Old thread:
"Useful" /trb/ related links:
Macca's official /trb/ database:
2015: pastebin.com
2016: pastebin.com
"Useful" /trb/ related links:
Macca's official /trb/ database:
2015: pastebin.com
2016: pastebin.com
Old thread:
"Useful" /trb/ related links:
Macca's official /trb/ database:
2015: pastebin.com
2016: pastebin.com
"Useful" /trb/ related links:
Macca's official /trb/ database:
2015: pastebin.com
2016: pastebin.com
Old thread:
xth for wagecuckery.
Also, mitch getting blown the fuck out edition
yfw you realize that butters is Ethan Klein from h3h3
normally wagecuckery is shit, but ive been getting paid decently to heat frozen pizzzas and discuss fm with a normie these last few days.
Not too bad.
>Links twice
>Old thread in separate post
Get your shit together Norbro
>Pop up saying one of the 3 people on my friends list is now playing FM2017
>Same pop up 20 mins later
>Same pop up 10 mins later
>Same pop up 10 mins later
He's reloading isn't he?
HC is getting mummified and couldn't make the thread edition
Qts edition
>tfw get paid tomorrow to turn up to work and wait and see if someone else doesn't
>I want my body to be mummified so my cock and balls can be as preserved as the gameplay from FM2007 which hasnt changed in 9 years
>not including a clear cut mention of Football Manager in the title to bring about an intake of newfriends
>letting agents post on /trb/
Never talk to him again.
he said you look nice
Fresh meme lads.
its in the OP pic you mong. its not like people read titles anyway.
Old meme
i dont think that happens if youre simply reloading your file. Hes either got internet issues, or hes restarting the game alot, either trying to install mods or quitting mid mitch.
>newfriend decides to leave his old board
>opens up Sup Forums
>types in "Football Manager"
>nothing comes up
>/trb/ loses a potential GOAT poster
I think ragequitting was the implication
>the likelyhood of this happening
It only happened like a few days ago m8. I was going for the "even a slight breeze could kill you" line.
shit taste would not speak to
I was referring to my pic
Still pretty funny how short Jesus' season has been
Absolute pleb
Don't bully Claire, she just wants to read the classics.
>beat us
>lose to norn ire
Might leave the save around here since I'm gonna get 17 before the sale ends
bitch didn't even start with the greeks
Even if a GOAT poster comes here, he will have to fit in the level of autism we got here.
Which lead me to this:
Describe yourself a player in FM or create a kek one:
>PA/CA (or stars if you prefer)
>Best attributes (2-3)
>Worst Attributes (2-3)
I'll start
>Prescott Lescott
>First touch/Composure/Jumping Reach
>Gets Forward whenever possible/Shoots with Power/Dives into Tackles/Drible Less
Would you buy him?
>losing 3-2 to N.Ireland
Spain are going to win the euros now
5'3 100 pounds
4 gold stars
passing long throws
strength jumping
argues with officials
we did this every year back when macca made custom databases.
>Butters Stotch
>1.69 / 60kg
>AML / Winger / Right foot only
>Dribbling, Finishing, Anticipation
>Balance, Jumping Reach, Strength
>Argues with officials / Places Shots
sad that he never did a 17 one.
Nice one. Typical latina player?
Ok, I was suspecting this. But not on those proportions.
That doesn't even scratch the surface of maccas db.
How big?
Download it and take a look.
>cl final incoming
>every AMC is injured
>forced to play old tactic
>two key players promisde a CL trophy this season
how hard am i about to get fucked
Probably win by virtue of the tactic being unscouted
>promising the CL trophy to anyone
They're important, but unhappy key players, i want them to be happy so i can win the CL so I Can keep my promise to keep them happy.
makes sense?
In other news, CL IS BACK ON THE MENU
>He has never played macca's dbs
happening status: On
wtf i said dont get complacant and you do the exact opposite
Based Masahiro.
It's like you didn't pay attention to Wenger's team talk earlier
stupid sexy martial
Uh oh
it's 10ÂșC guys send help
its ogre
hazard scores his 200th chelsea goal on a through ball from martial to win it in overtime
fuck me
give your balls a tug you titfucker
wtf is a snow shower
temperature is fluctuating just above or just below freezing temp, so it's a mix of rain and snow depending on what temp it is.
what the fuck
>wtf is a snow shower
average weather from october to april
Maradona's dream invention
Poor you
It's actually really comfy most of the time desu.
I appreciate you too
Overall, I'd say Ryan Babel was a bit of a flop. The worst part is that I still force him into the team, hoping that he'll perform, and I have to take out my highest scoring player from the last season out for him.
You should sell him for failing you
he scored a goal and generally had a good match, im more angry at my defense for fucking up
>start save
>fire and hire staff
>make a couple signings
>set up tactics, OI, etc
what is wrong with me
fine all of them
Almost couldn't find this thread because it doesn't say Football Manger in it.
I'm thinking this might be the year I don't buy the newest version. I only played 19 hours on FM16 compared to 900 for FM10 or 1300 for FM 12. (Stats may be distorted because I think if you minimize the app and close your laptop it still counts the time.
Is it worth it to buy the newest version? Got an email because it was on sale so I'm considering.
>Almost couldn't find this thread because it doesn't say Football Manger in it.
fucking kys morz and turn off the proxy
There's some pretty major performance improvements but other than that it's cosmetic.
its kind of meh
>Almost couldn't find this thread because it doesn't say Football Manger in it.
also this
>Almost couldn't find this thread because it doesn't say Football Manger in it.
>its in the OP pic you mong. its not like people read titles anyway.
>Almost couldn't find this thread because it doesn't say Football Manger in it.
Morz may have a point here, I'll gi-
>close your laptop
nah, nevermind.
imagine getting exposed this hard in 30 minutes
there's something about posting midmatch that just always works well.
I couldn't even fabricate this if I wanted to make this sort of shit up man
>imagine getting exposed this hard in 30 minutes
i think you have experience with that art :^)
>not changing your tactics halfway through
I wanted to switch to my 5-3-2 but I realized that I accidentally put a CM in the CB bench slot, so I couldnt.
Will I win the quadruple? Tune in tomorrow for the 2017/18 season finale, live on /trb/!
It would be embarassing to lose the title to fucking Montpellier, but my team has been slipping quite a lot in the past few weeks. I fear that I'll lose it on the last day again.
Do shit 3rd tier teams have connected reserves that play in a viewable league in France?
*panic begins*
does anyone know Fatnaldo's prefered move and stats? i want to clone one
what skin is that?
>playing Eastside Hockey Manager
>manging amateur English side
>spend ages scouting out the best free players
>pack side full of talent
>4 absolutely killer lines
>destroy higher league, professional opposition in pre-season
>pre-season predictions put us in 1st
>have at least one of the top 5 players in the league for every position
>season starts
>"you are attempting to field a team containing 9 foreign players. The league only allows a maximum of 2"
>have to dismantle team
>lose first two games to the team who are predicted to finish last
sounds like you been EXPOSED
I wish you didn't have to sub a player off every time they miss a penalty because they're guaranteed to play like shit 100% of the time.
shit nignogs
E-Dubble died
How do I get into FM? Never played any, and now I see so many options that I'm pretty confused. Should I sit long hours or just play for couple of minutes everyday.
just start a save and see where that takes you
soon you will be here for hours every day while watching your gpa plummet or getting fired from work because you're calling in sick too often
>just play for couple of minutes everyday.
Good luck.
>21 key passes against Sevilla
>match engine not broken
>PA 189
He could very well end up being a world class player IRL. I think the only player I'd feel confident ranking ahead of him on potential for u21 players would be Gabriel Jesus. Playing on the wing right now will likely help Martial become a more well-rounded player but I think his talents are better utilized at striker.