So rich people, how come you don't wanna share your wealth with your friends :(

So rich people, how come you don't wanna share your wealth with your friends :(

That sounds like a good way to be poor. If friends were not stupid, they'd be rich too.

what friends

This is pretty much it. You don't get rich by giving it away.

I'm poor as fuck and niggas still try to mooch off of me

because we earned it, they did not

Because my friends wont appreciate the value of the money and all it will do is devalue the money I have left. Once they have wasted it they will be worse off because of the inflation they caused.


I don't think you understand economics...

I mean, if you were a real libertarian, like any good idiot on Sup Forums should be, you should know that exchanging money is good for the economy.

if you worked really hard for some money would you want to give all your friends a bunch of money?


What have you done to earn some of my wealth?

do you really make enough money to change the economy significantly?

What have you done to earn some of your wealth?

>rich people are rich because they see patterns others don't
>laundry mat

have it

And im only 20 in university.

it takes work to earn money, and just asking someone for money isnt work. get a job fag

why made all this money my nigger

The majority of rich people, be it those who inherited it, or those who earned it believe that they are entitled to it. Their ego is as inflated as their bank balance.

In order for them to be rich, then need to be compared to someone who is not. They drive a Ferrari because you can't.

It's not enough for them to be rich. You also have to be poor.

wow mommy and daddy take good care of you

wow almost enough to buy a used motorcycle

we do its called capital so we dont need to pay income taxes you are welcome


who is going to clean my house if there aren't poors tho

i was orphaned as a child. I was making the point of me struggling. How is 14k rich.

thats what Mexicans are for


or a brand new toyota

you are in college and you have 14k, never said thats rich

Really? So when our company gave $500.00 each to the members of a small village to allow us to mine copper there it didn't totally fuck their lives.
First thing they did was stop doing the very little work they were previously doing. Next they started getting pissed everyday. Within a month all of the young women were selling themselves and the blokes were robbing traders from nearby villages. This started a war between the villages and the PNG Army moved in to arrest pretty much everyone.
So for the high price of about 20,00 grand free money we totally fucked the economies of 2 villages and ruined the lives of a hundreds.
All in 2 months. Had we paid them 5 dollars a week each the villages would have prospered.

were getting nowhere with this. I love you user. marry me.

yeah a fucking yaris maybe

well what did you expect from africa

pretty sure you a can get a 2017 aygo for 7k-14k no?

wow you have the same feelings for me?


It should be no surprise that what's good for the US economy is often bad for people's lives.

i felt it was obvious from the first time you replied to me.

Get the fuck out commie shit

Rich people took that money from the hard-working employees that work for them and earned their fair share of it.

I think he meant inflation in a subjective, personal way. When I made 120k by being 3rd in the sunday millions poker tourney a few years ago, after that obtaining like 5k bonus from work was like peanuts, even though its still a lot of money

Scammers don't like giving things back.

Nice Loan refund...

>Scammers don't like giving things back.
Because they're too lazy to get a fucking job and earn their fair share.

>Because they're too lazy to work themselves so they underpay the people they've fooled into working for them and overcharge for the product people that aren't them make.

no this. young me is amazed I'll throw away $50 just to watch it flutter in the breeze

its like ive been looking for you my whole life

no loans here

I now make 100k a year -- Am I rich?
idk, but back when I was making

when I was 5, $5 would have changed my life
at 12, $50 would have made a huge impact
at 18, $500 would have really helped
at 24 $5000 helped a little
at 30 $50,000 was nice but wouldn't change anything
now at 45 you could cold write me a check for $500,000 and I'd throw it in the bank and my lifestyle/problems wouldn't change one fucking iota

meanwhile I see all these poor wage slaves so perpetually fucking excited because they got a 50ยข raise and promoted to manager at the 3rd new job they've had this year.

It's not fucking fair.

i dont make friends with poor people, and even if i did, it would ruin the friendship, i'd never know if they were friends with be because im a great guy to be around or because i give them money.

depends on where you live and how much you blow on house, card and car payments. I know several people who couldn't replace a broken microwave despite making six figures.

i'm 31 and 4000 bucks would change my life for the better because I could finally be out of debt. being in debt is like a crushing weight. it's like a hole i'm slowly clawing my way up out of. once i'm out of debt I dont think i'll be as depressed. life will still not be that great since i wont have money but it would be a lot better since i wont owe any banks anything anymore and anything i earn after i pay all my bills for the month will be mine finally.

that's like crying that your dick is too big

you need to keep looking for people poor and rich people. if they are a good friend it will not matter how wealthy you are.

if i make friends with poor people though they might just like me because of my money, and i could never know, so if i just shun all poor people i can be sure that my friends like me for who i am

no its a guy with a big dick crying about how small everyone elses dicks are

that's super gay

i guess but thats life, you have to take chances. maybe if someone wants money then make sure you dont give them too much and make sure they pay you back

I do but honestly that's a good way to get fake friends

you can never trust poor people with money tbh, they see rich people as nothing more than wallets to be exploited

how do they even know youre rich? are you like hey im bob i have lots of money

im friends with 1 rich kid, he buys me skins in csgo and such sometimes, i never ask for it. he told me i was the only real friend he had because everyone else just wanted his money. he told me how hard it was to trust people and i was the only person who liked him as a person.

why the fuck would i?
1 - i have my own shit to save for.
2 - i am not their sugar daddy
3 - if u give them money once, they will assume you will do it again

Fuck this thread. Saved 10k in. 6 months. What kind of car should I buy my loving, overworked parents. Something reliable please.