Hello Sup Forums We need to stop the harassing and islamic hate on this site.
The racism of muslim is just fear of the unknown Did you know Islam is the religion of peace? All the muslim hate is so fucking stupid and ignorant The christians are 10 x worse when it comes to religious killing.
This is the LAST warning from me, a servant of Allah or you will be sorry.
أنا أكره الزنوج ومحمد هو شاذ جنسيا ويمص كبير الديكة ويمارس الجنس الأغنام والماشية في الأحمق
Matthew Robinson
Aiden Walker
Noah Price
Josiah Collins
We need to stop the hate that the alt right is spreading! Down with white supremacy! Down with nazi scum! Down with fear mongering against innocent muslims!
Jackson Allen
Yes, mudslimes are great and deserve better...they're proving their worth every day lol...
Jace Phillips
أنا أكره الزنوج ومحمد هو شاذ جنسيا ويمص كبير الديكة ويمارس الجنس الأغنام والماشية في الأحمق
I hate Negroes and Mohammed is a homosexual sucking big cocks and fucking sheep and cattle in the asshole
Muslims have proven time and time again that they have no intention of integrating into Western culture. They should fuck off back to whichever primitive sandy shit hole they crawled out of and stay there.
Joseph Rivera
David Anderson
أنا أكره الزنوج ومحمد هو شاذ جنسيا ويمص كبير الديكة ويمارس الجنس الأغنام والماشية في الأحمق
Josiah Rodriguez
أنا أكره الزنوج ومحمد هو شاذ جنسيا ويمص كبير الديكة ويمارس الجنس الأغنام والماشية في الأحمق
Wyatt Cooper
sorry we dont speak kebab
Ryan Russell
أنا أكره الزنوج ومحمد هو شاذ جنسيا ويمص كبير الديكة ويمارس الجنس الأغنام والماشية في الأحمق
Carter Adams
Carter Turner
Viva España puto moro!
Hunter Perez
Samuel Moore
Caleb Rogers
>I hate Negroes and Mohammed is a homosexual sucking big cocks and fucking sheep and cattle in the asshole I agree
Carson Richardson
Ok well you sandniggers work peacefully to get rid of all the trap/log threads and once they're all gone we'll work on the Muslim hate.
No, we should focus on a much bigger problem, know wut I'm sayin'? The man is coming down hard on white entertainers who act like black entertainers. It's like they see you drivin' 'round in a fancy ride and they're like, I stopped you because I thought you was black, but your white so I guess you can go. It's like double reverse racism to the fifth power. Damn...
Luke Phillips
>Islam >Religion of Peace Top kek
Charles Stewart
>Implying that any of us will ever care fuck off sandnigger, lest we remind you of the crusades
Colton Edwards
Reported to the royal islamic council. Enjoy life of fear
Andrew Morgan
The muslims are far more efficient at dealing with the jew problem than National Socialists ever were. And, more importantly, Islam still exists, unlike National Socialism. Either we get competetive or be like the Globalists and let the muslims deal with it.
Ayden Bell
Remove kebab
Chase Ward
Just stop harassing any religion
Elijah Wood
Remove kebab
Christopher Wright
>The christians are 10 x worse when it comes to religious killing. 1) That's only because they have a 1400 year head start though, right?
2) And by my understanding of history, Islam is technically a subset of Christianity? Since christians don't want to acknowledge this there's no way to express this distinction that I am aware of in English however. Is there one in Arabic?
3) This is obvious bait, but all Abrahamic religions are stupid as fuck. That notwithstanding, Islam was at least partly a reaction to the Roman empire's conversion to a religious rather than state hegemony, which is pretty understandable but undermines a lot of claims that don't take this political context into account.
4) Fear of the unknown is a legitimate claim because of the above, with most Western states basically "orientalising" Islam as some external other instead of allowing their citizens to understand it's real Byzantine-ish context. However! We also have no word in English for cultural infiltration, the practice of utilising immigration as a form of warfare, but there's a word for this in Arabic, right? Remind me, what's that called?
5) I am Allah, so don't tell me to be sorry nigga
Oliver Davis
christian people bombs fucking children on muslim countries every day, no hashtags, not a single word
Wyatt Richardson
Ayden Campbell
Goat fuckers
Kayden Peterson
>The racism of muslim top kek, you can't be racist against a religion you faggot cuck. how can you be apart of a religion which god hates? freak accident in mecca, the muslim holy place, kills DOZENS of people. if that isn't fundamental proof god is no longer apart of your religion, i would love to know what you think is.
Nicholas Sanchez
Muslim isn't a race It isn't unknown, it is a known threat, just read the books they find holy. Islam means submission. those who do not fully submit are punished or killed. People hate threats to their life. Islam is that. The only time Christians en masse rose up to war was after centuries of Islamic violence and subjugation.
Nolan Brooks
If you so much as attack the place that holds the Sup Forums servers, I will kill every single muslim I encounter and make and effort to shoot up the mecca you fools so dearly love. I will kill all Women,Children and Men and have you all impaled from the anus as a reminder that Vlad the Impaler is always there to save the country from your vile plague you call islam, remember i have nothing to lose and Sup Forums is all i have left. No quarter will be shown to the members of islam.
Austin Edwards
islam is cancer
Jason Long
>you can't be racist against a religion
what about jews?
historically the concept of "race" is incredibly recent, versus cultural/tribal identity, which was often kinda synonymous with what we'd now call religious totems.
however, people in the past seem to have been more cognisant of the totemic nature of "religious" idols, which could represent philosophical or civilisational ideals as opposed to actual legitimate belief in supernatural beings. case by case basis obviously. point is, groups internal definitions of identity supercede your personal cultural semantics of "race" versus "religion"
Liam Moore
in Arabic. إذا كنت بقدر الهجوم على المكان الذي يحمل خوادم البرسيم، وسوف يقتل كل مسلم واحد لقاء أنا وجعل والجهد لاطلاق النار على مكة التي تخدع الحب الحب. سأقتل كل النساء والاطفال والرجال ولكم كل من حبس من فتحة الشرج كتذكير ان فلاد المزيل هو دائما هناك لانقاذ البلاد من الطاعون الخاص بك الخبيثة استدعاء الإسلام، وتذكر لدي شيئا ليخسر والبرسيم هو كل شيء غادر. لن يتم عرض أي ربع لأعضاء الإسلام.
Samuel Cox
>Islam is a religion of peace Nigga who did all the recent fucking terrorist attacks? Also did you know the Qur'an commands followers of Islam to kill not infidels, which is people who don't believe in islam. Check yourself before you rekt yourself
Evan Baker
>Nigga who did all the recent fucking terrorist attacks? yeah that's a really good question tbh
what most self-identified religious faithful have in common is a general gullibility and succeptibility to control by percieved authority figures, making them useful idiots in general.
this is doubly true for followers of designed state religions like christianity or it's derivitives like islam, which is basically christianity++
Julian Wright
so what race is islam?
Jacob Morgan
what race are ashkenazi?
the only reason this is a valid question is because our racial deliniations are completely arbitrary, with cultural and other superficial features completely occulding anything that can be biologically justified
furthermore the definition of "racisim" has been seriously perverted--it now means something like "ethnic bigotry", but originally it meant "believing in race as a concept". it's really important to note that race is an extremely recent concept, prior to the colonial era people differentiated themselves by culture/trible, or more practically language. what we now think of as race would have made no sense to people who didn't yet have a concept of genetic heritage. We're stuck with a half-baked concept from people who only half-understood genetics. A modern evolutionary biologist will tell you that even species is a shitty flawed concept, let alone race.