Rape Thread
You were raped. You never had, nor will you give consent. And you keep going back because you secretly enjoy it.
Greentext if possible.
> Be me 17M
> 15yr tomboy
> Daddy issues up the yin yang
> start falling hard, she does too
> making out, painful diamonds
> "I want you!" "I want to wait user"
> instinct overrides, pull her pants off
> "Stop, we can't!" Over and over
> stick it in, she's . . . Wet?
> shocked look on her face
> slowly making love as we kiss
> rev it up, she clenches and hugs
> creampied hard! (luckily no baby)
> turns out step-dad raped her a lot
> since she was 7 till 11
> I was the first to do it with love
> gf, broke up, FWB for years
That was roughly 15 years ago. They say never stick your dick in crazy, but I had some of the bast sex in my life due to her. She enjoys rape and sleep molestation. Currently planning on raping her with a clown mask.