New celeb thread. Old one got baleted

New celeb thread. Old one got baleted.

What happened?


Immense faggotry



Need Elle in my bed.


he protec

But she's my princess user.

Barbara is so sexy




No lewd...

dead lady thread

Just cuddles.

deaaad lady thread

cuddle with her

I don't believe you

I promise user, I just want to hold her close.

no lood


i want to suck both of you while you look at her pics




This is a Herman thread. Sage every post, kill it before it breeds.








So pretty.

Is there a way to ban this fag?

looks kinda like Michael Jackson

Were there any new leaks after Anne Hathaway?


summer fag alert


yes. report me over and over. they won't ban you for it

every time you create a thread, i'm gonna piss on your celebrity obsession parade.

See why she's my princess user?

see? a picture of a celeb!

kek sure thing faggot

she's going to be raped and killed.




I see...



Exactly how much time do you waste doing this, why not do it in a dick rate thread

I will treat her right user.


this x1000

i mean yeah, there is an easy way to get rid of him, just stop giving him attention. duh.

it's david carradine. i'm getting into the spirit of the thing

yeah you're probably right

because tonight is hassle the celebfags day

here is a child being beheaded.


yeah. that'll get rid of me.



so who's the funny user maintaining 2 threads at once? lol


You better

i gotta be me


How can I prove it user?


kill yourself





I get your point /breh, but I was just thinking that we lost this place forever. Also






She's basically perfect.

Ain't nothin better. Post more, I'm basically bout to nut it.

Nice jewess user



Lol never saw the actual picture.

oh fuck, Mila or Scarlett?



sexiest alien ive ever seen


Continue you say? Gladly

well I'm partial to Milana but to each their own yanno

Idk, can't think, about to cum hard for Scarlett though



did he get b&? kek