Ok antifa you have 5 seconds to prove that Nazis are bad

Ok antifa you have 5 seconds to prove that Nazis are bad


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Antifa aren't interested in proving shit, just being violent spoiled children larping as revolutionaries.



One group is advocating murder against civilians of any ethnic background.
The other group show up to kick the ass of these murders, since they apparently only understand the language of violence.

But keep suggesting that both sides are bad. If you repeat it often enough, someone of limited intelligence might eventually believe you.

What's wrong with this?

ummm, those are dead people that died of typhus sweetie

I can prove they are losers

>be nazi
>lose every time

They hurt my feelings and stuff

The won't let me have special rights and being white is bad for some reason.


Looks like no one can prove they're bad. Sad!

When Antifa stops equating 100% of people disagree with them on any minor point at all Nazis and actually starts going after Nazis, ill give them credit. Right now, they're just opportunistic faggots who assault and vandalize at any opportunity. Lets provide examples of their faggotry.
Was this black student a Nazi?

Are the many Trump supporters bloddied by Antifa all Nazis? I know you wanna say yes, but no, they aren't.

Was this geriatric woman a Nazi?

Antifa are nothing more than Stalinist monsters who should be dealt with in the same manner as the Nazis they claim to hate.

>One group is advocating murder against civilians of any ethnic background.
You guys keep saying this and I'm not sure why you'd think it.



Thats easy:
If it hadn't been for the Nazis, there would have been enough German workers in Germany for the Wirtschaftswunder.
But since so many Germans were killed in WWII we had to import moslems.
So thanks to Hitler Germany is now becoming an Islamic state.

>Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S."

This antifa vs. nazis schtick is an old Finlandization tactic used by the Russians. It polarizes politics to the point of caricature, nothing serious ever gets accomplished again, and Russia is easily able to gain massive agency in the government.

It's not really a change in any way, it's just that different folks will be draining the plebeians of their vigor.

Godwin's Law.


I don't fucking understand! antifa is against nazis, but people are calling them nazis, and people who like nazis are calling antifa liberals, but people who hate liberals, nazis and antifa are being called traitors. IS THIS FUCKING CLUSTERFUCK INTENTIONAL?

checkmate bitch youtube.com/watch?v=lyeTj002DCo

No. Literal Nazis and KKK members, and other racists are calling Antifa bad names to make people who don't know any better believe that Antifa are bad, but it is the Literal Nazis and KKK and racists who are bad.

Just like how Trump is literally Hitler and a KKK grandmaster. top kek

No, Trump's dad was an actual KKK member tho.

ok, so the clusterfuck is intentional, just like the election. I'll just continue to disregard politics and hope they don't fuck it up too much for an honest hard working American to get by.


That is the best course. I've been pretty obsessive over it, and the whole thing is a huge shitshow, but it seems like it's going to be over soon.


Nazis want genocide.
Why is genocide bad?
It kills people.
Why is killing people bad?
I don't know how you could say needless violence and murder is somehow innately bad, but taking away other people's lives for no reason sure seems like a shitty thing to do.

when all of western media hates white people, is it any wonder the only activist group that tells you that you are valuable as a white person and should have children/propogate your race is the one that everyone likes?

Being on the left is worse than nazis right now, how the fuck does the left even ever recover from that shit.

Nice strawman you got there, jew lover

That would imply that Jews are people.

Not him but idk bro everytime I think it will blow over something new happens. First it's all the kids getting shot and tased and now it's this virginia shit from incest ridden hicks. I'm not really involved but it's just stressful to see the country you live in such a clusterfuck

It's not a strawman. If you want to ask if something is good or bad, it boils down to what good and bad is in the first place. You could think every life matters or maybe you think it doesn't matter if hitler kills a few million people because nothing is permanent so none of it matters anyway, so you can be as violent as you want

They are Nazis. 3 seconds to spare.

we're all biologically humans, even jews

antifa can't prove anything. all they do is lie

Wait, what happened in Virginia?
I did a quick a search, but the articles are at least a month old.

if your argument can be summed up with "they did so i can," you're argument is invalid

>Nazis want genocide
>It's not a strawman

The white power rallies

Ohhhh, I thought there was an incest scandal.

Nazis are most widely referred to as the group of people who followed hitler and cause the death of over 6 million people, which is genocide. Any other definition of nazi is not what the general population will refer to as a nazi. If you think a nazi is not what it has historically been, then you are mistaken or are trying to redefine the term. So no, it's not a strawman. The genocide comes with the territory of identifying as a nazi.

mmm...wheat fields

gwon ya democrat in sheeps clothing

keep believing that, little goy

normies just think of nazis as anyone who disagrees with them, due to godwin's law the term nazi is literally dead in shock value.

My bad, I didn't know you were actually mentally handicapped and not just trying to mess with me

I think that's more on the internet and in extremist views, but most people probably still know what a nazi is

they killed people to prove they are superior. that's bad.

Of course no need to proving shit, it written in the name retard : anti-fascist

Holy shit do you actually believe this?


Math = lies, apparently

Okay, people that have died due to illness, whats bad about that?

Shit, even Patton noticing the jewish propaganda machine firing up before he (((suddenly died in a car accident)))


The numbers in that image are wrong. Math is not a lie, but that image is.


>6000 bodies a day

After a visit to ruined Berlin, he wrote his wife in July 21, 1945: "Berlin gave me the blues. We have destroyed what could have been a good race, and we are about to replace them with mongolian savages. And all Europe will be communist. It's said that for the first week after they took it (Berlin), all women who ran were shot and those who did not were raped. I could have taken it (instead of the Soviets) had I been allowed".

If you had read the pic I posted you could clearly see that it would be logistically impossible to kill and dispose of 6000 bodies a day every day. Now go praise your 6 gorrilion


Up to 6000 at one of the largest concentration camps, not every day at all of them. The image you posted also shows no sources and is made up of estimates and just made up numbers, and then thinks it can hold up in an argument.

"How can any Jew, Israeli, or Shill argue when simple math destroys their theoretical rational?" Well your simple math makes perfect sense when you made up all the sources, doesn't it?

>All the western media hates white people

How does it feel to be retarded?

>Fascist runs over crowd in car. Several don't get back up.
>Old guy gets pepper spray in eye. He washes it out. Life goes on.


but what you posted was wrong

lol, they act all tough and shit when they are attacking defenseless 60 year old Trump supporters and women.

when they encounter someone who is willing to fight back, they cry like little bitches to the government (suddenly the anarchist like the state lol).

"logistically impossible to kill and dispose of 6000 bodies a day every day" Maybe, but that's not what it says, is it?

why is it not logistically possible ?
i am sure this is possible, like meat, we do logistic with tones of meat everyday.

So what, did they keep 6k bodies stacked up to be burned the next day?
6k/day is really really high, even for an industrial strength death factory

No, they killed inferior shit genes

You're right, even though 1 single nazi larper ran some people over and caused some chick to have a heart attack, the left is comprised of more terrorists. You can literally spend hours watching this stuff if you weren't so retarded that you can't google search or keyword search on youtube.

The Nazis were having their political opponents assassinated, I can think of only one party that does that in 2017.

Look at any ranch big enough to kill and dispose of 6000 animals a day and it'll make Auschwitz look like a cabin in the woods

If hitler had just chilled for a while Germany wouldn't have gotten neutered

Believing some are inferior due to race leads to unneeded hatred and violence.



tldr: it's just a plaque, not a historian

They didn't finish the job. Half-assing things is bad.

I mean they didn't have 6000 every day, but 6000 a day at peak efficiency, which did not happen every day

...induced by starvation...in the camps.

Shouldn't feed the trolls, but still...

Auschwitz was not the only camp. and animals are bigger and need more space than humans.

and there was railroads, why is it not possible ?

>ignoring all the people killed by right-wing terror attacks

...german prisoners of war held by the Russians...who were treated better than russian civilians...please factcheck.

How can people think jews pull the strings behind major corporations and governments but still think they're inferior? They're either not controlling everyone, or they are and they're superior for being able to do it


>right-wing terror attacks
Ya, all 6 of them in the last 2 fucking decades. Fucking retards they are sending these days, please keep this sort of shit up user, you're totally helping the left!


They can manipulate whites because whites have empathy. Asians have more raw intellect than whites, but they boil dogs alive and throw babies in rivers

Antifa literally use violence against others that defy their way of thinking which goes by the same exact logic as the nazis you are thinking of, so maybe just let people use free speech, eh? Don't take part in harming another person unless they are harming another (then maybe just stop them rather than using violence first) and you'll be fine, and I'm pretty sure you can be morally justified.
You can't change peoples mind's, but you can help them change their own.

Auschwitz was reported to be the biggest. Even chicken farm need shitloads of automated machinery to kill 6000. I suppose the trains full of bodies just hauled them into space and that's why they disappeared? You have no solid evidence of 6 gorilion



No one's saying jews are inferior, we're saying we want to end jewish globalism and media influence on our people

How many explicitly left wing attacks have there been in the last 2 decades.
Right wing attacks happen like every year

So many classical liberals and the normal left have gone independent and or switched entirely. I am a real classical liberal, I believe in free speech, hateful or not. The democratic party as I knew it is gone, Trump was the best option, the guy is more liberal than any other republican in a while. I think people should use their own discernment and don't just follow anything blindly.


Many antifa indentify as commies though, so even with what you said in mind, that makes them massively worse than nazis.

You have no solid evidence of less than 6 million. Between every concentration camp, they can easily get 6 million. If they worked round the clock like that image said, they could have gotten millions more. They still easily killed and disposed of 6 million in that time span

Antifa calls everyone a nazi. This is the problem with this group.