Spanish speakers

what does "a wevo" mean? what does "wey" mean? what does "gavacho" mean? i hear chicanos say these all the time.

Google it

Also, I really hope you neets don't use "chicano" outside this website.

You will get killed, guerro

both mexican words, ask to mexicans, not to all spanish speakers, thank you.

Also what does "la wea" mean ?

Gavacho is like gringo

doesn't mexico speak spanish?

Are you pretending to be retarded?


>spanish speakers
only mexicans talk like that

he said "mexican slang words" but mexican isn't a language. they speak spanish

Gabacho means frenchie, but only in spain.-

you're completely braindead

I know that but like you said, they're Mexican slang words. The argie pretty clearly meant that.

>a wevo

you forgot these:
una vela
la raza
mas churros menos vigilantes

Wey is "man" quite literally, but is used like "dude" is in California.
What's a webón? I don't think it means friend, all the guys at the construction sites call me that.

webon means baboon

>Una Vela
Slang for a joint
>Mas churros menos vigilantes
means "more thugs, less cops"

The others are mexican slang words.

Thanks. Are you sure about the churros though? I thought that means a joint (porro)?

OP asked about "webo". It's actually "huevo" which means egg. In Latin slang, huevos are testicles. It's like saying "nuts" in the States or bollocks in UK.

"webon" is actually "huevón" which would mean that you have big testicles, but figuratively means that you are stupid.

Yeah, it means a Joint.

Thing is, there are several meanings to that word. If your grandma tells you that "Que churro" means you're handsome. Although, no one uses that definition.

So webon/huevon is basically boludo/pelotudo?
Really weird that in English big balls mean courage and in Spanish they mean stupidity.

So webon/huevon is basically boludo/pelotudo?

regarding my question about courage vs stupidity, spanish has cojones right? which seems to be the equivalent of big balls in english. which makes things even more confusing. if you have "big balls" as in boludo you are stupid. but if you have cojones you are brave?

Sometime big balls mean bravery, but not in the use of this word. You might also say that someone has the balls (or "pants" if there are ladies present) to do whatever act of bravery, for instance. But "huevón" is a friendly reminder of your stupidity.

Wuebon means lazy but jokingly

OK, lazy or stupid, but the word is "huevón" and not what you said.

And to the posters early in this tread with USA flags, if you put an uneducated Mexican, and uneducated Cuban, and an uneducated Peruvian in the same room, they would have to communicate with gestures.

Huevón has a lot of meanings. You learnt the word as you grew up. I was born around it.


the way i learned it, huevón means lazy. as in your balls are big and they're weighing you down