Is skin color really important when it comes to casting?
Is skin color really important when it comes to casting?
>too lazy to even come up with a clever way of starting a nigger thread
Sup Forums is getting worse and worse by the hour
Protip: Idris is looking like a 50 year old these days. He would be a terrible choice to start playing Bond.
There are a million and one Nigger characters in literature.
Yet why do niggers feel like they have to play a white character to be VALIDATED in the world?
Shit on your own characters & creations, but worship white fictional characters and wish you could be them.
Fucking niggers are so desperate to be white its downright embarrassing.
Only for nuHollywood. Real filmmakers cast based on talent or pussy.
>Yet why do niggers feel like they have to play a white character to be VALIDATED in the world?
No niggers want to be shaft or dolomyte.
Yet every nigger will sell his own mother into slavery for a chance to play white James Bonds.
Why are niggers so pathetic?
>Fucking niggers are so desperate to be white its downright embarrassing.
Meanwhile, big business is constantly co-opting black pop culture from five years ago to sell to tweens as new and hip. Black people are constantly switching up their style to account for the fact that white people try to imitate their "coolness".
Which is fine I really don't give a fuck why do you give a fuck who cares.
Stop selling the rights to your IPs to Jews if it bothers you that much that black people get cast as fictional white characters.
>Constant threads about blacks just to try and stir up shit with bitter autists
Seek help.
>Yet every nigger will sell his own mother into slavery for a chance to play white James Bonds.
Don't forget Harry Potter.
"Massa? Can Iz be a good lil nigger wizard too?"
ITT: Racists saying "nigger" over and over again.
Get the fuck out - it's not the '50s anymore.
> 2016
> Still thinks the word Nigger is big "bad" & scarey
Wanna know how we know you're a sheltered little white faggot with no actual black friends?
>inb4 cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck
depends on the role.
He said the word Nigger!
Oh my god!
I guess you do have a point. If you keep saying it and it becomes commonplace it will eventually have a mild connotation and cease to be effective as an insult and probably end up being a edgy phrase white kids call each other.
Lol you just said it too though
>it's not the '50s anymore
$10 says you're wearing '50s fashion right now
>Stop selling the rights to your IPs to Jews if it bothers you that much
This, this I don't fucking get. You get the bulk of retards complaining about jews forcing agendas down their throats but they're still watching and consuming their media. Some of them even demanding white people in all of the roles.
No. Not if they actually fit into the theme of the movie. Its when they are unnaturally forced into shit which doesnt make sense like medieval films and such. Clearly just pushing an agenda and for the principle i just hate it
Idris Elba thinks so, he whines about the lack of black people in our industry (who make up about 3% of the entire UK) ALLLLLLLL the fucking time. I agree with him that race matters, so I never want to see another black person playing a white role ever again, and vice versa.
Dont cut yourself on all that edge kid
well, you know;
when a major part of a novel series is that a black woman amputee is one of the main characters is pretty cool because it's not forced diversity, it's also important since a lot of people she meets have never seen a black person so they are usually in awe at her, making her character even MORE interesting.
Not to mention her relationship with two white guys who she's stuck with despite having a second personality that hates whites, REALLY hates whites. Adding to the tension, trials and tribulations of the three (soon to be four) main characters, ultimately strengthening their and our bond with them.
But no, we'll make the Son of Steven, Roland Deschain of Gilead black cus muh idris elba me-may.
Fuck off, King.
They get cast as historical white people too. I think that's why people are getting so pissed off. Our cultures here in Europe and across most of the West are white and European, we don't want to see our Queen Margaret played by a Nigerian, we don't want to see black people thrown about like tokens in the background of everything set in the Victorian, Edwardian, Georgian eras, don't even get me started on Africans dressing up in Medieval European armour or pretending to be Merlin, fucking hell, where is the pride of those actors?
>implying race = skin colour
About as much as hair color. Except people don't get bitchy when you dye your hair for a role.
Wanna know how I know you have no black friends?
Yes, I will not watch Dark Tower. Black Panther and the new Spider-Man movie.
Yes, this was also fucking retarded.
Skin color is important when it comes to intellectual capability and work ethic.
It is when you want to exploit it.
>Imagine Roland like Clint Eastwood
>Get Idris Elba instead
I like Idris but this is a terrible casting choice
the worst part is they can't fit seven books worth of material in a film.
Yes. China wont watch nigs and nips
I think I read somewhere that they were going to do 2 movies and a tv series. Cant say im excited for something that already has a plan to get milked before it even starts
Depends on if the setting has cultural and/or societal differences between people of different skin colours.
If the fictional work is set in the real world, skin colour can make world of difference when it comes to casting, as people of different skin colours usually belong to different nationalities and cultures in the real world, and it would be unrealistic if for example a black man would appear in a film set in early medieval Europe.
Though realism and historical accuracy in case of films based on real historical events usually goes out the window in favour of "muh diversity" in modern film making nowadays.
literally how would that work.
It should either be;
>a full on series, each series covering each book
>seven movies, fuck it.
As long as they fix that fucking ending I'll be contempt.
no, but dick size is, which is related to skin colour
Films are not real. They are not educational. They are entertainment.
As long as you realize that all films are fiction - yes even ones that are "based on a true story", then they can't hurt you.