Post the Reddit vs Sup Forums equivalent of any sporting team
Starting with the obvious
Post the Reddit vs Sup Forums equivalent of any sporting team
Starting with the obvious
Ill let you guys guess who is who.
Read it- Celtics
Fortune- Wizards
It's the other way around, Liverpool have a far bigger fanbase and normies love them.
successful is reddit, loser is Sup Forums: the thread
it applies to all boards
arsenal is reddit
>arsenal is reddit
Arsenal fans have the most active general of this board while no one cares about Chelsea here
Hillary lost, trump won.
Your entire argument just went out the window with that simple sentence right there.
Not as simple as that, sometimes the Sup Forums team is more successful but with a smaller fanbase.
I don't think you understand the meaning behind this thread.
Go ahead and never post on this website again. Thanks monkey.
Eternal /arse/ is a containment thread, don't be so naive
>Not posting the most obvious one
Trump supporters are losers anyways
They got brainswashed into voting a literal retard
Reddit - Kobe
Sup Forums - Tim Duncan
Replace Wolves with Birmingham City
A retard who earns more money in a day than you'll receive in a lifetime.
who cares about money
you sound like a person who grew up in a really poor family and could barely afford food, there isn't other reason to care that much about money
t. I'm a psychologist
Reddit: Sup Forums
4chan: Reddit
>man city are literally owned by dirty oil money arabs
>Sup Forums
If you were so brainy you wouldn't be living in such a shithole 2nd world country that is eternally cucked by my country by occupying a few islands off your coast.
Wait, isn't it kind of weird that Arsenal is the only permanent team thread on Sup Forums out of literally any sport?
Not even American sports have permanent team threads, and there are by far more Americans on this board than any other nationality.
Why is Arsenal so popular here?
>Why is Arsenal so popular here?
It's literally the same group of artists posting in that general. no different than the guy who would post a Patrick thread everyday at 3 AM, or they autist would keep the TYBDeng thread alive for months at a time.
They aren't they just got bullied out of the other threads and the beta mentality runs through the entire arsenal club; manager, players, fans.
those generals will often last days at a time. it's literally the same group of NEET autismos
also it's an easy team to bandwagon.
Who is /our guy/ on the bulls and why?
Does that imply that Sup Forums used to cuck reddit and was king for a while but now reddit cucks Sup Forums every year?
this is fucking terrible. had to a be a stupid fucking aussie posting so i cant even tell if it's b8
>mad customer
Reddit: Nadal/Federer/Djokovic/Kyrgios
Sup Forums: Djoker
Shit, I slipped
Reddit: Nadal/Federer/Murray/Kyrgios
Sup Forums: the GOAT Djokovic
Reddit: Packers
Sup Forums: Patriots
It's literally a safe space
>Man U owned by jews
pick your poison
Nah fuck off Serbia
Reddit: Nadal/Federer/Djokovic
Sup Forums: Murray/Kyrgios
22 years
Reddit: Pep
Sup Forums: Allardyce
Reddit: Memeiors
Sup Forums: Cavs
Reddit: Ferdinand
Sup Forums: Terry
I'll one up you.
Reddit: Federer
Sup Forums: fognini
Sup Forums:
This desu
>implying muh ultras isn't MLS level Reddit bullshit
fuck off windowlicker
R : Washington Generals
4 : Harlem Globetrotters
Say what you want. Your family is still getting catapulted back over the wall.
if all these memesters are >implying federer isn't the true goat you need to kys and never post again
The only good one I've seen in this threads was the one where Reddit was SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM and Sup Forums was TSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.
Sup Forums is full of r/the donald posters
you are wrong
This one is actually true
Are we the bad guys?
So to clarify - the Sup Forums choice is usually the edgy contrarian choice?
other way round m8
Chelsea are the edgy racist bad guys
is just a matter of perspective
>yfw da wolves win da Premierl Eagle
>Reddit: Chelsea
>Sup Forums: ManU
Both are fucking entitled and pretentious but Sup Forums is full of bullies too.
>not bullies
This desu. Federer's GOATness transcends this autistic categorisation
We make fun of >Schalke, they aren't /ourguys/. Wolfsburg or Gladbach would be closer to /ourguys/.
Get a load of this guy
yeah whatever lad
Fuck no. All that fucking heretics should be killed
Totally agree my waterjew friend
>Low quality post
Makes sense
Reddit are bandwagoners
Sup Forums enjoy sports in general.
>being a catholic
Disgusting freak
>being a paki
Isn't India the Pakistan of the middle east?
>middle east
>"british" "education"
As a West Ham fan I object to this thread.
>literal retard
>might be the man to end the Fed and therefore the greatest president to mankind for the past 150 years
disgusting desu
>t. Tyrone O'Potatohan, MA
This is honestly the best comparison on here yet
Bosteros are filthy bolivians
>Bad guys
Let me guess, Arsenal are the good guys?
Arsenal general is slower than the football manager threads
yes, last year spee bandwaggoned lester, this year they shit on them, predictable as clockwork.