>tfw circumcised at age 6
>I remember exactly the painful experience, and I have a bad memory, but this stuck with me
>lay on hospital bed
>mom and dad are there with 3 year old sister
>I ask my dad "Why are we doing this?"
>My dad said "So that you won't get infections"
>nurse comes along
>nurse fucking puts me to sleep
>wake up 2 hours later
>look at dick, I remember how horrified I looked
>leave hospital tired and bloody dick hanging out
>to this day i can't feel pleasure from maturbation.
I can just touch the tip of my dick and I won't feel shit. Why did this have to happen to me? I didn't ask for this. I didn't want this. Now that's that.
Cope with me Sup Forums

Just do better for your progeny user. We got fucked but it's not on us. Seek more than sexual pleasure in life.

I feel bad for you but remember the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. At least, unlike most american ablated males, you are able to accept a mutilated dick can't feel a fraction of the pleasure a full dick experiences, so there's hope for you.

Hopefully advances in medicine will be able to restore your loss in the future

>never forget the 6 gorillion foreskins

>cant feel anything on tip of dick

Jesus christ how horrifying

Oh my god. I am so sorry for you. The jews really got you. Don't do it to your children, don't let your wife be tricked. Bless.

I just wish we had a choice.

There is no good reason we need to do it as a child. It's not like the foreskin is going anywhere.

If it's any reassurance, my parents are liberals and voting for Bernie.

I'm sorry that happened to you. I don't understand how one could do that to a defenceless child.

> 6 6 6

god man I... I... Are you devilspawn then...?

And I got satanic Jewish circumcised trips. Even better to the harmful life I live.

I still cant come too terms with the fact that over one invisible line, every man is circumcised. thats nuts.

Nobody does this. Only shitskins (and by extension murricans).

The whole practice is disgusting.

Thank you for staying with me pol.

At least more girls will want you.
I always get turned down for sex whenever women see my wormdick.

I call bs

By the time you are taking your pants off it doesnt fucking matter

You should just tell them you have a blindfold fetish before you take off your pants.

get steam cell serum off amazon, steam cells can repair and replenish feelings of skin and drink holy basil tea. Take these tips forma fellow user.

>So that you won't get infections"
>we're going to open a wound on a dirty part your body to prevent infection
Goddamn, your parents are stupid.

i take back the holy basil tea, thats only for testosterone treatments. Just the serum.

women who are actually above a 6/10 won't want a wormdick. Anytime i've been with someone decent looking or under a 6/10 they would do it, but still be a little hesitant.

I have had women say this but since they were woman I discarded it as bullshit.

Either you're a lying jew or your just shitposting for fun. Women prefer a healthy natural penis. It looks better and feels better inside her.

nice shill kikelord

the only women who publicly state to wanting cut dicks are the ones that want lots of foreskin cucked betaorbiters

i had that done to me as well with being put to sleep and all that although i never got to look at mine. Reason I had it done was "because I had difficulty urinating"

I had to wear a dixie cup over it tied with a string. i do remember it burning like hell as i pissed and some blood came out.

I think it was until college that I realized that perhaps the doctor didn't remove all the stitches because i was messing around and squeezing it and some weird strings came out. I had that in me the whole time.

Other than that I'm perfectly fine. Dick works great and feels great.

I still can't stand the look of uncircumcised penises. It looks like a roll of coins. The real penis is inside the hood anyways.

>I always get turned down for sex whenever women see my wormdick
the same used to happen to george clooney and brad pitt until they mutilated their dicks

Jews tricked my parents too.

bull fucking shit
they do not
at least in my hometown, all the girls i've talked to prefer a cut penis. They could give a shit about it being immoral, they just like the aesthetics.

Why is this culture of circumcision so strong in the eua?

You're the one spewing bullshit.
>the aesthetics
Discoloration, a massive scar, a dried out head is not aesthetic.
And if you're not lying, if you think it's better to have your dick cut up why don't you go and do it? You can. And that's how it should be, if a man wants to be a dumbass and have a knife taken to his junk he can but it shouldn't be forced on a child.