Why didn't Superman stop the bomb?

Why didn't Superman stop the bomb?

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It was in a lead box and his X-ray vision cannot penetrate lead.

But once the bomb explodes, he can stop it before the explosion kills anyone.

Why does he bald?

He was too busy listening to the sound of his hair follicles shrinking.

Dude he's just superman, not quicksilver

this superman can't react at light speed, he's not the flash

Kryptonite makes his hair grow back but diminishes his powers and makes him weak. This is the plotline for the upcoming Supperman movie.


Because they were focusing too hard on him quietly feeling conflicted all the time to think of little details like that which could enhance the story.

Superman has to focus in order to react fast, otherwise he'd be living his life in slow motion permanently.

How did Lex know that? In the original Superman he only knew because Superman mentioned it like 5 times

He's not the fucking Flash.

He made a mistake. He admits this literally 2 minutes later.


>You either die a hero....or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

So.....he was turning into Lex Luthor all along?

Exactly, he's faster.

You don't seem to understand, Superman is *literally* Mary Sue: The Character. He has literally every power he needs to make things right, that's the point.


the hairline

He's not faster than Flash fucking retard. Yeah Superman is fast but he can't react like Flash could.

maybe the bomb was made of kryptonite

>Supperman movie


you made clark kent turn into a dinner

Why didn't Superman fly around the Earth to go back in time and not kill Zod?

>tfw Lex killed his japanese gf

>WAAAAAH, why didn't Snyder make his powers inconsistent?
You people are really grasping at straws. This isn't Iron Man; you don't just introduce and drop powers and weapons on a whim whenever it suits the plot.

He hadn't unlocked time traveling powers yet

Nice box, Lois.

>This isn't Iron Man; you don't just introduce and drop powers and weapons on a whim whenever it suits the plot.

Great argument talking about something arbitrary and irrelevant to the argument to prove your "point".

Fucking faggot.

>The senator is freaking out over that jar of pee on her desk. Lex isn't here either...nevermind
>I guess its just tradition to stumble over words and pass ceremonial jarate around in fear.

too distracted by his thoughts about premature balding, and his place in a world where he is all mighty but also balding

btw I loved the movie I just think it was amusing to post the above

>huh a wheelchair made of lead nothing suspicious there

there is not premature balding.
You're just balding when your genes tell your hair to say goodbye. For some, it's earlier than others. Accept this. It's the only way.

IIRC Flash got his shit kicked in by Superman at one point because Superman could react faster than Flash.

The point is that if Superman had pulled a brand new power out of his ass and gone "NOW I CAN DO THIS, I'VE BEEN ABLE TO DO IT THIS WHOLE TIME" It would have been Iron Man-tier laziness.

Replies itt are so casual it hurts except the first reply. I'm sure you're all memeing though, Sup Forums isnt that retarded right?

Spotted the bald fag

>fags debating comic book power levels
They're never consistent, retards. It's a pointless exercise.

Those were for charity, Clark


How's this hairstyle called?


Ultimate isn't canon

Balding or not he is still a more handsome than all of us combined, even with a shaved head and a bear he would be sexier than all of us

Snyders Superman is nowhere near as powerful or fast as his comic book counterpart

He should have been suspicious of a dark spot, also it's never been established that he can't see through lead in these films.

True, I make fun of his hairline even though mine's about the same


>faster than the flash
Holy shit you are stupid

He's FTL, you retards. Read a Superman book.


He has Zod's corpse. You can discern that he learned all sorts of things from that.


Because he hates humanity and wanted excessive loss of life.

BvS is a masterpiece because its crafted in a way to lead even the audience to believe that Cavil is a hero despite him not being one. The whole movie is actually leading towards an alien invasion dystopia future ALA "am i too late?"/


what is some good ill hill kino?

I said THIS superman isn't faster than light or the flash, as in, Henry Cavill's superman.

That's just reaching.

But he traveled from the Arctic to Metropolis in just a few seconds. He's obviously fast, though we don't know how fast. Given that he could survive a nuke after being depowered by Kryptonite it's safe to say he's not that much weaker than his comic book counterpart.

Why didn't Lex just kill superman via kryptonite bomb?

Clearly it works for batman and Lex had the kryptonite at that point, he also knew without a doubt that Superman would be there thanks to his actions.

He has these lengthy diatribes about proving Superman can't be all good and all powerful, but nothing he does leads to that. Getting him killed by Batman or killing Batman doesn't really prove that anymore than killing him with a kryptonite bomb.

If the fight happened in Daylight so that Superman could be framed for instigating a fight with Batman that would make some sense, but as is it seems kind of retarded. Why not just kill superman in the court? If he was looking to weaponize the items why did it take him so much longer than Batman despite having so much more facility and apparently more intelligence.

his x-ray vision was never publically disclosed in the movies either - the only time in came up onscreen was when he was a child. "the world's to big mom, then just block it out"

the only way Lex would have known about it would be from reading one of the numerous "puff piece editorials" in the daily planet, writen once every time he "saved a kitten out of a tree" or better.

If the planet did cover the x-rays but didnt cover his inability to see through lead, Lex would do well to hide his bomb behind something superman would have less chance of seeing through. what substance would be good for that i wonder, maybe the most dense, non-radioactive metal known to man.


people seem to be grasping at straws looking for problems, and this particular problem is not being spoon fed details about one of the most iconic characters in western literature.