Do girls that like sports exist?
Do girls that like sports exist?
>he thinks simple text can defeat Immunity Cat
Yes but they like sports for the wrong reasons
Fucking hell man come on
>match with a qt on tinder
>"me and my son/daughter are a package deal!"
stupid whore
don't bother to call me after what you've done
Kill yourself
Does it still work if I stop reading right after "you're mother..."?
Quality thread
Why do tinder sluts post their babies? For what purpose?
Yes, because you know what comes after
>fuck you OP your cat will die tonight if you do not reply to this post
seriously I've always wondered this. in what way are you benefiting from posting a child from another relationship in your fucking casual sex (basically) app
they want to make sure
damnit i hate how i can't just x outta these threads...
Go falcons...
immunity cat will protect me
at least she's being straight up honest instead of revealing she has a kid on like the 3rd date or something
Was this thread solely made as bait? Or do you have a genuine interest in the point you raised?
It's amazing how picky these single mom's are with guys too, when in 7-8 years they will be begging for anyone who wants them when they are slightly less attractive and are looking for genuine relationships. 20 year old single moms are deluded into thinking they can find 10/10 guys with amazing bodies who will want to be in a serious relationship with them, and then somewhere down the line they realize not even 7/10 guys actually want anything to do with a mom and they start to get desperate. Probably why my Dad fucks so many 30 year old bombshells.