What did you think of her oscar worthy performance in Brooklyn?

What did you think of her oscar worthy performance in Brooklyn?
Do you think her comments about the unification of Ireland and her hate for british people are appropriate?

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Any pics of her hairy arms or pits?

Does she get nakid in her movies?

>let's give Ireland a bright future by making lots of blonde haired, blue eyed babies!

can't believe she said that

No. she said she would never do nudity.

Good, she truly is an inspiration for little girls all around the world

Ulster will be free.



she can't keep getting away with it

why do iget the feeling she exaggerates her accent in interviews. it annoys me

it's because she's a fake person, it's been confirmed her parents groomed her to be the perfect oscar bait from birth

>he hasn't heard her talk bts

Most accents seem like exaggerations to people who don't have them. She sounds pretty typical for an Irish girl in my experience.


>reunification of Ireland

But nobody wants to be Irish, not even the Northern Irish.

this is rigged

ilu forever saoirse

I thinl she shuod be more careful in her political views.
also rt.com/uk/358997-belfast-victoria-major-fire/

ilu user

Nice actress in terrible movies. Just it.

You can't blame her on that, she's in cali right now.

but 90% of her movies are great

The Grand Budapest Hotel was her only good movie and she was only a side character there. Also most of her recent movies feature romance. Being a Sershbro is suffering.

>saoirse ronan will never be your childhood friend
>you will never rediscover each other later in life, mature and accomplished
>she will never offer her cherubic personality to your adorable charms
>you will never get married and have a few kids
>you will never be the stay-at-home father for her adorable irish ratlings
>she will never return from a hard year's acting to pound your nuts off and squelch out another child
>you will never be on your deathbed waiting for her, and die at her bosom with her smiling through tears at you
fuck my life

I don't even like her that much. I'm more of a MEW person

it's not lewd romance though

I really like her in that outfit. More?

>I'm more of a MEW person
secret plan to overload all sershposters with the feels so that they lose all will to post and MEW reigns supreme as our girl confirmed

>I don't even like her that much. I'm more of a MEW person
MEW is patrician, you're fine

is this Taytay aryanposting ?

anything involving The Crucibles
love your pic user

>you were born just to experience that feel when no Sersh-gf

Here I thought she was just a hot face with a tantalizing voice. She is truly an Irish artist in the vein of Joyce and Yeats. Self exile in protest like the greats.

me on the left

an asian sersh
refrain from bullying



I like it user

don't tease me to morph her with a nigress
