>Late thread because nothing is happening Edition
Previously on /bb/: HoH (Head of Household): Corey
Veto: top qt
HoH Nominations: Paul/Vic
Most Likely Going Home: rip Vic for the 3rd time
>Late thread because nothing is happening Edition
Previously on /bb/: HoH (Head of Household): Corey
Veto: top qt
HoH Nominations: Paul/Vic
Most Likely Going Home: rip Vic for the 3rd time
>Nicole- When I was trying to talk to him (Dr. Will) and prove my points, it was not easy. After that I was like I'm not talking
>nicole is gonna win this season
>BB: OTT will suck because america will be voting for shit
JUST fuck my CBS up
I doubt it. Her social game is rather weak, and she didn't do much herself game-wise.
The others could beat her.
Do we actually vote people out on OTT?
wow paul really brutalized nat nat last night talking to james
>Sun 1:01 PM BBT 11:47 Nicole telling James/Corey how much she loves them and says she would gladly lose 500k to them. She also hopes one of them win AFP
literally one of the sorriest players of all time, holy shit shes pathetic
>James mentions not forgetting their deal if they win. Brief fish then Vic interrupts her gushing -cbssucks
>Muh collision
If you guys really don't think Paul is going to win this season, you're SILLY.
they just have beard envy
>Do we actually vote people out on OTT?
Probably not, but grodner said in an interview that live feeders can vote on things that have immediate impact on the game or something. Doesn't sound good to me
If Paul doesn't win the next HoH or Veto he won't win
i think they may give us a 1 vote per week up to a certain point
it has the potential to make players be more entertaining and less or more of a snake if they know we are casting a vote each week that could offset one of theirs
>Sun 9/11 12:40 PM - Cam 1/2 - All the guys talk about how cute and badass Bridgette is
does anyone know which NFL team ian roots for?
He's really going in today, guys
>12:45:30 PM
>"Paul, what was your objective int his game?"
>Boning Bridgette
>11:56:30 AM
>Paul: "If I don't fuck Bridgette in jury house......"
Todays feeds are boning
could he like...not
Has james done any funny pranks past 24hrs?
I see James & Nicole are still cheating, but now the producers try to hide money splitting talk on the feeds
They need to keep their pet happy
Does Nicole hate women?
She's voted out the highest number of women than anyone else in BB history
All signs points to probably
I don't believe this is true
yes, she has no female friends either
Nicole must have a sub fetish. She's talked about wanting to be the last woman to get voted out before the guys win, and also thinks all other women hate her.
How could you stand hating women but being a nurse though?
Unless... being a nurse made Nicole hate women.
After what went down between her and Christine in BB16, I wouldn't really blame her if she did.
We get these types on things every year. They've been screaming rigged since gordball took over and really showed her favoritism Janelle's season
Fuck, half my interest in this season dropped when Frank left. The other half left with Bridgette. I was watching feeds every night back then, now I check for updates every 2 to 3 days. Can't wait for this shitty season to end.
lol nicoles mom is a hambeast
>paul laughing at his own lame jokes
>vic unamused
Confirmed/believed Big Brother riggings:
>the final 4 HoH challenge from season 9 (favored Ryan)
>Pandora's Box from season 13 (favored Jordan and Rachel)
>the Macgyver challenge from this season (favored Corey)
Any more?
thats a sexy whale
its like someone made a fat photoshop of nicole
Jeff's Coup d'état causes people to scream rigged. They never release voting results but he was liked that season.
They also screamed rigged with Matts diamond veto.
>the Macgyver challenge from this season (favored Corey)
Are Gnat and meme manlet fans still upset? lmao
Is that a human being? How does your body become the shape of a sphere?
wasn't gnat from bb11?
Oh yeah, forgot about those. Thanks.
Lousy Wikipedia focusing on the editing for "breach of integrity" in that season
Both 11 and 18 have a Natalie.
Who /notwatchingtonightbecausefootballison/ here?
>no brady
>no gronk
cards probably gonna blow them out so I'll probably watch the episode tonight. by 9 oclock the first quarter won't even be over
thankfully football moved to fox here.
sunday night football is on nbc you retard
almost all of the bb road kill comps were rigged this season.
well tickle me retarded. I only glanced at the listings earlier and saw NFL in the title. It's some Bradshaw talk show thing
How so?
they never showed us who actually won, they just showed bits and pieces of the comps and then revealed the winner via the toolbox
paul and vic crying like bitches planning their savage speeches
Any reason to watch tonight's episode?
>Tfw the feeds will go out soon and not return until after Tuesday
if paul gets to final 2 then this season is redeemed
>goes to final two against nicole
>looses to nicole
I can picture this happening ;(
did 60 minutes start late today because football?
The winner of BB18
I'm okay with this. Paul is the only person I don't want to win.
it always does
is BB gonna be late then
>HoH Nominations
He actually did it, the absolute madman.
Unless Nicole talked him into it. The ONLY reason they have to team up with James is if they're splitting the pot.
why do showfags always need to be shitty memes from other boards with them
>there is a national museum of african american history and culture
i just wanted to watch BB not get triggered
only one minute not bad
>Nicole's camel toe
jfc nat got fat
do we know who he nominated yet?
read the fucking OP
Read the OP
it's spoiled. I don't have a pass to unlock it.
He and Nicole are going with James and are trying to separate el /fit/ Vic and shut the f*ck up this week.
Looks like they'll succeed, too.
because your female
uhh, all of us are girls here
solid apollo anton ohno drop there
are they allowed to wipe their feet somewhere? it would help for traction
camera guy on cam 3 havin some fun with it, he was spinning it around up here
Not allowed to step off the mat. Vic was giving them water but they had to make sure not to step off for that too
they were cheating, it kept dropping to fish repeatedly during the comp
they forgot to show how paul's little bowl was rigged so the ball wouldnt float out
damn they really set Vic up to look stupid in the DR
same thing happened to nicole, she just filled it more and ended up getting it
paul's bowl was overflowing and it wasnt floating out
so did hers and she got it eventually she complained for a while too. paul had his bowl half filled with the lard there was probably a chunk blocking the ball
James/Nicole final 2
best outcome
jfc this apology is embarassing
found the nicolefag
>I would never never throw you under the bus
She says after throwing him under the bus
paulfags are the worst
i want the bridgettefags to leave