Hiro made it a formal rule that every board is allowed to have one meta thread up on the catalog where people can...

Hiro made it a formal rule that every board is allowed to have one meta thread up on the catalog where people can discuss the board in general. It is not allowed to be deleted.

Therefore, let's talk about Sup Forums. How do you feel about the board?

the golden days of spuh are long gone. Generals are the worst thing ever, but it's getting better as I see more and more threads branching out away from their general home. Overall it's a shit board but still 1000x better than most boards on Sup Forums right now.


1. I miss ~2008-2010 Sup Forums


9000000000000000000001. The elimination of bro culture saved this shit board


Hey guys, what's up?

How do we fix it?

Utter reddit-infested shithole where sports threads get deleted.

Modz r fagz

prove me wrong

protip: u cant

Would you believe I got a range ban for posting Bears threads?
That says everything.

Also, keep your eyes open for "holy shit". Easy way to spot a redditor.

Reestablishment of kevin_kolb_goat

The entire board misses bro culture, eventb owls and the rest. Sup Forums was churning out so much oc and probably still discussing more sports than this empty shell of a board does today.

>only one meta thread allowed
>mods will delete all meta threads when multiple are created (in the event of car chases, power rankings, eventb owls, etc)
>only way to maintain the single meta thread is with a meta Sup Forums general

Back to square one. Board is dead.


>yfw mods

Funnily enough, I am only prohibited from making new threads.

me too, that's the highest ''power'' the Sup Forums mod has I think, didn't even abuse threads

it's too late to fix it. I've accepted Sup Forums for what it is now, an empty cold shell of its former self.


really? thats a bit fucked.

I'm the dude that tells you you're doing god's work germanbro


holy shit stop making this thread

POWER RANKINGS threads Ere the absolute tits, too bad the fucking fatass janitor delete them everytime he can... for $0.00 per month

No need to decide how to make it good, it just needs to stop being made bad. That means mods fuck off.

It's a fucking travesty what happened. Mods have killed the board gradually. In 2013 it was bad and people were complaining, 2014 had the CP bot and 2015/16 basically were dead already. The fact that people actively cheered on the mods for removing mandrama should tell you enough.

shit board, shit site, stuck here forever with hopes of it returning to its former glory

Less reddit and Sup Forums

More power rankings

Generals are cancer but they're never going away. I'm not sure how to fix those. They seem completely controlled by posters but it's hard to say "hey stop posting shitty content."

Bans should only last 24 hours with how liberally they're given out

You can't resuscitate a corpse.

I agree

>he doesn't believe in zombies


>it's been 7 (seven) years since 2010

thanks Mods

Hello, janitor friend.

>2007 was 18 years ago

tfw moot said we had best banter
tfw no more banter is allowed

I was dead for almost two minutes before being revived

>Common core education in burgerland

>anime is allowed on all boards

im glad hes gone

Sup Forums is dead bros, it's time to accept it and move on

>move on
To where?

Sup Forums is the best it has ever been and i've been here since 1989

IGN sports boards

If I knew I wouldn't still be here

We found the newfag!

Please be more exact with your terminology.
You were neither dead nor a corpse.

a lot of threads actually remind me of old 4chin

The peak of Sup Forums for me personally was when the whole janitor thing blew up

Saying nigger shouldn't get you a 3 day ban

Sup Forums is just a giant cesspool of /redpill/ retards moaning about blacks every day. barely waste time here anymore. haven't been any eventb owls or good oc in a long time.

Maybe a few years ago but now it should, this isn't your safe space

>Maybe a few years ago but now it should
That's exactly the problem, reddit friend.

>le plebbit

Is that all you can say, kraut? It used to be that the rule wasn't enforced because ''nigger'' was more of a ''fag'' and it didn't matter what the race of the person getting called one was, now there's retards who take pride in using it as ''redpilled'' and yes, it should be banned, not because its offensive, but because it allows to draw in more lazy, good for nothing subhumans that blame everyone and everything for their horrendous lives (but their own pitiful self). If you don't like it you can rightly fuck off back to youtube comments sections where you belong

Making fun of Amerifats shouldn't get you one either but here we are.

>haven't been any eventb owls or good oc in a long time.
Because mods and janitors delete them within minutes and most good OC makers have left and the threads would get deleted anyway.

I miss the days when we were allowed to have habbening threads for everything along with sports discussion

To be fair, blacks and their shitlib enablers have both been way out of line since around the time of the Trayvon event.

i think you guys need to start browsing Sup Forums less, i barely use it now and it's not that big of a deal. i have other things. interested in seeing how it'll develop with nipponsan but other than that, eh. most people these days on Sup Forums seem to be actually retarded and just using it as a public toilet anyway. my other boards are all basically dead now.

>tfw used to love Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /k/, Sup Forums, /o/ and Sup Forums
>tfw whey all turned to shit except for /k/

but yeah this place is only good for the quicky social interaction nowadays or just making fun of retards who get a lid blown over it

We need more threads about female athletes.

Whatever you say, however you may justify your reasoning, reddit friend.

>we need censorship

please leave

Rather be a redditor than a worthless nigger like you
Sorry, but no, not an argument. That's like saying banning CP is restrictive to your ''''freedom'''' of speech, it was always in the rules but never enforced until, as I explained, your nasty kind arrived

bark bark

Delete Sup Forums

Funny at what a loss for words you are, figure that, the '''aryan''' person brought on his knees by the slavic subhuman, not that it happened before or anything. Now why don't you fuck off and cheat more people with your unreliable shitheaps?


Flags complete ruined Sup Forums. Fact!


What is your opinion of Russia's Brave Vladimir Putin?

No. Mods ruined Sup Forums. However, flags are still complete shit.


weak bait kangaroonigguh

>sideways Peru talking shit

How did you lads feel after his janky autistic handshake was dominated by the canadian cuck? Or rather what narrative have you made up to deal with it?
He's alright, got a kremlin bot in the white house and isn't afraid of anything, might even save yurop from another kraut chimpout

Fake news.

>might even save yurop from another kraut chimpout
Can't he just save us from the chimps now?

Kek, that seems about right

What if I redpill you and tell you that you are the chimps?

I would respectfully disagree.

boring as fucking shit


>refusing to take the redpill

What a cuck!

I'm not a cuck, I just like to watch my girlfriend get plowed, okay?

You can tell all 2017 Sup Forumstards are all redditors

>a fucking Russian is triggered by the word nigger

god damn this board is a paradoy

I'm not, not at all surprised that the american spic can't read, and yes, you are a spic country, by and all, you aren't even 20% white by this website's autistic measurements (which are factually wrong and not accepted in the world xoxoxoxox)

And finally

>baaaaw why do people from X country dare to go against by preconceived notions

You silly less than human chimp!

I have a feeling this Russian is the cp spammer on a proxy

>cp spammer writing books

calm down

Sup Forums was never consistently good. It still has the occasional good thread (remember that Botswana Premier League thread a couple of months ago?), same as it always did. People going "waaa, waaa, why isn't this board as good as it used to be?" was being laughed out of Sup Forums in 2010 for being tragically short-sighted and idiotic, and now you people are unironically discussing it here.

If you want shitposters to leave, then great, I agree. Fuck off. Bye. The rest of you:
>Stop posting like you are on Twitter
>Stop making the same joke over and over and over again when it was never funny in the first place
>"Bro culture" is just a codeword for failures pretending to be alpha Chads, which is literally the most Reddit thing imaginable
>Eventb owls still exist; they are just on other boards now

How can anyone possibly say these are the worst days of Sup Forums? Do you remember the CP spammer? Or was he caught before you all started coming here?

>tfw after all my defence of Sup Forums, I am now getting a "Connection Error" and need multiple attempts to post

Really lazy shitposting is widely tolerated, if you are going to ban board culture things you may as well ban illiterate shitposters.
But generals killed Sup Forums anyway, it's all BBS board bullshit nowadays.

Nice non argument chimpy


digits confirm

he also types exactly like someone who has been a mod

cp spammer mad af

Nice non argument chimpy

See, this sort of thing kills threads quick. Especially if it's some autismfest between ESLs like Spain/Portugal/Slovakia.

>Ruskie BTFO'ing basement dwellers and robots
Wew, nu-Sup Forums ain't all that bad

So basically you want this place to be reddit?

Fuck that noise & fuck your mother for good measure.

I love the Liverpool banter

his shitposting is bulgaria tier, which is probably the most underrated on here

you mad nigger?

I know you are dying to spam this thread with cp except you won't because the thread isn't breaking the rules

you are 100% the cp spammer you are exactly like him

>he was probably hungry
Well, he isn't anymore. Pragmatic way to solve world hunger.

>Eventb owls still exist; they are just on other boards now
That's the point, bruv. I don't want to go to Sup Forums are some other shit board to get my event threads. I want to watch it with my fellow Sup Forumsartans like before.
Fucking hell.




Just angering Sup Forums chimps by, *gasps* daring to go against their narrative, quite sad that Sup Forums has gotten to the point where you get people in a fit of uncontrollable rage simply by not conforming. lol. Bet my quality english notions trigger them too.
You talking about the bulgarian guy who was triggering the Sup Forums chimps by saying blondes are subhuman (which is true! non slavic blondes are worthless subhumans!). And yes he was neatly efficient.
Nice non argument chimpy