flat is for plebs
curve is for patricians
Flat is for plebs
>wearing a cap
are you in a stroller?
that curve one is for autists.
Just get a low crown new era.
In my experience, flat is for bandwagoners, so yeah, plebs
No one wears a flat-brimmed baseball cap past the age of 14, OP, except for failed Chad Thundercocks who never even get any
>he can't pull off both
stay truly plebeian
some of us are going bald dumbass
Wait, is this 59fiftyvs39Thirty? Doesn't everyone bend the brim now?
59Fifty Low Crown is where it's at
The 'flat' hat on top is the hat that literally all the players wear, and it can be bent (and is bent) 90% of the time by players and fans
The cap on the bottom is the cap worn by the girl in the upper deck whose boyfriend took her to her first game
This tbqh
Except the true no bend is not what the players wear. They wear a 10% bend and then bend it to their liking. Although some like Arrieta use the no bend. I wear a 10% bend and then bend it just a little more.
flat is for wiggers and niggers and streetwear swagfags
> keeping the sticker on
>Cubs hats
yeah they're all bandwagonners, especially after this year. Wrigleyville is going to be even more of a cesspool next season holy shit.
You do realize that the curve (dad caps as the normies call em)is now more popular/fashionable that flat caps
Buy the on field cap and bend the bill, ya fucking pleb.
they've been wearing curved since bryson tiller released don't
they dont make cool colors in dad style
i wear hats to keep the CA sun out of my eyes
flat is only good on girls
Fitted is justice
Fuck. That looks great, and comfy.
flat is for niggers
curve is for whites
There is a time and place for both.
How does the thread come down on jerseys, or hats with jerseys?
flat is for going outside
curve is for going to school or working out
low crown is for everyday use
>Not incorporating both into your wardrobe
Some looks look better curved, some look better flat.
>he doesn't bend his cap's brim with a baseball and rubberband
Heh plebs
/fa/g pls go
>looking fresh as fuck
>looking like steve bartman
choose wisely
>looking fresh
>all these baldlets that wear hats
White bois detected
you seem triggered senpai
>Implying /fa/ gfs aren't superior
i am size 7 7/8
is my head too big for hats in general?
I'm triggered by swaggots ruining my Sup Forums
There are size 8 hats, so no.
I don't want a gf that wears baseball hats as fashion statements
It always has been faggot, flat was just a fad amongst faggot wiggers
>Implying men wear the same shit as women
We really need to bring back the gender binary