Rape Thread

Rape Thread

You were raped. You never had, nor will you give consent. And you keep going back because you secretly enjoy it.

Greentext if possible.

> Be me 17M
> 15yr tomboy
> Daddy issues up the yin yang
> start falling hard, she does too
> making out, painful diamonds
> "I want you!" "I want to wait user"
> instinct overrides, pull her pants off
> "Stop, we can't!" Over and over
> stick it in, she's . . . Wet?
> shocked look on her face
> slowly making love as we kiss
> rev it up, she clenches and hugs
> creampied hard! (luckily no baby)
> turns out step-dad raped her a lot
> since she was 7 till 11
> I was the first to do it with love
> gf, broke up, FWB for years

That was roughly 15 years ago. They say never stick your dick in crazy, but I had some of the bast sex in my life due to her. She enjoys rape and sleep molestation. Currently planning on raping her with a clown mask.

Nice, man. My gf opened up to me recently about how she got gang raped before she met me. I've been fantasizing about it since.


What kind of fantasies?? You watching her? Or more like you're one of the gang?

Just watching her really. Her story had me hard as hell.

Did u tell her u got excited from her experience? If so, how did she react?

more like me helping the gang

No, I hid it from her. She wouldn't react well if she knew my thoughts, I'll tell you that.

I want to help
