Anti-Norwegian propaganda on 17 Mai

Gratulerer med dagen Nordmenn.
As with every 17 Mai, the media here spew out anti-Norwegian propaganda claiming that Norwegians are evil. That Norway is better multicultural and that genocide through ethnic replacement a Norwegian value.

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It's not about race, it's about culture. Culture is the product of race, so truly assimilated new Norwegians would care about keeping old stock Norwegians in their rightful place. Remember Westerners and patriotic Europeans come in different forms.


is that an abbo? lolwhat?

>another 17 mai
>another day of sitting inside

That multiculturalism bullshit it's so fucking idiotic. Not even multicultural nations are multicultural because everyone gets segregated and divided.

I barely see niggers outside because they are peacefully killing each other in their ghettos. And yet it's so enraging to see eurocucks wishing to bring the ghettos to the middle of the beautiful cities they've built in the course of centuries.


>Mex like shit skin

Make it stop

For some reason I thought Norway was less cucked than Sweden.

Oh well, all apart of the plan.

At least people still use the day to celebrate national pride.

Happy May 17, brothers.

You mean national suicide.

Quisling did nothing wrong

Imagine a natsoc Scandinavia

''Tanken på å heve det norske flagget mot himmelen og synge «Ja, vi elsker» for full hals er plutselig ikke så fristende. Landet mitt, som jeg er så glad i, er et land jeg ikke har vært så stolt av i det siste. Den vonde smaken kommer av at Norge har blitt hardt og kaldt og egoistisk. Mitt lille land har plutselig ikke hjerterom lenger, plutselig ingen omtanke.''

SJW genocide when?

>claiming that Norwegians are evil. That Norway is better multicultural and that genocide through ethnic replacement a Norwegian value.

What's the narrative here? It's pretty obvious when it comes to Germany, US or UK but historically Norwegians seem to closer to good guys.

Norwegins are evil because we are rich with oil and don't spread our asses for nigger cock by giving them all our money.

>releasing this article

should be outlawed

desecrating the flag or national anthem should be outlawed too

foreign fucks

Quisling did everything wrong. The Nazi occupation of Norway was managed in terrible fashion too.

This reminds me of that picture of that one Norwegian shitlord smiling in a crowd of dead-eyed muds, posted here a few years ago


wanna hang out on Sup Forums shitposting?

>and don't spread our asses for nigger cock by giving them all our money.
Judging by that part I'm guessing that they're some vocal minority of left-wing nutjobs. Hopefully their insanity won't be tolerated for much longer.

>Nordmenn er en av Europas miste folkestammer, vi er alle små i Scandinavia, - jeg tror ikke jeg feirer 17 mai nei, jeg kan bare si jeg er kveker ! ikke noen pen komentar nei men hvorfor skulle jeg skrive det da? desuten tviler jeg på det er noen som er mer glad i Negre og tom jeg liker at Madcome er norsk, jeg forstår deres beundringsverdige skaperverk, jeg er ikke rasist, Oscar Peterson er den beste for meg, jeg nekter den der Nazi greien.
hva mente han med dette?

What Norway and the rest of Europe have to do is simple: ban Islam, kick out all moslems and their affiliates, kick out welfare leeches and their families, all unqualified labor immigrants - naturalized in 2nd, 3rd generation doesn't matter. Let only people exceptional skills to stay. Create real genetic and talent drain immigration policy to Europe which selects from 0,01% of the world's best. Let them come in, after 15 years municipality or city council votes on each individual to grant him citizenship or not. Problem solved.

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