Halfway in and this show is pretty shit.
What is all the hype about?
Halfway in and this show is pretty shit.
What is all the hype about?
Yeah watched 2 episodes and thought was boring
>Halfway in and this show is pretty shit.
Just like your mom's anus
It's comfy, reminds people of their childhoods, first friendships, films they love/loved. The soundtrack is very good, and the young cast is surprisingly good at acting, and the story itslef is interesting enough. If course different people like different things, so your opinion might differ.
it's an amalgamation of all my favorite things when I was a kid
>The Goonies
>Prince of Darkness
it's what I wanted Super 8 to be
Show really brought home some intense nostalgic feels. ;_;
The premise is good, the actors do a good job. The soundtrack is kino. That's it.
I didn't really like how the plot wrapped so quickly, and the whole thing loses points by featuring The Mummy Returns tier CGI. It's specially painful in the last couple episodes.
It's a show that is a amalgamation of most monster movie tropes with likable kid actors and some decent adults acting.
>its a show that avoids cliches
>character gets weaker when using special powers
>features tropes that everyone hates
>pass them off as homage and it's okay
Why is this allowed?
Yeah, to fags like me who miss the past it's an emotional storm inducer.
the writing is pretty bad most of the time, but the acting, music, set design and direction really make up for it
>What is "friend"
Who else is hyped for brand new Froggo kino ?
I agree but it bothers me that the show is so overrated.
>possibly Belgian
way worse
no no teeth spic supposed to be froggo?
She also played Faye Miller in Mad Men. I was surprised I didn't see the similarity sooner.
anything that harps on 80s nostalgia these days immediately becomes stupidly overrated
all this is happening because 80s kids have disposable income and children of their own. 1984 was probably the biggest year for pop culture in the past 50 years, there's a ton of nostalgia there.
Yes I'm, it looks like some quality stuff they actually shot on camera.
Mike is, he's frogface.
What? No, Froggo is pic related, you must be talking about Dustin/Gaten
It looks solid, wondering if they publish it today and if so, where.
Finn actually shooting his own movie?
I need to see this.
>Wolfhard Kino in full swing bois!
She didnt even draw my attention in Mad Men. She is much better as a brunette
The trick is to watch it before everyone said it was the best thing ever.
Under those circumstances it's a nice little gem.
I really enjoyed the part when they mentioned D&D once or twice
not rly
If you're not a manchild if your mid 30s, you probably won't appreciate it.
So Finn has Stranger Things, IT and his own film in post-production. Looks like he's off to a good start.
Whats the rest of his castmates up too?
>not being a bully, I promise.
Friends don't tell friends porkies ya cunt
He is doing some photo shoot too
I don't know what the rest of the cast is doing besides promoting ST. I know that Charlie has some projects, but it looks like the kids rely on ST for now.
C'mon don't be a contrarian little faggot just because it's popular.
It's overrated yes, it's just ok, it's not shit.
for a show with 8 episodes, yea
Everybody likes the little girl.
if its just ok, then it is a waste of my time and my data plan.
He said he wants to be a director and writer, the guy who plays the science teacher said he'd a good director good day on reddit ama
Charlie Heaton is honestly my favourite of the cast to be honest.
How much data you got a month?
I have 5gigs, and Netflix has a mode that only uses 4gb/hr Not fucking bad if you ask me.
He is my second favourite after the Frog, cooks like cool guy to hang out with. There are rumors that he and Natalia are dating, really makes me think.
Charlie Heaton and Anya Taylor-Joy are going to be in a movie together called Marrowbone
>two favourite people of 2016 in a single movie
>dreams do come true
Millenials love the "epic 80's vibe" because they think they were born in the wrong generation.
100GB for 16mbps then drops down to 3mbps. I torrent this shit.
id let her ryde me if you know what i mean
Also Christopher's wife during Season 6 of The Sopranos.
>he looks sad even when doing photoshoot
>tfw I can't look like that
He looks like human Shoegaze. That's all I've ever wanted.
>Human shoegaze
That is the most amazing description about him, ever.
>You will never go monster hunting with Charlie , while listening to shoegaze
indiana jones is their police force why would they complain
i dont even know what i mean by this post and who "they" are that's complaining
What am I laughing at here?
where is this from?
On someone's snapchat, don't know how that guy on discord found it
link to discord?
Sorry, in order to get a Discord invite you need to demonstrate your ability to find extremely rare Froggos
or just sit around and wait for an opening, like I did
The thing that bothers me the most is how abnormally courageous everyone in the show is, like they're all aware they have plot armor. I'm not even particularly a huge pussy, but there's no god damn way I'd be casually crawling in to a supernatural tree portal by myself knowing full well there's a inexplicable 7ft faceless monster running amok.
Is every meal you eat the best you could ever have?
I don't think they actually got will back. This Will is an imposter. The monster got him, we saw that. Then Will puked up a slug and said nothing about it.
Is it just me or is Winona Ryder's acting pretty bad in this? Especially episodes 1 and 2.
"A few steps more, and our breaths were literally snatched from us by what we saw; so literally that Thornton, the psychic investigator, actually fainted in the arms of the dazed man who stood behind him. Norrys, his plump face utterly white and flabby, simply cried out inarticulately; whilst I think that what I did was to gasp or hiss, and cover my eyes. The man behind me—the only one of the party older than I—croaked the hackneyed “My God!” in the most cracked voice I ever heard. Of seven cultivated men, only Sir William Brinton retained his composure; a thing more to his credit because he led the party and must have seen the sight first"
If characters reacted like this passage from H.P. Lovecrafts "The Rats in the Walls" then the situation would be hopeless.
Hopper and pic related are the GOAT
It's just a hipster fad because le neo 80s synthwave aesthetic is now a thing apparently with the generation Z kiddos
I agree. She was too over the top, and got outshined I feel by several far less notable actors around her.
All the teenage actors were spot on with their performances, and Hopper was the best overall. I thought both the moms were pretty lackluster.