Why is reddit so fucking gay?
Why is reddit so fucking gay?
why are you on reddit m8
well he is OP
Great sports thread
I go here for """discussion""" but r/nfl gives me quick trade/signing info. The title of this had to do with trans so I knew I was gonna experience some autism
and OP needs banned for off topic shitposting
youre right i should have made a thread with bradys face and APOLOGIZE
this board is shit anyway when football is over, soccer is for plebs
I think you already answered your question
The gayest thing is actually the exchange, not the fact that he's a tranny. I hate these fuckers who think they're in a community and look down on you if you call someone a faggot every once in a while.
why aren't you gay? nothing wrong with getting your boyhymen broken among bros
Because internet points are serious business.
If you say anything against the groupthink, you get downvotes...better keep your opinions in line.
Yeah not like every board on this shitty site isn't filled with trap threads non stop. Faggot.
are you saying liking traps is gay? because it isn't.
Good post.
Sometimes I forget what a cancerous faggot cesspool reddit is, but then Im reminded because you scumbags bring it here
Does anyone else struggle to enjoy Rocky Horror lately? These fuckwits are thoroughly irritating and its genuinely a mental illness. I can't believe our national institutes collectively support this. They should be helped.
Reddit is full of fags, even more than Sup Forums.
All the sports threads over there are filled with posts about how some athlete gives them erections or how they'd let so-and-so cuck them. Not a good look.
Our society really, really needs a purge.
someone get in that thread and call that tranny a faggot, then post results
this, although he's still a tranny so he should off himself.
I remember their was something on reddit the other day about how a team forfeited or something from some soccer league because it wasn't co-ed and wouldn't let girls play against boys. And the comment section was just filled with fedora's and SJWs spewing how all sports should be mixed and other stupid rhetorics. You could just tell from reading their comments that probably none of them had any experience playing sport whatsoever, because if they did they would understand the impracticalities and disparities of having every team/sport be mixed.
I also got called transphobic for saying gender instead of sex because I forgot that those two things are suddenly completely different now.
they arent human. they are just like supremely passive cucks that watch other people doing everything but still think they have the right to chime in and tell others how to live, despite the fact they dont actually LIVE themselves at all
because if they did they wouldnt hold such retarded, anti-reality beliefs
most of Sup Forums browses reddit, deal with it
I remember when I was in my last year at school I coached the year 7 girls soccer team, and for some reason they had to play a team of boys for some reason, they all literally refused to play them.
They are so warped from reality that they actually think people want to play with or against the 'gender' in a competitive way, yeah social setting its fine for a laugh, but when the point is to win they aren't going to want to because it's clearly unfair. Like the Australian womens soccer team got beaten by an u/15 boys club team in a practice game. But the people in the most cucked part of reddit probably have never even watched sport apart from the olympics or the superbowl.
No they don't faggot.
nice projection you cucked faggot
>tfw I use reddit simply for soccerstreams
otherwise never used it. Is it an gay haven or something?
Reddit is designed to be unbrowsable.
I can last maybe 2 minutes tops before clicking that sweet exit button.
>having a pleasant conversation online
>Not personally attacking each other once
>respecting differences, even when they present a low hanging fruit
>going off-topic, but not trying to overtake the whole of the conversation to push an agenda
sounds too nice, especially when discussing. wheres the banter? the too close to home insults?
>pleasant conversation
It's literally the equivalent of those cartoon, mock conversations they show you in introductory foreign language classes. That's the extent of reddit conversation.
>*when discussing sport
After more than a decade of Sup Forums, I can't imagine being that civil online.
It's because anything that isn't obviously nice and pleasant instantly gets interpreted as antagonistic and condescending.
Having usernames is what causes this.
what if you wanna be antagonistic? how can a sports board exist without the opportunity to get the opposition fans rattled?
They weren't discussing sports, though. The dude just found something out, and they both awkwardly acknowledged it like the spergs they are.
>got beaten by an u/15 boys club team in a practice game.
it was like 7-0 too
Get downboated for being a bigot and racist to those fans you just tried to dehumanise my friend.
oh look another thinly veiled Sup Forums thread
i hate Sup Forums, how is this Sup Forums. are we oppressing redditors or something.
The best part about this is how the green-shirt guy is such a huge pussy that he just lets himself be killed. Accurate.
OP here, the point is that they talk like huge fags. the one guy being a tranny is the icing on the cake
honesly sounds shits. Why would people post there? Sounds like a fascist regime, being sent to gulag with a negative opinion.
You dont have to be Sup Forums to think reddit is bunch of literal faggots
There's a designated thread for writing all-caps "sledging" at one another. Even then it's a controlled environment.
You post there if you are a collectivist and need group-think to feel good about yourself.
Most mainstream boards are like this. Sup Forums is kind of like this too in its own weird way (the same pasta-threads and bait threads being posted ad nauseam with the same replies being compulsively relived over and over again).
the majority of this thread is just talking about their transphobic agenda , not reddit
Damn and I thought all the tripfags shitting up /nfl/ were bad...
>serving bans
shut up moaning. sound like a baby
try this in english mahmoud
Reddit/u/dymobe pls go back
Shit like this is why I voted for Trump. Being a faggot or non white means you aren't even human.
Exactly. This place just makes you think that not being dickish or superior in every scenario is strange and alien.
>cries about Sup Forums
>gets told to stop moaning
>goes to typical regurgitated banter
how boring of you
not my fault your post was missing basic sentence components
About a month ago some World Rally Cross driver crashed and killed a journalist, so I went into a thread that was about it and posted the following rhymes about the said rally driver who crashed
Hayden "snap my car I'll snap your neck" Paddon
Hayden "I crush toads who sit on my road" Paddon
Hayden "ice sliding killer, corpse in rear mirror" Paddon
Needless to say I got downboated into oblivion and had people saying I'm an awful person, needed to die etc etc. The responses I got though were a right laugh.
>this triggers the tranny
Well I am truly sorry my words triggered you more. Can you please not moan about cross posting bollocks in future. You appear as a child who cannot handle different opinions when you do so.
>says this as he posts in a thread about how opinions he saw on reddit mad him mad
Once, I reverse image searched some of my OCs, only to find that they been posted on Reddit. It made me reeeeee
>posts in a Sup Forums thread on/sp/
>btfo of one idiot who can't banter
>thinks he has the moral high ground
>still posting in a Sup Forums thread on Sup Forums
Not so fast, Geoffrey. The real children are shitposting now.
tbf its not so much the opinions they share, just the idea of be nice or have your view hidden bothers me. thats all.
>transphobic agenda
you have to go back
easiest (You) in my life. Thanks for giving me attention
hey man if your girlfriend or family cant give you it ill be happy to
>mad at this thread
definitely a tranny
>hey good for you for being a tranny!
>I'm going to go make my wife dinner
holy fuck
I wonder what compelled them to actually keep replying. I also wonder what compelled so many people to make the effort to click like on such a mindless and irrelevant conversation.
I guarantee PKS_5 is getting cucked or will be soon
I wonder who kills themselves first, the sackless cuckold progressive who makes his wife dinner or the tranny
yeah providing food for your dependents is a horrible thing
Either he provides the food AND makes it, or she provides the food and he makes it, either way he's an emasculated faggot
spoken like a true redditor. they always speak passive aggressively because theyre cucks. every damn time
women are bad cooks, why would you let them ruin your meal? I guess you might be skewed since your mommy has been providing for you your entire life.
reddit uses virtue signaling as currency
you act like he wasn't looking to score progressive points by even pointing out he's going to make dinner so he is a complete cuckold
>even the response is snarky passive aggressive bitch shit
you numales make me fucking sick
>he says as he sits pathetically on his recliner and hopes a woman can do all the hard work
>women are bad cooks
This is what emasculated NWO faggots have actually been trained to believe.
t. retard that can't even function at a basic level and needs help heating up hot pockets
This is a great image
>women are bad cooks
Which state do you live in where women can't cook? I grew up in Maryland and even the dumb rich white girls could cook decently.
I moved to Kenya. I grew up in Maryland. Please answer my question, user.
not enough explaining my man. i wasnt the user that said women couldnt cook
Just reminds me of the neutered Itchy and Scratchy episode.
I tried it but it wasn't for me. I'll stick to girls
Oh, apologies.
I was born in America and lived there most of my life before moving to Kenya. What's not to get?
A dollar gets you a long way in this country.
how many Big Macs for a dollar?
O-Obama visits Sup Forums?
>implying we have McDonalds here
The cow meat is too unsanitary or some shit so they refused to open one.