new trap thread
OC is encouraged
New trap thread
OC reporting in :)
More feet, if anyone has a preference for those.
This is a really cute outfit and you have nice skin. Would love to see more like that.
I second this
is that you skelator
why thank you :) I've started posting sets every day of these on my tumblr, I love them (trapsecret dot tumblr)
im only posting one oc from last nights fun love you all im a sleepy little faggot
ps my kik is
Kik is dopeyfuzzball
No face=just another man faced CD faggot
I would like to ask you guys because you are so open about being a faggot (on here at least), what do you think about all the gay Social justice warriors? And what are you views on gay marriage and adoption?
Sounds good. Always happy to check out more OC.
More non-lewd oc because my lewd mood is dead right now.
Hi again ^,^
keep em coming lets see that little clitty
go away
happy boys make me happy
1.) they're all faggots, more gay than traps on here
2.) dont give a shit
3.) dont give a shit, again
Sorry for straight forward answers, but that's it
Sup Forumsu/t/i/s/m/ Sup Forumst/ /i/t/s/ /f/i/n/e/s/t/
being gay is a mental illness
xd go shitpost somewhere else, no one really cares
I think you mean "faceless crossdressers". Fucking neck yourself.
I love this pic
That's all good i prefer straight up answers, i'm just interested to see the opinions of the traps on here, on these subjects.
Hi Breezy! Good to see you again :)
their personal life choices literally have zero effect on me, why should I care what they do
I checked your tumblr, nice stuff.
I especially like the cute clothes, I'm looking to buy some myself, too.
Anyway, good stuff!
What's good babes
thank you! I'll definitely post more soon :)
xd not a shitpost. being gay is an actual mental illness, and was believed to be as such, until recently with all this PC fags.
Just gross - look at them nuts.
here's another from my tumblr
As far as I've noticed, most are shy or don't bother replying to retarded posts and stuff like that, which is fine I guess. I just hate the 'hypno' shit people made up. It's actual cancer, to be honest.
If there's a scale of degeneracy, that takes the top, I swear.
I heard lewd stuff was what was wanted
Dat ass
Unicorn Trap
>OP pic is perfect trap
>all other pics don't even have balls or buttholes showing
seriously, what the fuck?
i threw up a little, what's wrong with you, what lead to you becoming like this?
hottest so far! kik?
Anyone know where I can find more of pic related, more videos, the full video, WITH sound?
that's a big dick
My D game
Agree with kik
nice cock bro
Kik ?? Pretty please x
Mmm dick ;p
I want to die
Just keep swimming :D
So how's this?
traps are gay
being gay is a mental illness
you all should go back to tumblr
Good lewd level
Both of you, consider suicide! It's a nice option.
Any more of that chest though
Considering that 1500+ species of animals practice homosexuality and that most homophobes are closeted gay people who can't or aren't allowed to express themselves. I'd say you're pretty dumb
Why should I kill myself when the gays will just die out slowly from not being able to reproduce. I hope all you degenerates were only childs.
Have another~
Dude, why do you even give a shit? You literally waste time posting on a thread that will forever be gone very soon, what the fuck lmao
Yeah cause it's not like every gay person was conceived through heterosexual sex. How's that double digit IQ treating you?
Omg do you have kik :O xx
Spread that ass
That booty is insane
would breed to the brim
Love it more
I would do horrible things to good people to have 10 minutes alone with that ass
Remember when -phobic meant the fear for something, instead of the hate for something? Anyway you're saying it's normal for a person to unironically pretend to be the opposite gender?
>implying fags won't just die out. Tell your kids I wish they had better parents. Oh wait, my bad that was insensitive, I forgot you and your faggot lover can't procreate.
>animals cant be mentally ill
Can you please explain why animals being gay is a valid argument agains mental-illness thesis?
Do you have Kik?
Yummy where you located?
>he doesn't like dicktits
>doesn't like dick
You say the word procreate like it means anything or holds any value of our overpopulated planet. You fucking mentally retarded straight people are literally the worst. You fuck constantly spewing out like 5 kids that have the same cognitive capacity of you and whoever the fuck was dumb enough to fuck you. We're using something fucked up like 150% of our planet's resource. And you actually have a problem with 2 people who can't procreate? Fucking alt-right edgelord cucks never cease to amaze me >,>
Aren't traps supposed to try and look like women?
And thus ends the pic chain
Anyone have info on this trap?