Found this on my friend's phone

found this on my friend's phone
he took it when my GF was sleeping
next to his room.

i can't tell him i searched his phone
he also took 2 more

wwyd ?

Fuck the dude you got hard evidence on that guy. Who gives a fuck if you went though his phone at this point .

Id beat the fuck outta him

you could honestly give the picture to you local PD, now a days they take all sort of sexual assault very very serious. plus the evidence would stand in court,because de ammendment only protects from searches from the government and not civilians. he would only get 1 or 2 years but hes record would be fucked, and will be marked as a sexual offender.

How did he get that close to her without making any noise or alerting her in some way? Why does she sleep with the light on?

Something doesn't add up here.

Show us the 2 more

Get him arrested or something. Or stop being his friend. Fight him? Blackmail. The possibilities are endless. Just make sure he's not around your girlfriend anymore.

Beat the shit out of him

why does your girlfriend sleep in the nude when you arent around and she is home alone with him?

Drug your friend and take a picture with your dick against his face

Do you have like super sonic sleep hearing?
I fully undress chicks before they wake up.
Not gonna get me today fbi.

>get him shit faced/ blacked out drunk
>take his phone
>send pic to yourself
>reply with wtf man?!
>confront him when he's sobered up

this...this could actually work


post the 2 other pics. we need more 'evidence'

Why was your girlfriend sleeping naked next to another guy? I think they dun fucked user

Possible explanation, his friend is his roommate and his girlfriend stays there sometimes and she was sleeping naked and op got up to get a slurpee from 7/11 and as soon as op left his roommate friend walked in turned on the light and took the photographs in question.

Most women do out of comfort. Don't be a virgin

look at her ears! lol


well then OP and his girlfriend kinda deserve it

She's not asleep doe.


other pics please

That was...highly detailed..

she was sleeping naked because she prefers it that way

i dont think they fucked anons


No, thats a definite after fuck photo

They fucked and he took a pic after of his dick pretty much on her face.

Wtf do you want us to tell u.

These hoes and loyal

Fake news again

he didnt fuck her user she would have told him

No pussy or condom residue on the penis. No sweat on female. Unlikely fornication occurred.

I try to be thorough

Yeah OP got cuckolded
Just think about all the times he didn't get a picture of it
also i wonder how man OP is that his friends cock is much bigger then his
you know his girlfriend loves that bigger cock

Cause women never lie about stuff like that.

hmmm.... now that you mention it, her ears are super low-set. those are some terrible genetics. don't believe me? google it.

cannot unsee.

We need to see the other photos to be sure

Deliver op.