


Got discord? Might be busy for a few weeks, but I'm definitely interested.



Did you get that?
I don't want random assholes adding me.




I'm being honest with you. I'd fuck anything with a hole, romance is just a bonus. The only thing stopping me would be the distance.

Nibi is a top.

Yeah, delete it if you want. Gimme a sec

I guess you wouldnt want me.

As far as he knows



I want to get a centipede.

He knows.

>You will never fuck Nibi on the beach

Sounds like a good way to get sand in unpleasant places

I'm down for a bit of that. So long as he'd let me fuck him too.
Psssh, let me decide

He doesn't want dicks in his ass, he wants his dick in an ass.

You wouldnt want me

You wouldnt want me either.

Y'all need to back off Nibi. He's mine. I'm on a mission to make him a real boy.

Damn, that's unfortunate then. I was looking forward to our "hunting trip".
You? Kek

There's a museum I really want to go to where he lives, so I will be there anyways.

I doubt you are ever going to go thousands of miles to meet someone for coffee only to regret it.

You'd be a one-night stand/casual fuck.

Good luck, bruh. I'm going to travel the country when I get a motorcycle, and Nibi will be mine.

I already have a car and will be in his city by the end of this year or beginning of next year. Depending on the order of the trips I make.

I'd expect more than coffee from you after all that. I also have family over there, I've been over a couple of times and I'll go again.

Then I guess it's a race. Good. I love racing.

If only
No one wants to have sex regardless

You wont want me, im not attractive.

I could theoretically go in October, bump it up in the order and cut back on buying things I don't really need, like music and books.


I feel like you're the one that would chicken out, after I travelled all that way to see you. Also show me, and I'll be the judge of that.

I dont post pics here

You do that then.
Also, I think there's something wrong with me. I took my last 8 Norco 5-325 after doing CWE once more to get the acetaminophen out and just have the hydrocodone, and I feel nothing after an hour. I took 4 two different times, first with CWE and second without, and barely felt anything. Do I just have a really high opiate tolerance? Because 40mg of hydro should have me fucked up right now.

He's hot, but seriously fucked up.

Could be that, or the pills could have expired. All drugs have a shelf life on them that weakens them over time so people can't hoard pills and abuse them.


These are brand new, got them a week ago. I felt it a tiny bit from 20-30min, but that's it. God damn it, why am I so stupidly tolerant to everything?

Pharmaceuticals, that is.

A week ago from who?


The pharmacy. I had to get my tooth pulled, so my dentist prescribed it to me. I have absolutely ridiculous tolerance to pills of any kind.


Or he could have given you a sugar pill. Doctors do either that or they'll switch medications to a different chemical entirely. That way you won't get hooked on them. It's why they didn't give me codeine for my last lung disease.


This was just a one time thing, and they were legit. I felt it a little bit both times before, but this is double and I felt basically nothing. Headache, allergy, and sleeping pills have never worked for me, at all. I have no idea what is wrong with me.

I think I know exactly what he needs ;3
Fair enough. Got discord?

No I dont use discord

Don't know what to tell you then.

Damn. I'll never get to see how good looking you apparently are. A shame really.


If I was good looking I wouldnt be a virgin at 24.

This fucking sucks. I wanna get high all the time, but opiates don't even do anything for me. It could just be that my stomach can't metabolize things right because even a strong weed cookie did nothing for me. That would suck if I could only feel opiates by injection or snorting.

Well, I've only ever been with grills, now I'm gey. Guess that makes me a gay virgin. I'm 24 too!

Women have told me "No one would ever want to date you".

Or smoking.


That too. But I guess it doesn't matter since I doubt I'm going to get anything else any time soon. I'm really considering going shroom hunting tho.

Women say lots of shit. Because they're women.


Only from cow shit and only the ones that bruise blue.

They're right though, because im a virgin and they're not.


There are cows a mile and a half or so. Never seen any shrooms driving by tho, but I guess that's why I'll be hunting for them.

Who cares what they think. If I self conscious like you are, I'd be a virgin too. Confidence man, flaunt that booty.

Yeah, they also aren't very big. So you'll have to actually go up to the cow shit.

He's a top, the hell would he flaunt his ass for?

Self confidence has nothing to do with sex. If you ask someone if they'd like to go on a date or if they're interested in you then that's all that matters.
Ive asked well over 500 people and every time ive been rejected.

Meh, I don't mind. I just wanna get high.

So I can fugg it. Let him speak for himself.
>Self confidence has nothing to do with sex
This coming from a virgin. Self confidence has a lot to do with it. I've seen ugly dudes pull some good looking bitches. And apparently you're not ugly.

I wouldn't mind either if I wanted mushrooms. I'd pluck them out, take them home, wash them gently and quickly, then let them dry.

He's making it pretty clear his intentions.

>This coming from a virgin
Exactly, I dont deserve sex.



There's no "deserving". There's getting out there and getting some.


Then why is it whenever I go out I dont get any and Chad gets it all?


Then maybe he'll fuck me? I'm switch after all. :3
Do you actually talk to them? Or do you expect them to walk up to you and start fucking you out of the blue?

Even if a girl likes you, doesn't mean they'll initiate. Takes two to tango matey


I talk to people, I come up and try to be nice and not to prying or expecting.
Ive been splashed with a drink before because (I DARED TO DISGRACE STACY's PRESENCE) with my ugly mug.
My friend laughed at me and we went to play pool while I pretended it wasnt a big deal.



And guess what? That shit happens. You just have to suck it up and try your luck on another one. Also she sounds like a bitch, a bitch that knows you. Go out to town and talk to some random girl you'd smash. Say you need a doubles partner and ask her to join, doesn't matter, just don't give up after one attempt.

That was my 500th attempt, and I dont care to keep trying. You are bullshitting me.

>You just have to suck it up and try your luck on another one.

This only applies with try number 2 or 3. Ive done this so many times. It isnt worth it anymore.

Maybe he will.

Understandable, have a nice day






Goodnight, fags.





