Fluffy Thread

Fluffy Thread


















>Be me
>Hear noise at door at 2 AM
>Open door, see fluffy family. One aqua stallion with a pink mane, one white mare with a pink mane, and three foals in their mother's fluff.
>"hewwo nice mistuh, be nyu daddeh fow fwuffy an speciaw fwiend?" the stallion asked, taking point
>"Sure, come inside fluffies. Then we can talk about rent and terms." I stepped aside and ushered the fluffy family in, closing the door afterwards.
>"What am went?"
>"Nevermind that. For now I'll get you some food. Wait here and I'll get it all set up for you.
>I went to make a saferoom for them. Some makeshift walls, a tarp on the floor, a litterbox, some food.
>Then I went back to the fluffy family and took them to the saferoom. Mom and her foals on the inside, the stallion on my lap as I sat on the couch.
>The stallion cooed as I pet him. "Fwuffy wuv nyu daddeh!"
>"Is that your special friend and your foals?" I ask.
>"Dat am speciaw fwiend and bestest babbehs!"
>"Okay. Mummah fluffy, I'm calling you Clara from now on."
>"Cwawa wuv nyu name! Cwawa wuv daddeh!"
>Just what I needed to hear. The stallion looked up at me expectantly, wanting a name as well.
>"You're part of my herd now, fluffies. Do you know what that means? It means I'll give you food and keep you safe from monsters and give huggies and love."
>"Huggies and wuv! Huggies and wuv!"
>"And sometimes even sketties." I lifted the lid off the covered dish, revealing a plate of fresh sketties. Instant attention, instant drooling.
>"Sketties! Wan sketties daddeh!"
>"Soon. I just need to go over something really important first."
>I gave the stallion a good scratching.
>"I'm the alpha male here. I can't tolerate any other competitors. Otherwise I'm not fit to lead the herd."
>The fluffies looked at me, not understanding. Then without warning I grabbed the stallion by the balls while ramming my finger up his ass.

>The stallion struggled in vain, damaging his balls further while I finger fucked his ass.
>"SPECIAW FWIEND! HEWP!" the stallion cried out.
>"Why daddeh huwt speciaw fwiend?! Wet speciaw fwiend go!" The mummah demanded.
>"I'm the alpha male. I don't take orders from bitches. I'll get you some sketties soon."
>The poor stallion's ass and balls were a bloody mess. My finger had blood and fluffy shit on it, but at least it stopped the sorry poopies from getting out.
>As the mummah threatened me with sorry poopies I got up and went to the bathroom. I dropped the stallion in the toilet, where he unloaded sorry poopies and then swam in them.
>I dropped my pants and sat on the toilet. Had a good shit right on the little fucker.
>I closed the lid, and washed my hands before I went back to the mare.
>She was softly huuhuuing, but that changed quickly.
>"Meanie daddeh! Cwawa gib--"
>I flicked her across the nose and put down the plate of sketties. "Shut up and eat your sketties, bitch."
>She huuhuued but forgot about it just as quickly. I took her foals and examined them. Two females, one male.
>Took her a while but she noticed.
>I stroked the foals, making them coo and chirp softly.
>"Okay, Clara. I've got good news. You've got two females, so they can live. But the male I'm going to have to get rid of."
>I put the girls back.
>"Cwawa wuv aww babbehs!"
>I shrugged and wiped my ass with the male, its soft fluff covered in my shit. Then I stuffed it in front of Clara's snout.
>She sniffed. "Nu smeww pwetty!" she said, turning away.
>I nodded my agreement and stuffed the foal up my ass. It chirped in distress as I did, but soon it was too muffled for me to care. It struggled inside my anus, stimulating my prostate and making my dick hard.
>"Okay, Clara. You're daddy's special friend now, and when your foals grow up big and strong they'll be daddy's special friends too. Then we'll have a big herd together."



Fuck off, m8



someone has to check them, so...

Oh fuck off with the "#deep" bullshit, author

No you
>gives sowwy poopies and wowstest owies

>Shoots in the face like I would any other faggot that would try to defecate on me






Check 'em

You can't shoot me in the face you fucking godmoder I've got my ass pointed at you to fire off sorry poopies at the speed of light motherfucker. Learn to rp bitch. Suck a duck fuck a duck you motherfucking chucklefuck cuck.

>Gives bad speciaw huggies to your new holes created by light speed sorry poopies


>self checking

Foal Tip #21: Shirt pockets are a good way to give foals "upsies" while keeping your hands free to do other tasks. Just make sure to line your pocket with something disposable as the foal may piss/shit itself in excitement.

Well, you've lost your mind.

Sounds more like a shit pocket. I'd keep a foal in a shit pocket and let it get dry and hard. Then it can get stuck there until it starves or succumbs to infection.


This get you hard, fucko?


Yes. Your holes made me lose it. GOOD FEEWS!

>sprays shit



So....I'm stuck here with the Kraut and a fluffy fucker. Fun.


Hey. Fucko. Pic related.


I need some saddies. Post your saddest sadbox pic

I've been posting 90% of the shit in this thread. It's gonna die.

I'll throw some down before mods 404 this thread too.








Is it just me or is SchaferAraks the only prolific artist putting out new shit? Are Carpdime and McGonagall still drawing?


This thread will probably die out but another will be made and more active later on just like always... There's always a fluffy thread going no matter how hard they try to delete them all..

Don't know about Carpdime, but Mcgongall has a super haphazard schedule. He drops a drawing every once in a while, but he still hasn't finished that one about the purple Smarty.

he finished that a while ago nigga the fuck

Which is unfortunate. I've been waiting forever for that monster to get eviscerated.

It sucks we just have Schafer now.

.....wait, do you have it?

What the hell? Last one I saw was right after he just sawed off it's legs and it had a dream about it's days as a foal.

Got a link?

There are a handful of really talented artist on the booru that post semi-frequent. Really like Pumpkin's art most of the time... If she'd just tone down the oversized out of place genitals she'd be more well received

All I know Pumpkiin for is porn. I have been following Raptorfluff and Fluffyfoals on here, though.


There's no way fluffy tastes good.


Yeah most of her work is like more talented version of good old Russian Hugboxer's kind of stuff, but on occasion she does good abuse work.

Both of those artists are great. Fwiddle, Titanfluff, and a few others have been putting up some good work

its on fluffybooru. i dont have it on hand but at last check it ended with him burning the herd and killing the smarty

Whole strip was cringe as fuck. Reads like some mega betas deep projection for never getting laid.

Guess I'll have to force myself onto the booru. That place is more cancerous than Sup Forums more often than not.


Yeah, it's not really one of my favorites. I was just posting something I could rapid-fire to keep the thread alive at the beginning.


Man, the herd being burned alive was like 2 parts ago, and the Smarty hasn't been killed yet either. We're still waiting for Mcgonngal to do it.

Pretty much. I just stop by to quickly look at the art and avoid the drama in the comments. Some autist has been posting some story about Hitler blowing Jesus in a number of comment sections of new pictures.

the jews did this i swear

Mcgonagal if you are ITT check em, if dubs then FINISH THE FUCKING STRIP YOU MONGOLOID

Last one I recall seeing was him torturing the smarty after slaughtering the herd and throwing his special friend into the furnace. The smarty was still alive, barely.

So business as usual. Time to get my hazmat suit.

Think the fluffy threads here are full of more autistic assholes than booru is. Usually it's when the bronies stumble onto here and whine, or summer fags try to be cool and call out Fluffies claiming this is MLP shit. Fluffies have become a thing all their own now... How could anyone not love seeing great abuse stories about these shitrats?



yea dude stop posting this, i saw it yesterday and it is absolutely retarded

Eh, I dunno. Outside of shitposters, I tend to have good conversations in these threads as opposed to the booru. I'm also a lorefag, so.....

Look at his other posts in the thread. He's an autist and gives zero shits.

Don't wanna waste my time reading some hugboxing bullshit. Is this abuse?

2/10. Had the effort to make a story, I guess, even if it is a retarded cringe-fest.

Light abuse. Basically, a college professor moralfags a feral smarty.

It's not hugbox, but there's no gore or straight abuse, more implication and intention.

What do you think of my story
>Most people don't know this about Hasbio, but they had a whole lot more going on than just their standard fluffy program.
>When PETA raided Hasbio and released the fluffies onto the world, there was a room that was missed.
>This room was missed because it was a hidden containment room meant for experimenting on fluffies using radioactivity to see if any mutations occured that someone might pay even bigger bucks for.
>Because of fluffies DNA composition being relatively simple, any small mutation in the string would cause drastic effects.
>Aside from the hundreds of fluffies that died, there were a few interesting results.
>A two headed fluffy, a fluffy that walked on it's hind legs and a glow in the dark fluffy were some of the mutations that didn't end in melting organs from the radiation exposure.
>None of these test subjects got to see the light of day however, as when PETA raided Hasbio, they stuck around to prevent Hasbio's fluffy caretakers from getting back into their building for quite some time.
>In doing so, the special mutated fluffies had no one to fill their needs and they each died in their own small test chamber.
>Well, that is, all but one.
>The scientists had been experimenting on one particularly hardy teal blue earthy fluffy with a silvery blue mane for quite some time. He was in the first batch of ten foals that all died horribly from an overexposure to radiation.
>All except him.
>The scientists couldn't figure out why he was so hardy. Was his 'mutation' just that he was immune to the radiation that killed all his brothers and sisters?
>He was named "Merlin" because it must have been wizardry that kept the little guy alive.
>They decided to continue to expose him to radiation, much more than the other fluffies, due to his supposed immunity.
>This exposure had been going on daily for nearly three months by the time that PETA raided the facility.


Sorry it's not very long. I'm working on a comic for it so I didn't want to kill myself with a million panels
>When the scientists finally got back to the containment room, they could smell the stench of the dead fluffies hit them like a wall as soon as the door opened.
>The windows of the containment chambers for each of the fluffies were nearly fully brown from the excess of shit that was never cleaned.
>Only one chamber looked as sparkly clean as ever, the one with the teal blue fluffy.
>He was cold and didn't move when prodded, so the scientists assumed he had just died before any of the other fluffies so he didn't get the chance to make a mess.
>They dumped the contents of the chambers into biohazard bins and rolled the bins out back to be picked up by the lab biohazard collectors at the end of the week.

>Once nightfall had come, there was a rustling in the bin...
>slowly but surely, the lid gradually was pushed upwards from the inside...
>Merlin levitated from the mouth of the biohazard bin, his cheeks puffed up in concentration.
>He slowly brought himself to the ground and stood there dumfounded by the outside world.
>"Twees? Gwassy? Whewe am Mewin?" he asked no one.
>He was shivering as he brought his body temperature up.
>Like a frog who's pond had run dry, he had put himself into a stasis- at least until he could find a way to escape the endless screes of starvation and pain from the fluffies who had been in the chambers surrounding him.
>Merlin knew he needed two things, to clean the poopies off himself and then find something to fill his empty belly.
>And so his journey began.
