Monster refuses to fill out NCAA bracket
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what a dweeb
does he even follow college sports?
Basketball is shit. Good on him.
This nigga getting cucked by le deep state and people are asking him about college dribble sport
thank god obama was the meme president who did that stupid shit. I am ok with a president who doesnt do useless shit
but seriously why is that making news
He has real things to worry about not a shitty rigged sport like basketball
But seriously we cant let him get the nuclear codes.
Good who cares about that nigger sport
nba ≠ march madness
>He has real things to worry about
Like Twitter and SNL.
>Not doing it just to be better than Obongo at filling brackets too
Granted that's not very hard, but still
>it's a duke wins lol episode
>Trump ever endorsing nigger hoop
I felt sorry for Obama since he had to do the women's bracket as well and pretend to care about it.
All he ever did was pick chalk
well that's all the womens bracket ever is
he was an upper middle class black guy before becoming leader of the free world
and honestly I know a lot of black guys who fucking love basketball enough that they will sit through a women's game
Why doesn't he let Bannon take care of it like everything else
Not gonna lie former Trump supporter here. It's been hilarious watching him crash and burn. In all seriousness we cannot let this man get the nuclear codes.
now end the sports teams visiting
He wouldn't be able to stand being wrong
Instead he will say who he supports on twitter after they are the national champions
Good. Nothing more stupid than E!SJw sending some faggotron out to the White House to waste everyone's time filling out a bracket for an amateur sport.
Obobo literally went straight chalk all 8 years. Fucking pussy-ass nigga.
>Obobo literally went straight chalk all 8 years. Fucking pussy-ass nigga.
less pussy than not even trying like a certain scared bitch
reddit is that way cuckold
not an argument
wtf I miss Obama now?
something trigger your sensitive feelings?
>no trump assblasted ass fuck when his pick goes out round of 32
Its one of the few things he cant scream FAKE of course he wouldnt do it
I've never filled out a march madness bracket in my life and I doubt I ever will. WGAF.
>he says as he goes out of his way to let everyone know how little he cares
you're one special snowflake, princess
Pinko commie git out
Because anything even remotely negative about Trump is front page news these days. Almost all media outlets are liberal. This is what happens when a Republican is in office.
Bush president
>War is bad
Obama president
>Ignore war, ignore drone strikes on civilians
Trump president
>War is bad again
I'm not even one of those Sup Forums Trump robots who thinks that Trump is perfect and is always right, I'm just sick of liberals making every random thing about politics. They've become the boy who cried wolf. When you call Trump the next Hitler for 2 years nonstop you lose all credibility unless Trump actually IS the next Hitler, which he clearly fucking isn't.
I kinda want Trump to fill out a bracket and pick Duke to win just to watch people froth at the mouth as they call him a racist for picking Duke.
You must be fun at parties
>I'm just sick of liberals making every random thing about politics.
and where were you the previous 8 years when everything slightly negative was about Obama?
He's scream refball. Literally /one_of_us/
>everything slightly negative was about Obama
On talk radio, Fox News and Sup Forums? Wow, how did you ever escape the hysteria?
On Fox News and Breitbart yeah sure. There was not an all out media blitzkrieg on Obama like there has been on Trump for the past 2 years. There was not a 24/7 anti-Obama news cycle on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, negative stories trending on facebook and twitter, every website that isn't right wing, Hollywood speaking out against him, mass protests and riots, etc. like there currently is for Trump.
Your retarded simplification of the issues is indicative of conservacuck groupthink. By Bush war is bad you mean an illegal war on an enemy not connected to terrorism waged on false pretenses is bad. Obama was targeting terrorist organizations, shutting down Bush's wars, and countries that openly harbored terrorists. Bin Laden was killed during his administration and people didn't go fucking easy on Obama on certain things like fucking Benghazi.
Trump/war is bad could only apply to his hilarious failure of a raid on Yemen.
Stop picking and choosing the content of your arguments to try and make a half-assed point.
>reporting facts about what Trump does
>anti-Trump bias
holy fuck how much do you earn per post?
>I can't believe I can't even watch the grammy's without celebrities shitty all over Obama
boo hoo he's the president, maybe do a better job or grow some thick skin to deal with criticism that will obviously come when you do retarded things like trying to sell national parks
>They've become the boy who cried wolf.
Yeah given that Trump was the "boy who cried fake birth certificate" throughout the entire Obama administration, I don't think he has any right to complain about all the heat he's catching now. If he could dish bullshit like pic related out when Obama was in office, he has to be able to endure the same type of bullshit now that he's in office.
It hasn't even been a month and we get nationwide protests with every executive order.
Nice moving the goalposts faggot
>using Benghazi as an example of Obama getting criticized
Only Fox News and talk radio beat the drums on Benghazi. The rest of the media barely mentioned it.
extremely thinly veiled politics thread
Wrong. Benghazi was a story on every news outlet when it happened. It just didn't stay a story everywhere. Only Alex Jones and a few other biased outlets kept trying to turn it into some treasonous occurrence for months after the fact.
>Trump calls all of the media liars, except for Fox and Friends
>surprised when the media is negative towards Trump
It's almost like he made people in the media mad, or something.
>media ignored negative things that Obama did
What? Did you miss 2008-2014?
>implying Trump has gotten any media attention around foreign policy not related to Russia or immigrant refugees
What news are you watching?
>comparing a citizen tweeting to the majority of the media running 24/7 cycles of anything negative they can find
There's a difference between reporting straight facts and adding a positive or negative spin to them.
>Trump wall is racist, symbol of hate
>Nobody is illegal, deporting people is racist
>Obama deported record number of illegals, nobody cares
>Hillary called for a border "barrier" or "fence" years ago, nobody cares
>Bill Clinton gave a speech saying the same things Trump does about illegal immigrants except words it more nicely, nobody cares.
>People cry about NASAs tiny budget for years (search penny for NASA)
>Trump's wall would cost about the same as NASA's annual budget
>Now suddenly that amount of money is astronomically expensive
obama and bush were both shit
>every outlet pushes the obvious lie about a literally who's YouTube video being the cause of Benghazi
>implying Trump has gotten any media attention around foreign policy not related to Russia or immigrant refugees
>All media attention related to his Russia and immigrant refugees stances is extremely negative, nonstop coverage
Exactly. This is the problem.
>calling a major television personality with a large fortune, and who is prone to making headlines, even back then, a citizen
That's a bit much.
English, speak it
>Obama was targeting terrorist organizations, shutting down Bush's wars
Really? Is that ALL he did? You sure he didn't arm rebels in Syria trying to overthrow Assad, only to have Russia intervene and plunge the country into a bloody Civil War that's killed 500,000 people and counting and displaced tens of millions of Syrians?
The only thing Obama did differently than Bush is not commit American troops, so the average American doesn't feel the effects of war.
I have never met a masculine white male Democrat voter in my entire life
>Comparing one rich celebrity to the entire news media
I thought "when they go low we go high"?
>It's almost like he made people in the media mad, or something.
the media are 95% liberal, they shit on every republican
luckily they overplayed their hand and now most people ignore them
Tbf, when the president breaks the law, it is big, negative news.
>not realizing he and Lorne are buddies and he's acting like its totally getting to him so that every lefty watches SNL again even though it hasn't been good in 20 years.
I guess Trump's "sources" are the same as Chris Broussard's
>ill pull a statistic out of my ass and post another picture, that will show them
do you let daddy pay your rent for you too
>luckily they overplayed their hand and now most people ignore them
Back to /pol with these delusions pls
How did he break the law? The FBI declared that not even Flynn broke the law.
Stop paying attention to CNN, its fake news, bro.
name a large newspaper that endorsed trump
exactly. do a better job and people won't protest
How else do you explain him being elected despite most news outlets being fanatically against him?
Meh. Man's not interested in basketball. It's one thing the job doesn't necessitate him to feign interest in.
It wouldn't kill him to give a shit about our intel agencies, though that's a rant for Sup Forums.
Why do conservatives think that most is correct when the country is divided? Yes people aren't watching as much liberal television, but liberal news views, in general, are up because of digitalization.
So why weren't Obobo's gun-running operations splashed all over headlines nation-wide?
A lot of those people are being paid and bussed in. These are not "organic" protests.
Most of those dumb fucks don't even know what they're protesting against.
CNN's ratings are worse than MSNBC's now. Nobody believes they're the
'neutral', 'responsible' network anymore.
I wish he paid rent for me, that'd be a sweet deal. Hard to pay rent these days due to globalism completely fucking over Americans.
see well something isnt working for liberals
>do a better job and people won't protest
>day of the inauguration, he hadnt even done anything, and people were already protesting
How did CNN change so dramatically? They used to be pretty neutral. Now they're like the Huffington Post.
>mobilizing a force with an anti-outsider message
>claiming any message not from your mouth is truth, while all other news is lies
>reporting facts from "sources" that people don't check, and tweeting an apology that most of your constituency will never see when it's proven to be false, if not a flat out lie
>His biggest pollings were those without educations
>dems didn't take him seriously, and didn't go out to vote
So you're telling me that stupid people believing lies had nothing to do with him winning
do a better job and your candidate wont lose to trump
cry more poorfag
this one is just for laffs
yeah it's impossible that people would protest a travel ban that hurts the country
we're passed the election now, time to buckle up and see that winning doesn't mean people will just accept your braindead policies
Stupid people get to vote too. We could go back and forth on which party has a monopoly on stupid people. Democrats rage after every election because they end up with the majority of "spoiled ballot" votes. Literally, the Section 8 people are too stupid to fill in the bubble for Hillary. They circle it instead.
As opposed to Clinton voters, who definitely didn't fall for any of her lies, because she didn't lie, she is honest!
People believing literally everything CNN and Facebook tells them is why there is such a frenzied hatred of Trump.
>most poor people don't vote with the people that want to give them higher taxes
Makes you think, don't it?
back in reality
dems have no power right now
and they have to accept whatever repubs want to do
>President Obama following his 2008 win: “Elections have consequences.”
>less shitskins invading
>bad for the country
how's high school?
it's sad that you think there is no possible legitimate way that anyone could see faults in what Trump has already done and is proposing to do
>and they have to accept whatever repubs want to do
And the winners have to accept that citizens have the right to protest
College Basketball is shit. The nba is bretty enderdaining [spoiler] especially if you watch the Cavs [/spoiler]
Seeing faults with Trump's policies and having a civil debate is different than spamming "TRUMP TIES TO RUSSIA CONFIRMED!!!" in a feeble effort to mobilize opposition to his platform.
Silver rode the Trump train to the bank. I bet those articles got him so many clickbucks.