I want the old Sup Forums back

I want the old Sup Forums back.

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You got it

Sup Forums is full of kids now, it's not what it was.

Can confirm

Stimpy you idiot


Also Sup Forums declining is partially Chanology's fault.

That. And Sup Forums

Everyone forgot rules 1 and 2 and we let a bunch of tryhard newfags in.
Now most users just consume. Nobody tries to be original. Everyone is afraid of persecution, which is retarded as user.

We could have stopped this from happening years ago

But it's far to late now

>I want the old Sup Forums back.
Me too, you weren't around back then. Ah, those were the days.

just camp out a couple more weeks. back 2 school kids!

>Herp derp leaderless anarchy assemblage of neck-beards will never be defeated.

>Gets defeated because there is no leader and its anarchy with newfags

Guess you fucked up.

Wait which old days are we talking about

The 2002-2005 tripfag haven old days? The 2006-2009 habbo old days? The golden years 2009-2012? The pony autism 2013? The rise of memers and the final decline of culture 2014-2017?

I agree, sort of. I think Sup Forums as a whole is still healthy. Sup Forums is more a memorial of a forgotten time, but it still means a lot to some people.
Sup Forums ebbs and flows. You have to have users willing to appreciate the sort of dark comedy of our culture here.
Sup Forums wasn't oldfags or gorefags, pedos or white hats.. it was an acceptance of all that shit and a constant self curation through ribbing.

Sup Forums is dead, long live Sup Forums.

>Wait which old days are we talking about
pre-Sup Forums something awful forums and IRC channel days

i was using IRC right up until 2011 when I hopped over to XMPP briefly

There was a dead period, now I just use Discord

Can't say I can particularly sympathize with old bb forums and message boards because despite using them I did not like the format

>implying Sup Forums was ever good

I'm a 2008 fag. This place has always been shit. The only difference now is that you've realised it.

You want an old school raid? Fucking start one.

Then post a worthwhile thread instead of this faggot shit, you nigger cuck.

>The golden years 2009-2012?
what are you even on you cum guzzling faggot.That was the WORST TIME IN Sup Forums HISTORY
You clearly werent here for CoS nonsense,and the first actual downfall of Sup Forums

This isn't Sup Forums literally. Eg- someone suggests raid and everyone bitches


I don't think you quit realize that I clearly made every "era" of Sup Forums sound autistic

Sup Forums was never good, stop acting like it was

Sup Forums is different now and I want my 2011 faggotry back because this faggotry is different

Everyone moved to 9gag after the kids atarted rolling in.

sorry, out of the loop. Who is cow tits?

Sup Forums was good every sunday for about 6 months

I never fucking fapped so hard

That was referencing gamergate back in the day

It sure is

We lost Sup Forums for the first time with our anonymity then all the fucking newfags get in, even jizus left fucking Sup Forums

According to that, i'm an Originalfag. what the fuck am I still doing here?

>fox news babies
Why would you even post?

>chart deliberately made so faux news newfags can try to fit in



fun fact: Sup Forums has brought in more new fags than every other board combined

the golden years were '04-'08 because of the original content and trolling was indeed an art

'09 to '11 were okayish but slowly giving way to tryhards and it was in '11 Sup Forums was created because /news/ couldn't contain their cancer

everything today is just rehashed dogshit wrapped in bird shit


OK, hold on...

*starts an Andy Sixx thread*
*posts the banana*
*jerks off to trap porn*

There ya go, pal...

God ole chuck
I miss him

Hrrrnggg.... Nope just a fart

which site

You really are a newfag arent you?



man, how did Sup Forums go from far-left to Sup Forums?

Far Left Is younger opinion vs Sup Forums is older opinion. Also Alt Right is catchy for kids.remember the first time you called a black guy Nigger? fell great?

Get creative, start interesting threads or contribute anything you want aslong as it's no cancerous bs. Or shut up like the rest of us.

snake chan?

Cancer. someone say Cancer? youtu.be/lbfgERTYBmw

attempt to compete with the cancerous following:
>dick r8
>facebook r8
>any get thread
what else am i missing?

original threads get snuffed out by sheer cancer in a matter of minutes, seconds even.

you can piece it together from 7,8, and 420 but the cancer has metastasized and 4chn is at stage 5.

>create oc
Some oc is created but the 50 cock threads the 50 rate threads the 50 tribute threads prevent oc from being able to be seen and prosper before its 10'd


Quints confirm

Man you guys are stupid. Want to "save" Sup Forums? Its simple just respond only to small threads that are interesting on page 14 or something. Only lurk in pages 12-15, and only respond to small threads. Its not hard retards.

drink bleach