What are some laid-back, everyday-hero type movies with realistic plots and beautiful cinematography like this?
not here to discuss the movie
What are some laid-back, everyday-hero type movies with realistic plots and beautiful cinematography like this?
not here to discuss the movie
Does anyone like Mark Ruffalo? I think the first thing I saw him in was Collateral and I've hated him since.
How can we not discuss this movie when it's such a poor example for your criteria?
One of those actors who plays the same role every movie
dont know about cinematography, but All the Presidents Men has a similar thing with journalists slowly unvovering a big cover-up
Fine. Forget the criteria. I was trying to create a reference point. What are some movies that are similar to this? Most "similar movies" type lists are terrible and only give examples of the same genre even those movies feel completely different.
Great. Will look in to it.
A couple of creepy parts but it's mostly pleasant and gorgeously shot.
Great suggestion. Sadly, I've seen that one already last week.
He's a faggot SJW.
just awesome
Watch Short Term 12, fampai. Sounds exactly like what you're looking for.
>beautiful cinematography like this
Post a few examples because I don't remember anything exemplary from that piece of shit movie. In fact the only thing I do remember is every aspect of it, including the cinematography, being mediocre to the point of boring.
>beautiful cinematography
Is there a more plebeian criticism?
Bridge of Spies
Amazing. Jaw drop at the rap scene
>I was only pretending
Maybe you should to the Lifetime dramas.
This, OP. God-tier kino.
Are you a retard? I said I retracted my statement cause it didn't properly convey my meaning. If I didn't list some characteristics morons like you would suggest irrelevant shit. I was trying to create a reference post and was hasty.
>I said I retracted my statement cause it didn't properly convey my meaning.
At least you admitted to being a retard.
Maybe The Insider? One of Michael Mann's best.
Ok so far we got:
The Big Short
The Insider
Bridge of Spies
Short Term 12
Chariots of Fire
Sounds good. Thanks everyone
Why they never make a movie about pedo rings among jews? Oh wait...
A civil action
Pelican Brief
Really any 90's John Grisham-esque courtroom suspense/thriller movie fits your bill.
Yesssss. I adore courtroom dramas. Paths of Glory and A Few Good Men are two of my fav movies
courtkino reporting in
Indian legal drama
Pic related is great. A contemporary light noire in the deep south. Spacey chews scenery as a gentrified southern ham, Cusack is charming and comfy as ever, and it's has a trap as a supporting character.