Why Berlin has no good football teams?
Why Berlin has no good football teams?
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Because Germany is a decentralised country where cities other than the capital get to flourish and half of Berlin was illegally occupied by Marxist forces for nearly five decades, which basically ruined the city to this day.
Hertha has been doing quite alright 2bh. I watch their games since Brooks plays there. They nearly knocked out Dortmund in the Pokal.
Everything in Berlin is shit
they arent that bad in the last few years
They're actually quite good this season.
I don't know. It seems to me like they even are happy about their city being shit in general and think that this is sooo funny and cool because their are so different to other cities.
half of the city was gommie also only capital in world where people are poorer than average countryman
Berlin is the only capital in Europe that actually makes their country's economy weaker, let that sink in. They are dirt poor and proud of it. Also because of the East/West divide there's no real team to support.
Why Argentina has no good grammar?
Why didnt you make Munich the capital?
Hamburg should be the capital
Because it's a traditionally Catholic city in a country run by deeply protestant people (Bismarck, Kohl etc)
Because Bavaria will soon be its own country.
Kohl was a Catholic from a Catholic region, just like Adenauer
It has the positives and negatives every big city his too over. Not really much different than from other big cities here.
t. dorftrottel
>his too over
has to offer
try read a history book the next time before you start shitposting
Because I like to write like if I was a ghetto nigger
Hertha was doing p. well earlier this season.
The race for 3rd place is still close, so they might have a shot at finishing solidly.
You now remember Ali Daei
Was West Berlin better pre wall or post wall? Since they had to modernize the east part of it I would imagine this resulted in the West part stagnating in development when compared to a city like Munich
hope so
I have a soft spot for bavaria
shit city with worthless hipster people.
The real problem was the fact that nobody who lived in West Berlin was conscripted into the arny, so every left winger in Germany moved there and fucked up the city.
I loved Berlin besides homeless people and leftcists everywhere
Why London has no good football teams?
geh kühe melken du bauer
we have a lot of those same problems
let's hope so.. bavaria is a big circlejerk of bauern and snops who like to compliment each other, cunts
Does anyone rate Brooks? I wish he could move to a bigger club even though Hertha are solid upper table atm in a good league
I heard that Berlin football teams are good as their airports
>Forgetting BFC Dynamo
nah berlin is a genuine shithole, even by "big city" standards
i knew my one year in German would come in handy one day. Washington D.C. is considered a shithole by most Americans though, even though it's barely useful.
>the Have-Not province of ontario
>using the shittiest big city in america and compare to the likes of tokyo
thats comparing apples to oranges
Oy Schlomo, look how well London and Paris are doing with all these wonderful Muslims and Africans.
Because it's full of bavarians. Rich, true, but still bavarian pigs.
It would be like making Barcelona, Cardiff, Marseilles or Houston the capitals.
Absolutely Disgusting.
>el castellANO
he's decent
it's comparing capitals
>Metropolregion: Die Abrgrenzung erfolgt nicht wie üblich anhand von Verwaltungsgrenzen, sondern auf Basis verschiedener funktionaler Kriterien für dennräumlichen Zusammenhang wie Bevölkerungsdichte und Pendlereinzugsgebiet.
lol, fuck off with your shill chart.
>transfer all industries to the south-west
>crying like a babby that the east doesn't provide to the economy
>Bauern- and Schwabentrottel think anything of this is their achievement
>shill chart
>whenn all cities were judged by this same metric
no wonder berlin sucks with these leaps of logic
>not appreciating based ASK Vorwärts Berlin
damn those DDR Teams sound pretty neat
It's comparing cheeseburgers to apples
but you can compare cheeseburgers with apples.
like the colour they have and how much they weigh
>choosing metric so it favours one side
>hurrdurr, everybody had equal chances because they were judged by the same metric
The metric doesn't really favour anyone.
Hell, I'd wager Berlin actually benefits from it more than, say, London which would score even higher with only the city on London.
I know geography is hard for burgers but can you spot what these cities have in common?
Yes, it does. Even on multiple levels.
>First, it favours all non-german cities (>inb4 this is about capitals. Capitals are also cities.)
Because the administrative regulations in Germany are much stricter, cities have much smaller metropolitan areas.
You can find statistics where Paris (Unite urbaine) and London (Greater London) are credited with 11.000.000 or 9.000.000 inhabitants and about 4 to 5 times the size of Berlin. Which they haven't actually. This obviously includes industrial districts.
>Second, it favours all cities which aren't their own States/Departements
Obviously, this is again an administrative thing. Cities can't grow as fast because different legislations in two states. More over, a city can't be part in one state and part in another. So, growth is limitated.
>third, it favours all cities which aren't Berlin.
More specifically, it favours all cities which weren't exclaves for 40 years (but infact this applies from all the world's capitals only to Berlin).
This isn't about administration anymore. Because the borders of the city were borders of the country, there was no factual possibility of building a Speckgürtel around said city.
So, in conclusion: Berlin hasn't neither a natural nor artificial industiral zone but it still has to finance the whole governmental and diplomatic institutions. And Kanacken of course.
>Rome - shit loser teams
>London - didn't have a CL until 2012
>Paris - their big club was formed in the 70's !!!
Capitals usually have shit teams. Madrid is the exception.