Can some of you godfags explain some things to me?

Can some of you godfags explain some things to me?
1 if God is all powerful why did it take 6 days to create the universe? Surely a being of infinite power could have shat out out the universe and everything in it in an instant?
2 if God is all powerful why does he need humans to wage his wars? Several parts of the bible are God commanding man to go kill a bunch of people. If he was really all powerful couldn't he just wipe them out in an instant?
3 if man was created in God's image why are there so many races in the world?
4 if man was created in God's perfect image, why did he then command them to mutilate their dicks? If foreskin is so wrong in the eyes of the Lord why not just create man without it?
So much shit in the bible doesn't make sense....


religion is devoid of logic. if you are looking for a logical response there is not one. i will debunk god in 20 seconds. god is supposedly omnipotent which means hes all powerful and "all" doing. he is also omibenevolent :"all loving, cannot commit wrongdoing" here is where the paradox occurs. if he is all doing that means he can commit evil making him not omni benevolent collapsing the whole claim of a higher divine power.....

That's kind of like the other God paradox, if God is all powerful could he create a block so heavy he couldn't lift it?

indeed nigger

1. He could have, but he's God so he does what he wants when he wants

2. The Flood? Remember Noah's Ark? Also the city of Sodom.

3. Dogs looks similar to wolves, and there are multiple breeds of dogs. Same with us, I guess.

4. According to Genesis, God told Abraham to circumcise himself, his household and his slaves as an everlasting covenant in their flesh. Those who were not circumcised were to be 'cut off' from their people (Genesis 17:10-14). Note the connection between circumcision and slavery. However, we don't really have to circumcise ourselves thanks to Jesus and the New Testament.

but then the religious would just argue that you cannot disprove him which is true, and could just say that his logic is beyond human nigger reasoning

if you listen to an archaic 2000 year old text you are low iq and worse than the sandniggers

so much shit in the bible doesn't make sense, you're absolutely right. still gonna answer these questions though..

1.) First off, there is nothing in the bible to indicate how long a day was. Earth wasnt around at that time and we judge our days based upon the length of time it takes for the planet to spin, so a day then could have been a million years. thats kinda one of the things the bible isnt clear on. Secondly,I dont think it took 6 days, however you measure that length of time. I think the Universe always existed, even before time. However, in the beginning, there was no space meaning there was no time. Everything that exists now has always existed, except the difference is there was no space, anywhere. no hollow object, no space whatsoever between objects, everything was just lobbed into a tiny, or massive seeing as there was nothing to compare it to, lump that existed. this lump is everything that ever was is or ever will be. now this lump, having thought, decided that in order for it to know itself experientially rather than just conceptually, it would have to separate from itself, with each division being lesser than the whole. so upon this separation, an object was here, and an object was there, instantly creating relativity and time, and the universe.

2.)God, Universe, is all powerful. Humans are waging wars for humans, this is not Gods wish. God could kill us all right now if so desired, but that would interfere with our free will and god is not about to so that.

3.) man was created in the image and likeness of god. There was probably a slight mistranslation in there throughout the years. Man is made of God stuff essentially. And God is Universe, so made is made of Universe/God.

4.) God never told anyone to mutilate their dicks

>if God is all powerful why did it take 6 days to create the universe?
When someone asks a question like this, you know you're dealing with a childish personality. Go eat some mushrooms, read the bible, among other things, and figure out what the fuck you mean.

If the question is so childish why do you refuse to answer it? If God is indeed all powerful why couldn't he create the universe in an instant? If he could why didn't he?
I know what I mean, you know what i mean, instead of wasting your time with pointless namecalling why don't you answer the question?

I guess because most modern people reading the bible seem to be full of Autism, It has to be explained.

Genesis is a collection of word of mouth stories handed down, mostly children stories that don't explain much, cuz children don't ask those kinds of questions. The eden story is really about human self awareness, but ppl seem to miss the obvious and forget the book is still in human hands and free will is a bitch.

2 He doesn't need humans to wage wars so much as this seems to be a kind of counter offensive to threats to the people. Most of the wars are in self defense.

3 because are vessels would die out if not for adaptation? I've never really felt that evolution and god were mutually exclusive in any way.

4. I think this was a hygiene thing. You know when your manager says to do something because the big boss says so? Probably something like that.

The more I've read of the bible, the more I've come to realize that aside from the commandments, god is pretty hands off on people until christ shows up. He doesn't punish too much post flood until people really fuck shit up. Even when Christ shows up it's like a hard reset saying " ok you dumb fucks cant even follow 10 fucking rules so here, he'll take all that shit on and just believe I exist, I'll let you in anyways."

Don't you have better things to ponder?

> Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.

> Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.

> Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?

> Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?

Checkmate, theists.

Your questions are pretty dumb. Let me answer the first one, though.
The Creation account in Genesis is a story meant to signify that God created the world; it is not a science text. Augustine could have told you that in the 4th century.

It's a fucking fairy tale moron,. What would Dumbledore do? Why was his hair Grey? Why didn't he beat voldemort by himself?

Holy shit, have you ever read past page 2 of a book? That's the beginning of what actually literate people call the problem of theodicy, and theologians have answered those questions for literally millenia, going back as early as the Book of Job.

I have proof God doesn't exist. He hasn't done anything to or for me. Never seen him, never heard him. Pics or it didn't happen.

If God is all powerful, can he create ariddle, that even God can't solve?

If he cant create such a riddle, then he is not almighty.

Bu if can create such a riddle, then he is still not almighty, because he can't solve it now.

Check mate, religious fags!

>He hasn't done anything to or for me
He made you a retard.

Hardly. What you've done is simply reiterated his omnipotence by posting a logical contradiction. It's like asking if he can invent an OP who is not a faggot.

Omnipotence isn't possible, because it is a contradiction in itself, cock muncher.

So if there is a God, which I am not denying, then he is not omnipotent. He can't be.

nice comeback
>you're a retard - I know you are, but what am I?

if you think that the bible is LITERAL then you are retarded beyond comprehension.

Nope. People with autism won't believe in meaningless gods

2000 year old pasta?
I'm not even mad
that's amazing

The bible says it is literally the word of God himself. If it's a man made text then why believe in God? After all if he didn't write the book who's to say the entire thing isn't bullshit?

Not really a fan of fantasy, so no I haven't read the bible.

> day one, create light, doesn't mention what the light source is
> day four, creates sun
How do we know the first three days actually only lasted three days. KInda need a Sun / Earth relation to measure days.

who the fuck is this girl and why is she always on the athiest posts

No, he can be omnipotent. What he can't be is a contradiction in terms.

Classic religitard. Get down off your high horse and answer the questions if you're so knowledgeable.

>The bible says it is literally the word of God himself.
lol, no

Or anything, it seems, including my post you replied to.

Your question presumes that you can know the mind of God.
Thought experiment: if God's brain was a thousand times larger than yours, as your brain is, say, a thousand times larger than a bee's brain, should you be able to understand his intentions or actions or motives better than a bee understands what you're thinking?

>4.) God never told anyone to mutilate their dicks
Wrong God told Abraham to circumcise himself and all the males in his house. Don't just pull shit out of your ass.

I imagine if there is a God, then he must be the smartest thing ever. That being said we would be children, have you ever tried to explain to a kid why they need to go to bed? Now imagine those "children" (humanity) trying to figure out what the hell does he mean by this or that. I'm obviously wrong, but put that in your neck beard fag thought experiment.

Circumcision isn't mutilation, though. Don't be an atheist and a foreskin-worshipper.

>Circumcision isn't mutilation, though. Don't be an atheist and a foreskin-worshipper.
Jesus are you really trying to argue that circumcision isn't mutilation? I can't even.

it's only mutilation if you use a steak knife

He (supposedly) told a jew to write down 10 commandments that basically say 'worship me and don't be a cunt'

He (supposedly) sent his son to excuse the sins of man.

I think its pretty clear that he doesn't like evil, which loops back to the paradox, which you still haven't given a straight answer to.