Tfw when she is not there anymore and you keep looking your cellphone

>tfw when she is not there anymore and you keep looking your cellphone

after a breakup, did you ever try to fix things? did it work? did she regret it and came back to you?

>after a breakup, did you ever try to fix things?
A little. I am a self-hating person so will willingly be a doormat as long as they don't leave.
>did it work?
>did she regret it and came back to you?
No, but then neither did I expect her to.

Still miss her.


Learn from it and move on. You'll be much better for it.

Look user. If it's over don't try to fix it, it wont work and even if she does come back it will never be the same. just get over her and move on. seriously just move the fuck on as quickly as you can.


you might end up worse if you try it again with her, maybe even having to break up with her for good

Eventually after 6 months she started missing me. Shes back now.
No man inbetween otherwise it would have been a nogo

no matter how many times it happens, if I really care about the girl and the relationship it always hurts a lot.

there were other times where we were about to break up, she later messaged me saying things like "I cant get you out of my head, sorry for everything"
but this time it seems its for real. thats why I think I should try it another time.. waiting more days will only fade the relationship away

I'm actually breaking up today, we've been fighting almost constantly for over a year now, and we have been together for 3 years in total, i've tried to fix everything. but once you're done with one problem, then woila! here comes another!
My girl cant stand on her own feet, she leaning on me for the tiniest problems imaginable.
But i cant take it anymore, the JEALOUSY...
So no, it didnt work besides her parents freaks me out, they are cops and not the ''good kind'' of cops either.
My girl still wants me, she's hot and all but it doesnt matter, im getting choked i cant even hangout with my friends anymore without her calling me wondering where the fuck i am. I cant be weak anymore, if she cries, i'll let her, i wont dry her tears anymore.
We only have one life, and im not going to waste it on someone that i dont even love anymore.

>No man inbetween otherwise it would have been a nogo

Keep telling yourself that

>once you're done with one problem, then woila! here comes another!

Is your inability to spell voila one of them?