Morty turning into evil Morty 2

Morty turning into evil Morty 2

in S3 E4 we see that Morty is casually walking to a bomb made my drunk Rick, he did it "too many times"

Morty is getting smarter and smarter because of Ricks mistakes. Morty basically teaches himself how to handle the shit situations made by Rick.

Becoming smarter and smarter and being a non-drinker, Morty will become greater than Rick if the show keeps going like this.

It happened to Ricks original Morty (now Evil Morty 1) and history will repeat itself creating Evil Morty 2.

'cause let's face it, Morty's love for grandpa is slimming down more and more

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This show is fucking cancer

Yeah but everybody already noticed that so they will GOTthat shit and do some twists.

Rememer that one episode rick froze time? Bla bla bla love. They will still have that thing.

Fuck your timeline bull shit pickle rick dies

>brony detected

Got bit less entertaining and political for some reason. But at this moment still better than most of the crap, what do you call a good show?

What is not these days?

>herderderder this show is cancer
Why? Anticipated response is "Because Reddit."

shitposting on Sup Forums

Not possible. There's already an evil morty and back in season one Morty was declared " The One True Morty " hence a sense of purpose of heroic direction while rick remains the anti hero. eventually rick will guide morty to adulthood where inevitably if morty will over throw rick of his power in a series of manipulation deployed by evil morty to create a weakness for original morty where in the end it'll be a show down between the two, Which morty will live? Good Morty? Or Evil Morty, the universe's fate depends on their outcomes.