We should have the same number of confederate memorials, as Nazi memorials, and Rising sun Japanese memorials...

We should have the same number of confederate memorials, as Nazi memorials, and Rising sun Japanese memorials, and memorials to the King of England, and all the other enemies of the United States of America. Zero.

But if you insist on ignoring your history you will keep making the same mistakes.

>please ban things that offend me
You'd look nice on the inside of a dodge engine bay

Really? You must be a fucking moron and really bad at logic.... because hate them as you will.. confederate soldiers were still Americans.

Ever occur to you that many who fought and died for the south had no choice in the matter. They had to fight.

>confederate soldiers were killing Americans.

Bitch, pick up a book. You don't need a statue to remind yourself that owning other people is morally wrong.

Nigga do you have any idea what the Civil War was even about?

They were not Americans. They left the country, or tried to. The Confederates were beaten dogs who should really just be put down like traitors in our collective memories.

This, plus road and school names. Would you send your kid to Osama Bin Laden elementry school?

As soon as statues start getting torn down, shit's gotten retarded.

I don't agree with MLK or the entire civil rights movement, but I would never want it erased from history or any of it's monuments destroyed.

Then why do we have slave owners all over our money? .. and lots of statues built to honor them? 95% of the founding fathers were: slave owners, traders, or profiteers from slavery. Why are revered?

So at a civil war battlefield historical site, are confederate statues not allow?

we unironically need to tear down the jefferson memorial, washington monument, mount rushmoor and several other things
We need a complete revamp of our money too
and history books need to be rewritten so losers like this can't misunderstand the obvious:

Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, all owned slaves WHILE IN OFFICE. When are you going to remove those symbols of slavery?

The confederates were true Americans as the founding fathers intended just as the Union were true Americans.

Lincoln himself said "Of the people by the people for the people" if the people want race based slavery then so be it. A war was fought and the confederates lost but that does not make them un-american.

Stop projecting.

It was about owning black people.

It is complicated to square away that portion of history. I guess that far back we as a nation didn't understand that slavery was wrong.
We figured it out, and a bunch of people didn't wanna, so they became traitors to our nation and started a war over it.

Big city folks move into small towns because they can't afford to live there anymore. Then they try and tell the 12 generation residents living there to change everything.

Because at the time, they did not fight for the right to have slaves. The south chose to secede from the united states, over keeping people as property.

You're a fucking moron. Only a child thinks the way you do. Children and communists.

>it was about owning black people
Pick up a book

Museums are ok. They can provide context for our racist past.

Government buildings and Public places are not ok.


There are dangerous, evil forces at work in our nation who hope to create a new civil war that destroys the United States.

These forces are being led by a power based outside of the United States.

This enemy is pitting both sides against each other, and it is using the media to achieve its goals.




Apparently you do because 90% of Americans have forgot that the slave trade of Africans was mostly conducted by other Africans.

Every race has dealt in slaves and every race has been enslaved. America has forgotten that. Without these statues it is just a matter of time before you forget that slavery debases all of humanity.

>Lincoln himself said "Of the people by the people for the people" if the people want race based slavery then so be it
And there was people that wanted slavery ended. It's not like it's just one person that thought it was morally wrong to treat a human as property.

They quite literally betrayed our nation.They were traitors.

Tfw none of you have studied the American Civil War and nobody realizes the confederacy stood for much more than just slavery.

Museums and national parks are governent owned and public spaces

>tear down rushmore

Remember when Isis destroyed Petra?

Completely different right?

Agreed. We need to get the Russians out of the Whitehouse.

He could also pick up the consitution of the CSA and see that it was about slavery

Seriously though, having gone to a school in the north it's all
>the north defeated the evil south, who fought tooth and nail for the right to hang blacks but don't worry YOUR ANCESTORS stopped them

Ironic twist, If they stayed in the union the probably would have kept their slaves for a decade or two, the push for emancipation wasn't that dire. The south overreacted.

Lincoln wanted to send them all over to Liberia at first. Then the emancipation procliamation only applied to the slave owning states in Confederacy, not in the slave owning states in the union.

Why is he revered?

What was it about, then? States wanted more autonomy so they could keep slavery legal. Google 'bleeding kansas' as a demonstration of how hot a topic slavery was at the time

What bugs me is how anyone arguing against removing confederate monuments usually go with "bbbbut Jefferson owned slaves, are you gonna remove his monuments?"
Well, he didn't try to break apart our country. The Confederacy, however, absolutely wanted to. Like why should we honor those who wanted a divided country?

Put em in museums, write about them in books. Edit that wikipedia article.

Get them out of our Government buildings and public places, lest they be removed by force.

What do you define as a museum? A storage space you never visit? Context is perception and perception is subjective.

It is the duty of the observer to seek context.


My point is that the whole economy of the inchoate United States of America was built on slavery. You will never shed that nasty fact by tearing down a few vestiges of a bygone era. Best be to leave them as reminders of this past, so that we don't tread down that road again.








>buying a pass just to post poop


Yes, I know this. Museums are ok though. They provide context.

Instead of a statue of a racist, you have a statue of a racist, explaining that he was a racist traitor to our nation that died defending the idea that owning people was ok.


You're right, I don't. Please list some things.




Enlightened post/10. The confederates were traitors who posed the greatest threat America has ever faced. How tf are people supporting them and then turning around and claiming they support America? It's completely paradoxical



Did you deliberately ignore my point or did you just miss it? I implied the Union disagreed with the Confederate view of slavery and won the war, but that war was fought between two American armies.

The confederates don't get to be retroactively un-American because more of them were killed.


Lincoln was a statesman. He understood compromise.

Why is everybody so unhinged about president trump? Haven't people gotten used to him yet?


> We should have the same number of confederate memorials, as Nazi memorials, and Rising sun Japanese memorials, and memorials to the King of England, and all the other enemies of the United States of America. Zero.

But isn't there a statue of Vladimir Lenin in Seattle or something? Old leader of the USSR, kinda seems like one would consider that an enemy of the US since at the time we were so actively against communism. We have more statues of historical figures, or "enemies", here than you may think. Educate yourself before spouting bias


and Indian ones, too, right? They also lost a war against the US and should be recognized as a defeated enemy just like the others.




At what point did they betray America? America was created by slave owners. Read a book.



fuck off cunt this is america our speech is offensive and our guns are sacred eat shit and DIE



Your concern trolling is pretty weak.
The statues are going, one way or another.



Lol hurr Durr I'm a liberal op is a faggot.




>Why is he revered?
Because he won

If we have one, then clearly we need one.

If a sufficient percentage of Americans hate half the people of the country and would rather kill them than live in the same country as them, then we have a civil war on our hands.

...It doesn't take two sides to make it a war, just one. If one group of people decides it is at war against you, and willing to use physical force to subdue or eliminate you, you are at war. Currently, we have enough people on the right, and enough people on the left, to make it happen. It's only a matter of when.



Confederates weren't Americans. They were as anti-american as possible, that was the entire point of the fucking confederacy, "fuck America, we don't want to be american anymore".


No, best to put them in museums, to demonstrate that we can grow past our shitty past.

There are plenty of history books to remind us that our country was founded on a lot of really shitty ideas.






Solid argument, friend. There is a group of like minded people you can look into. They are called Antifa, they used to be called the Nazis.


A statue is, to me, more of an honorable emblem. Does germany have statues of Hitler? Nope, they never have and never will because why erect some monument to a supremely fucked leader?



>They were as anti-american as possible
In what way?


When they decided to try to split the country in half and had to have a war fought to put them in their place.