handling the drugs
>duuuude it's all because of the spics, the US dindu nuffin, we wuz innocent n shit
>duuuude spicland is so violent and backwards even though there are massive shootings and racism in the us
>dude it's all because of mexico lol
Mad Max Fury Road is the best film of 2015
Also the fact that Colombia handling Mexican territory makes no fucking sense since they can be easily removed by the groups in that country.
>all that shit b8
did you even watch the fucking movie m8? Brolin outright blames the American public for being unable to quit snorting and smoking garbage. The violence here in the states is nothing compared to what goes down in Mexico any old day of the weak. And-
Oh you brought up racism for fucking no reason at all? Oh how mindless of you. Never mind that SJW's firmly believe that segregating the country is actually a good idea. MLK Jr is rolling in his gravy.
You're going back Paco
it was full of cliches
I so much hate this flicks where one of the protagonists is suppose to represent audience
being cluless and finding out the story as it goes
but she was a fucking cop
the level of naivity on her completely took me off the story
its like when you see the daityme tv shows about cops after you saw the wire
fucking cops wont barge in to stop some other cop from beating up some junkie
they come in to stomp on the niggers head...
the scene with the SUV run was very well done, except for the shooting part
otherwise it was mediocre, lacked logic and good dialogs
>literally reinstating the Medellin cartel
They were using Medellin as a metaphor. The United States government was going to run the Mexican drug trade and eliminate the competition, empowering 1 cartel over the others.
The whole trip to suarez and back is 10/10
Rest of the movie is just 6/10
Never noticed the similarity
First 45 minutes are fantastic, but after that the quality drops. It's really weird that the focus is suddenly switched on Alejandro, he worked better as a supporting character.
Step aside, plebs.
Enemy is pure kino
> anyone who disagrees with my shit taste is from reddit
kill yourself, my man
Do you guys think Arrival will be any good?
I'm really looking forward to it.
>Lionsgate has commissioned a sequel centering on del Toro's character, titled Soldado.[34] The project is being overseen by writer Taylor Sheridan with Villeneuve also involved.[35]
>In April 2016, producers Molly Smith and Trent Luckinbill said del Toro and Brolin would return.[36] In June 2016, Stefano Sollima was hired to direct, with Villeneuve no longer available due to scheduling conflicts.[34][37]
And it all went to shit so fast.