Guys, im scared. I have an ultimatum...

Guys, im scared. I have an ultimatum. I fear going to the US because of all the shit that's been going on and I don't wanna stay in my already doomed country. Do you think i should man up and go make my life over there?

Also, Puerto Rican, AMA

Keep your mexican ass outta muh country

Fuck off 3rd world nigger we are full

you can crash in mexico if you like

Ayo, im actually gonna contribute to society. I ain't no fucking jibaro.

>Asking for advice on Sup Forums
Hay que ser huele bicho. Korea is gonna shot its shit and then the US is gonna shoot back and long story short, civilization will end and only the strongest will survive. Start excersicing and getting preping.

>Getting preping

And getting prepared*God fucking damnit. Thank god this is anonymous cus that was autistic af.

Can't really say whether it's better if you stay or if you go. But, just go to an area that already has a lot of Puerto Ricans and latinos and you'll be good (Miami, NYC, LA etc)

Pues, you said it best. Es que estoy asustado. Quiero ser medico y la unica manera es ir al ejercito. Hay que meterle mano, i guess. And the Shit in Charlestville doesnt help either

Yeah, probably. My brother lived in Florida for awhile and he told me it was just like San Juan

It doesn't matter where you are. The oldies of all our countries are sucking us into a badly needed war and a lot of us won't make it. I say it's a good thing, we'll clear the way for a younger generation and the oldies will have much less on their plate to manage.