You continent born bastards are so fucking lucky and don't even know it...

You continent born bastards are so fucking lucky and don't even know it. If you wake up one day and decide you want to disappear, you can hop in a car and drive for 8 hours and boom, you're in a place where bearly no one knows you. When you live on a shitty island that's 68 square fucking miles, everyone knows you. You're probably thinking "user, you fucking dumbass, just move then lol". Fuck you. Fuck your smug continent born ass. This fucking island used to be a part of a British colony, meaning I could've gotten British citizenship and moved somewhere where I could get a semi decent job and take care of my family, but the dumb shitskins in charge decided to becone independent which did nothing but fuck up the economy. All the local's heads are too far up thier asses to notice, instead they just want to party, get drunk and fuck. No one wants to deal with these issues. Now if you're born here, you're stuck here, because no one wants anything our island has to offer. Fuck this piece of shit island. Fuck me for being born here. If I'd been born anywhere else on this godforsaken archipelago, I'd be peaches and cream. Fuck. Instead of whining and doing nothing, I need to work hard and find a way to escape this shithole.

Kon Tiki yourself out of there, user.

Build a raft. Good luck

can't you just leave your "island"

i understand you and i must inform you about something that could be of use.
i cannot really help with immigration, wealth equality and incompetent government
however i have watched youtube videos and learned about how too make do with less money.
like how to fix things, make stuff and acquire things for free.
it makes me able to live a comfortable live with few expenses.

68 square miles is too fucking big to know everyone unless you are all jammed into one area

Bro. Bro. BRO.
If I could just leave, I would have. But because my country has shitty relations with everyone, immigration would be on my ass like neckbeards on lolis as soon as I touch their soil.


10% of the land is made of abandoned plantations that no one wants to touch.
15% of the land is government owned private land
About 20% of the land is untouched by man (rainforests and shit)
The rest is divided between residences, buisnesses, schools, churches, graveyards etc.
It's tough to know LITERALLY everyone, but it's still fuckin cramped

Thanks, but the problem is that I want to ESCAPE.
The locals fucking suck

I might actually try this. I'd better download a ton of 'movies' to pass the time before I starve to death, or kill myself from ocean madness

OP can you please tell us what island you are talking about? I am fascinated and want to research

is it Antigua and Barbuda?

if by continent born you mean north america, pierre.

>instead they just want to party, get drunk and fuck.
Sounds good, why aren't you doing the same?

Antigua and Barbuda was a close guess. Nice job.

It's St. Kitts and Nevis.
Check out the citizenship by investment program. That fuckery screwed up our relations with Canada a while back.

Well, try doing drugs. You will fuck your life up and not care about living in a shithole any more, your only care will be getting more drugs.

At least you have a high chance of getting murdered

>St. Kitts and Nevis.
>90.4% black

Please stay in your shithole of a island, we have enough of your kind in my country.

Because when the music dies, and the lights come on, it's back to work, 8-5, Monday to Friday earning measly pay, just to blow it on partying, while the party hosts (usually the richest guys on island) proceed to fill thier pockets on the bad choices made by the poorer people.
Besides, I'd rather stay home and watch anime in my spare time.

I honestly wish I wasn't born a nigger. I might be able to escape my island, but I can't escape my shitskin.

Non-interesting fact related to the Picture - in Polish language that crab syndrome is called being a gardener's dog.

It's actually harder than you think it is to get murdered.
You gotta pick a fight for someone to kill you, and I don't leave my room often enough to start anything.

That's actually pretty interesting, mate. Why gardener's dog though, I wonder.

An user mentioned that most of my population is black and we only have one extremely crowded prison. I'd like my butthole intact, thanks.