>tfw 10 month offseason
Tfw 10 month offseason
Other urls found in this thread:
>Boston area sports fans still finding something to complain about and try to get sympathy for
Find me a worse group of sports fans. I defy you.
>implying it's not a legit complaint
>tfw only 3 meaningful games a year
>16 (SIXTEEN) games a season
jesus canada get lost go ice fishing or something you're the most useless annoying stool sample every contrived.
usually its closer to 5, but i feel you bro
>Just watch these until the Red Sox start playing
>american """""""sports"""""""
What's an Israeli sport? Forskin eating? Trample the Palestinian? Find the nickle in the haystack?
why is the nfl season so short? surely the jews would be interested in making it longer since more games means more money
Handegg causes concussions and shit.
If they played more games, everyone would be fucking injured all the time. American football is a serious contact sport.
we suck at sports but at least the athletes aren't fat and don't rest for 10 fuckning months every year
>340 days until 6th superbowl ring
kill me
The Jews are trying to expand to 18 game seasons but the nflpa won't allow it
>he doesn't enjoy watching his team play
Get out cleveland shitter
>Conquered: The Country
oh look, another idiot who thinks just because someone has a little extra weight means they are somehow unhealthy or unathletic. Wrong. Every single one of those men in the picture are bigger, faster, and stronger than you'll ever be. You think just because you happen to be a skinny little beanpole means you're somehow better than them? Bitch they would crush you. Fuck off.
Ruling over American sports
t. Cletus
>17 game preseason
>2 game season
I envy fans that have meaningful exciting games throughout the fall with the thrill of being in the playoff hunt
t. Randall and this other brother Randall
pats games arent even interesting till the AFCCG
Im a Browns fan. Do you envy me? I was at the last Browns home playoff game and win(ironically against the Pats with Belichick). I couldnt do divsion or multiplication when it happened and currently have a kid in middle school.
Colt McCoy lol
One day we'll get to see this Pepe more often throughout the year, inshallah
These posts make us look like our fanbase is full of 12 year olds
>mfw almost an entire year of no Brady murdering everyone
it hurts me inside
>Pats haters nowhere in sight
>probably all killed themselves by now
it's not fair bros fuck
>its been over a week since Boston won a championship
When will the drought end?
Someone post the updated Boston championship image.
thank you so much
>over 100 years of winning rings
feels good man
The physical toll factors more than anything else
its a tough ass sport man
>having an "sport" with the offseason longer than the onseason
Have you ever played contact football?
That shit fucking hurts, mane.
how do you expect them to recover?
The nfl actually tried to increase the amount of games to 18 but it was around the concussion studies coming out so the players union was completely against it, which they should be anyway because an nfl game is basically like playing modern gladiator with your life and well-being.
>wear a fucking armor
>muh contacts
then just do it
The only time Sup Forums sees the suicide patriot pepe is when cheatriot bandwagoners feel the need to shitpost even more
>have best armor at the beginning of ww2
>can only go in reverse
Beleive me friend if they could the owners would have a game every night.
this guy's right
>mfw ppl think I'll pussyboy can last 1 quarter in real football in Australia #AussieRules