Do you faggots ever get tired of porn? Like what the fuck. Can you fucking stop?

Do you faggots ever get tired of porn? Like what the fuck. Can you fucking stop?


There's a little X in the upper right corner of your screen that you can click on if you don't want to watch porn anymore. You also have the option to not watch it in the first place, instead of being a whiny little bitch about it.

No fuck off. Porn ruined this board. I browsed through 3 pages before I could find something that is not porn. It is a cancer that is fucking awful, there are literally adult boards for that shit but noooo you guys have to just spam it 24/7.

i get tired when i cum, then i go to do other things, and see more porn when i'm horny again


I see the thought police are back.

You don't need to be here, baby boy

When i bought a hooker...hard to go back n no more weird fetishes

>not browsing the catalog

Yup OP this past week havent fapped to anything in general and to my surprise im not even trying to "nofap" i just have these reilizations at how dumb porn is and just stop. Fuck dude i dont know what i want sometimes

catalog nigga

nofap is a meme.

Catalog isn't the point, the point is that it takes up that much space. It is fucking retarded that that much space is dedicated to constant pornography


This. OP is a whiny newfag who should stick to lurking.

Better talk to Invisible Magic Sky Poppa about all this! Pray hard!

Use the brap meme on them OP. It works.

What is there to lurk for though? Just look at porn constantly? Fuck that. You are all fucktards with nothing better to do than to jack off 24/7.

You're like a fucking hormonal woman with your whining. Why don't you stop wasting space and fuck off?!

I haven't even seen a good rekt or nigger hate thread in a while. It is just porn porn porn porn porn porn porn porn porn porn porn porn porn porn porn porn.

Go away then, dude. It's a pretty simple solution.

The problem I have is that this board used to be cool and people did funny things. Not a single ylyl thread or anything at all. There is no more distinctive culture, it is just another porn board.

Make one then faggot. Or do you still not understand how this board works? No. You're a weak headed and up tight simpleton who expects others to provide content and entertainment for him. You're the worst kind of user.

Then I would be the only fish in the big ocean of shit. There is no point in making one if faggots are just gonna brush it off so they can jack off to more useless porn.

I'll get tired of porn when someone is willing to be fucked by me on the regular. Until then however...