/ppg/ - pesäpallo general

Discussion about the greatest sport on earth - finnish baseball.

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I'm pretty sure this sport doesn't actually exist. The ""popularity"" of it is hammered into our brain in government controlled schools and ""highlights"" always shown purely on the government owned (((national broadcasting company))) but I have NEVER EVER in my life met anyone who either plays or has ever in their life played pesäpallo.

I think it was a ploy to evoke national pride after the war or something but I don't know why they still keep it up.

>finnish baseball
I certainly hope so

please play our sport

maybe you just don't live in bumfuck-nowhereville.

you look at the teams in superpesis and all of them are from some small village

must be where the sport's fans are from too.

So David Ortiz can continue his career?

pretty sure they dont have DHs

>South Australia won a silver in a Pesapallo World Cup

Great sport, lads.

they have three per side.

posting in the real /hoc/ thread




the fuck am I looking at? ? ?


whoever did the size comparison is high out of their mind t. have been at real MLB stadium

Looks like the dimensions of the Polo Grounds.

MLB stadiums are 390-436 feet long. that is 118m-132m

pesäpallo field is 105-115m measured from the hitter or 140m if all the ""play"" area behind them is counted in as well.

if that image were accurate MLB stadiums would be about 50 meters long

>compared to MLB infield

well why the fuck does the image include the outfield of pesäpallo then?

my man, i do not know
its an american infographic


pro pesapallo player here ama

why is your sport ruined by the pussiest rule in all of sports - takalaiton?

exactly what baseball needed, make home runs a foul

Greatest country on earth

This is outdated. We won everything in 2015 too.


The wins just keep coming

how come we're the best in everything

that approximate size is completely off anyway.

pesapallo field is about the same as the distance between 1st and 3rd base, this is more accurate

also this sport is shit

Pesäpallo, the best sport

Original Poika

Pesäpallo World Cup.

Mets fan spotted.

Hello America, take your chance