This VICE writer thinks that Stalin is better than Hitler, is this really debatable?

This VICE writer thinks that Stalin is better than Hitler, is this really debatable?

To argue whos worse, Hitler or Stalin, is like saying what empire is worse the mongol or roman. Its asinine. Leftists are retarded

Didn't Stalin kill 50 million or so of his own people?

hitler is more well-known for the things he did

stalin, no one knows what he did. he got away with it all.

>thinks polling the unwashed masses can reflect a truth about historical reality

vice editors are marxists and attend marxist rallies
like austin walker, sheltered half black kid who doesnt understand the basics of history

stalin is the logical ultimate evil
hitler is the virtue signalling hipster ultimate evil

This is what a Jew-run media will teach you. Kill Jews if you want serious infamy.

(((Media))) is the only reason Hitler is even remembered. Stalin, Mao, and a dozen others had far more murderous regimes. Hitler was mid-tier at best compared to them.

Most of what people say hitler did was probably propaganda

Stalin killed at least 3 times his own population than the jews claimed got killed in Germany. Stay woke, get redpilled.

It's kind of like saying Trump is better or worse than Pence.

Stalin gets bonus points for being a communist even though he was evil as fuck in general. Communism is based.

Reddit tier memes, famalam, but fucking checked.

>trying to blame a political side into something that had nothing to do with it
this is why literally no one likes you irl

if you think that's reddit talk then wow i sure got news for you little girl

Reddit tier is Sup Forums tier these days, its a total shitshow, Sup Forumsrother!

There's always some pol fag trying to derail shit.

Except that he's right. Anyone using the term "woke" should be neutered.

Stalin, downplaying the shit that asshole did was a mistake.
>killed countless numbers of his own people
>Set up a regime that would nearly destroy the world
>convinced other cutthroat men to spread his toxic corruption of the already shitty Marxism, expanding upon damage and suffering that persists to this day
>secret police
>inhumane treatment of the Russian people
The only good he did was kill a shitload of Nazis and gave Cuba better literacy.
Meanwhile Hitler only killed 6 million plus allied forces in a comparably short lived government. He didn't almost destroy the world, he didn't spread into other regions of the globe, he was a loser that talked a lot of shit before promptly becoming an hero. Nowadays nobody takes Nazi sympathizers seriously yet a bunch of college kids are holding fucking Marxism-Leninism rallies and calling themselves "enlightened."

>mfw communism will win

hitler mechanized it and did what he could with the few people he had.
mao and stalin were basically gods in their country and could order death to anyone, and not be responsible for it or be attributed to it.

Taking bets on how long until the cunt deletes the poll because it doesn't fit her narrative.

27-30, but yeah.

The jewspiracy lives on. As long as people don't check facts that is...

I give it an hour before it's deleted and her tweets go private

random fucking young american kid making polls about hitler and stalin having exactly zero idea what she is talking about like its some sort of smartphone comparison, hitler made a coordinated approach to kill children and women in camps and stalin was doing what was done even before by lenin collectively killing up to 100M people in europe, only a degenerative hipster shit can make a poll like this fucking "journalism" thought in columbia by failed academic scum that what this is all about

The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Loud and active radicals get organized and get things done while quiet and passive moderates watch and complain. But then the next generation gets taught that the radicals were right because they were the victors and the "radical" becomes the new norm.