Sup Forums this just happened not 5 minutes ago

Sup Forums this just happened not 5 minutes ago

>be me
>night time
>living in old house with dense woods surrounding
>dog wants to go outside
>get harness and leash on dog
>open doors
>step outside
>immediately hear woman scream in terror
>look all around see nothing
>dog pisses
>go inside
>lock all doors
>mfw there's nobody that lives close to me
>mfw still terrified

Other urls found in this thread:

Let me in

seriously, call the police. it's free.

Update user?

It's called a vixen, retard

Its cold out here

Probably a coyote. They often sound like a woman screaming.

No because op is lying

Haha pussy get a torch, some sort of club and your doggo and go out there

how old are you. if around 20 years old, welcome to the world of schizophrenia friend

What this guy said.

Ask on /x/ they should help you

or its a fox

OP here, called the police and not stepping out of this house again tonight fuck that. There was no mistaking that this was a woman's scream

dude ask anons on /x/ they might help

Ok. Got my torch and a couple friends with me.

Bringing back up

You mean BLACK up. Amirite?

rolling for anti-bad stuff blessed water shit

Get a gun and a high powered flashlight. You have a dog. Probs a fox as other had stated. Stop being a pussy faggot and kill some shit.

fisher cat!

Could have been a fox barking

Man up, grab a knife, and go see whats up.

Lynxes can also sound like a 15 year old girl screaming. Stepped outside my place late at night about a year ago to go for a cruise, was just about to unlock my car door when I heard this girl scream about 15 feet on the other side of my vehicle. I have never moved so fucking fast in my life, between me unlocking the door, starting the car and leaving thet driveway, I clocked in at a max of 5 seconds

Sorry Sup Forumsro's been posting on /x/
Last thing that happened
>took walk to edge of property
>saw faint light in distance
>took pic
>heard female scream again no denying it
>got the fuck back inside
>called other authorities


No, it's a fox. Look up fox call on Youtube. You'll shit.

probably some dumb bitch getting murdered and u 2 spooked to go help, how does someone grow up to be such a coward?

OP here, not gonna lie coward as shit, this is irl I wish this was some sick roleplay

Plz keep updated

OP here. was just a gay orgy inside my bed room. sorry for the disappoinment guys.

Op is kill

Post tits