Ah, you think the darkness is your ally...
Don't Breathe
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He did nothing wrong.
i see nothing, nothing!
>born in the 50s
>jew dad
>german mom
Was it ever explained why he didn't get sedated by the gas?
Was it ever explaned how he freed himself from the chains?
Was it ever explained how the doge got inside the duct?
his jew dad cucked the aryans
Is this some unspoken rule in Pedowood that you claim to be jewish so you getter better roles ?
those finest wine genes
He looks like Tilda Swinton with a beard
>Was it ever explained why he didn't get sedated by the gas?
He got downstairs pretty quickly, maybe he wasn't in the room long enough for the gas to have effect.
>Was it ever explaned how he freed himself from the chains?
Don't remember this so maybe not.
>Was it ever explained how the doge got inside the duct?
When she went into the duct she left the entrance open and the dog climbed up the bookshelf to crawl inside.
genealogy can't be changed
Money was pretty confident that the gas sedates pretty quickly. He almost immediately started making noise and firing his gun
Either it was their first time using it in a real situation and he overestimated it's potency, or they've used it in the past and it has in fact worked that quickly
Next person to talk gets to stay in my basement!
So how the hell did he kidnap the girl who killed his daughter in the first place? And how was there no one looking for her if her family is supposedly rich and well connected? My first thought would've been "Oh shit, maybe we should the blind guy's house. You know, the one who had the daugther that our daughter ran over? He was probably upset about that
My girlfriend asked the same question.
I just assumed they thought a blind guy wouldn't be able to kidnap someone like that
Also there's many more unanswerable questions that are much more important for the sake of the story being told. Why focus on that one?
Isn't there some sort of weird rule where you're technically not Jewish unless your mother is?
This movie was trash.
Maybe he hired someone to kill the parents and make it look like an accident? He could have figured something out to kidnap her, with preptime and luck. Or he had an accomplice, perhaps.
there is also that thing called DNA
where both your parents determine your genes
jesus fuck, boys. the film left pretty fucking clear that he has friends in high places that helped him with lot of illegal shit.
Fucking beta bitch boy should have killed this dude then he would get to pound Jane Levy with millions of dollars in the bank.
Good deal.
So how's he going to explain the rape dungeon?
when the fuck was that made clear? I don't remember that part.
Would of enjoyed it more if my theater wasn't filled with morons "Oh myyy god!" "Hes going to rape her!" "That's so gross!" "OMG RUN!"
The only thing that I really remember from this movie was having a nigger couple sitting behind me that would not shut the fuck up for the entire movie. I hate niggers in movie theaters so fucking much
literally at no point in the movie did the guy talk about his friends or anyone he knew. The only things we know about him are that he's rich, blind, and was in the military at one point. He did bury the pregnant girl he killed in some liquid dirt gooey shit, and hid her under the floorboard. But he left his semen jar and chains in the basement right next to his plush rape dungeon corner. And at one point in the movie the girl texts the guy "I'm in the closet". So when the cops check the dead guys phone they're going to see that some female named "Rocky" was a part of the robbery too. And seeing that the man was robbed of $300k and the two dead guys don't have the money, It's pretty obvious that she has the money and will eventually get busted. The ending screwed over all the characters and I thought it was a poor way to end such an otherwise amazing film.
He did tell the cops nothing was stolen, although I agree with the phone and rape room being pretty fucking dead give away of what was going on.
why didnt you turn around and tell them to shut the fuck up then you pussy
Oh I guess you would have done the same hm? Shut up cunt, you clearly have never dealt with niggers. You honestly think that if he turned around and asked them to be quiet they would say "why sorry sir" no they would call him rayciss or start behaving like wild animals as if they were accused of murder.
Why didn't he just hire a surrogate mother
How do you know that white beta boy?
What a waste of a 1/2 off movie day.
My cousin chose this over Hell or High Water.
The movie explained the ending pretty clearly halfway through: Alex (betamax) tells Rocky (Jane Levy) that if they leave the money behind, then the corpse left behind is simply breaking and entering. Since Blind Man never says anything was stolen, the cops have no reason to investigate
>Implying hearing someone gag on their popcorn after she shoves the semen down his throat wasn't the the best part of my night
this movie turned me on pretty gud
I wish they just made the blind man an ordinary guy instead of a pervy dude with a rape dungeon. It would have been so much more powerful if this character who the protagonists are terrified of is simply righteously defending his home from invaders.
If they did that then the film wouldn't be a horror and would have been closer to a thriller
all though only a couple of jumpscares got me
Just saw it in cinema, thought it was pretty good.
I was a bit annoyed she ended up with the money, and it felt like they had to do the whole turkey baster scene just so the audience was not completely on the old mans side.
I mean these fucking kids break into a blind army vets home and threaten him with a gun to rob all his money he was given after his child was killed, the true villain was that hood rat who got shot.
I felt the film dragged on a bit too, it had two times where it could have ended but it just kept going.
Just got back from the theater.
I rarely watch movies at the theater, least of all horror movies, but Stephen Lang is one of my favorite actors and I thought the concept is pretty interesting so I gave it a shot.
Everything felt too movie-like if you know what I mean. All the windows let in bright light in the middle of the night so everything is nicely lit, doors and floors only croaked when the script needed them to, his hearing was superhuman when the script needed it to, other times he didn't hear obvious steps or breathing or other sounds. His nose also only worked on superhuman levels when the script needed it to. He smelled shows from 10 feet away but not a person right next to him? Really? No BO, no sweat, no perfume, no shower gel? Nothing?
The jump scares were too cliché for the most part. The atmosphere needed more tension and subtlety and quiet, the soundtrack was too on your nose and made the movie too actiony at certain parts.
How did he manage to kidnap that lady? How did he manage to clean up the crime scene in less than a minute so it fit his made up story? He didn't even know where and what to clean since he's fucking blind. How did he manage to free himself after being cuffed in the basement?
Did they really have to include that sick psycho angle just so the audience would sympathize with the robbers rather than the old blind man?
Ah shit, my theater censored it
What? Where do you live? Saudi Arabia?
>"Remember to Fede Alvarez's Don't Breathe."
Jesus Christ really?
But they did. The whole kidnapping shit is so forced that it seems to be added because the screeners are too sympathetic with blind dude.
They completely copped out at the end in my opinion, the movie would have been better if it had ended like this.
>Girl manages to kill Blind Man at the end
>no weird shit happens
>she gets the money and finally escapes
>gets caught almost immediately by the cops
>She realizes all she accomplished was getting two idiots killed, murdering an old blind man and his dog, getting thrown in jail and ruining her life and screwing her sister over
This would have caused a mass triggering of modern audiences and it would have never happened, but it would have made the movie 10/10.
But before that he should have went through with his plan so she's pregnant and gives birth in prison and when she holds the baby for the first time you see it has his eyes and his face and his beard and the baby says "Reincarnation, bitch!" and then a close-up of her face screaming and then cut to black, roll credits over creepy techno music.
I'm amazed that the Old blind guy was still able to move after getting hit in the head with the hammer in the sex dungeon, He was able to climb up the ladder, shoot the guy get to the car, hit the girl in the head and drag her back to the house with no problems, he would of most certainly had a concussion
He had the endurance of a slasher movie monster, i thought he was gonna be dead after the first hit.
Memes aside, is this kino or just a fun movie?
>produced by Sam Raimi
It's not good but it's also not terrible. Fine for a one-time watch.
Peter Parker, Mary Jane, and Harry Osborn
>I'm blind
I don't know what the fuck kino even means, not enough of a Sup Forums autist, but it was definitely fun to watch
he didn't see so good!