A mast that was 332 meters high has fallen yesterday outside the Swedish city of Borås. It's now confirmed that the mast fell due to sabotage, and the police suspect foreign involvement.

Borås municipality has began placing out emergency electricity and sewer pipes. The same measures that are to be taken before a war.

(use Google translate to read it)


A YouTube video got posted just a couple of days before the mast fell. It shows 7-8 kids climbing up the same mast, russian-style. As soon as someone pointed the video out in the Flashback thread, they removed the video.
REUPLOADED HERE: youtube.com/watch?v=bJR51ogkY_4

Other urls found in this thread:


>swedes are such cucks that they let the brown people cut off their country's skypenis

Will the Swedes be able to put their bull prepping skills to work and erect a new big black tower?

swedesh men can no longer achieve such an erection

>japanese people are so cuck that they cherish the moment they got assfucked by america so much that they put it on their flag

Not surprising.

Too many of the wrong kind of blue pill.

Literally what


Those coordinates in that other recent post lead to this site!

I must admit I laffed sven.

The nip is still right though, you guys are finished.

Oy sverige, ids like anodda battle of poltava!!!

Elaborate, user

Borås has fallen

It doesn't seem like feel from sky it is erected which you can't anymore.

all of my wut






Sven this is interesting
America has also had several unexplained attacks on infrastructure in revent years including a power station shot up by mysterious attackers
this might be mohammad, native resisters or a false flag by some agency
either way native organizations should look into sabotage because it seems like a weak point in security
Notice how few asylum burners have been caught

>Borås municipality has began placing out emergency electricity and sewer pipes. The same measures that are to be taken before a war.


It's Russian spies.

For what reason?

The mast just seems to be for civilian TV, and the article in the OP said that the emergency services were not significantly impacted.

So it wasn't just some Romanian gypsies who tried to steal some copper wire?



You sir just solved the case! Gypsies stealing copper wire has already disrupted the railways on a few ocasions, so why not this?

SIDF pls go

>the police suspect foreign involvement.
Another case of trying to spread fear of russia when we really should be afraid of NATO and the west.
>So it wasn't just some Romanian gypsies who tried to steal some copper wire?

It's my best bet too, but who knows, they normaly dont attack larger infrastructure, but stick to minor stuff like railroad safety and suchlike because they're cowards.

It's probably just shoody quality, People somehow believe sweden was a paradise where everyone did their job just a few decades ago.
Well suprise, the rot and corruption has been in the works for many decades by now. State and municipal work has been shoddy at best since the mid70's.

It has so many dislikes because it contains the word "pride" followed by an European nation.

Can confirm.
We are also responsible for 9/11, we needed the steel beams from the building.

Gypsies don't usually do things like this, in my experience it's more power outages than masts falling. If they really wanted to steal from there, they would've carried the whole thing and sold it for scrap already.


>Borås municipality has began placing out emergency electricity and sewer pipes. The same measures that are to be taken before a war.

kek./ Ok so it was in Al-q's 'Inspire' magazine, about two years ago. They suggested that Jihadis in the west may wish to practice economic sabotage. This involved things like causing train derailments, major traffic issues and generally sabotaging the infrastructure.

One options. The other being that some unucked sven decided to attack the propaganda directly.

>This fucking thread kek/10

Fucking mudslimes..

This is definitely Russian signal to Sweden's intelligence agencies to stay out of NATO. They managed to start a huge fire that was seen from every vantage point last year in our capital in the aptly named "Smoke street".

>This is definitely Russian signal to Sweden's intelligence agencies to stay out of NATO
If only it was true.

Russia please come and liberate us, no russian invasion can be worse than this.

>police suspect foreign involvement
>emergency electricity and sewer pipes
>same measures that are to be taken before a war
All this without taking the black cock out of your collective ass even once. Nice priorities.

You've already lost the war, Sven.

I put the wrong photo in. That's a different fire. Anyway, there was a lot of speculation on the forums about that too.

We've had a few fried gypsies here, you could be right, but I hope it's something worse so that Europeans are pushed one step further to rebellion.

>Ryssen kommer! (russians coming)

Swedish 9/11

Police say this sabotage was perpetrated by professionals. So no gypsies, and no "youths" have done this.



He means this

>Police say this sabotage was perpetrated by professionals
I dont trust a word they say anymore to be honnest. Police in sweden today is thoroughly corrupt and they'd say anything for a promotion at this point.

Those who find the disshonesty and low wages disturbing are leaving the force in record numbers.

angle grinder and low/no response from swe cops. foreign involvement my ass.

>imports millions of shitskins
>blame spetsnaz
this is the swedish brain on denial

Has it been said how the thing was sabotaged?
Did the cut the supporting cables on the ground or just blow the fucker up or something?

durka durka or gyppos after muh steel?

>Kills thousands of white britts for the privilige to give his country to niggers
>Complains about sweden

You're allready NATO cucks too, you dont have any leg to stand on regarding Russia either.

>Gypsies aren't professional

You really haven't seen a gypsy at work, have you?

i fucking knew it

Are you looking to get raped? Oh what am I asking? You're Swedish, of course you are.

not in NATO, fought off invaders over centuries, still dealing with aftermath of foreign colonization. doesn't complain about Sweden, laughs at Sweden.

You're in the "partnership for peace" bullshit, you're basicly a NATO country.

We dont even have a association letter because we're a independent country.

>fought off invaders over centuries
Yeah great job in evicting the brittish so you get to keep the preping of the black bulls all to yourself paddy!

Clearly those kids are white and have nothing to do with the falling and they didn't even go to the top, pussies.

Checked and can confirm that it is the coordinates for Borås, where this happend.

Now that's some quality ass


Nobody cares anymore. You people literally deserve to be murdered by Achmed at this point.

Lmaaaao I'm dying

Fucking nuked Japan Hahahahahahaha

You deserve it with your Stockholm syndrome


>7-8 kids climbing up the same mast, russian-style

Only thing russian about them is their affinity for adidas sweat pants. This kid is so swedish it makes my eyes bleed.
My live-in refugee from somalia agrees, prime ass right there.

Sorry about that.
The invation has started, they were supposed to only disable your com, not destroy it.

prolly old people have learned to not only facebook but youtube now.. Dem old people don't even want dem kids skating on the sidewalk.

professionals? I watched the climb and it looks like any idiot with a spanner could have undone the bolts, and the rigging doesn't sound hard to cut

noice, I don't remember her name.
I will keep her as war spoil.

The DEMOLITION was performed by professionals, according to the police. These kids were interrogated and released. I just included that detail because why not.

when sven?

I mean something is very wrong here..

we're the ones supposed to be doing the fickificki (even though this has been proven to just be more christian propaganda though)

>people snap breaker bars in half trying to remove old wheel nuts from a small car while enjoying the benefit of being on the ground and having leverage
>>I bet it's easy to loosen staked, rusted structural bolts using hand tools while dangling in midair from the structure you are trying to knock down
I bet it isn't

At least Japanese have a culture.

thank the US for that

have they released any evidence that proves it was professionals? did they leave a business card?

oxy-acetelene the bolts? a drill? a hacksaw?

They haven't released the details, but traces on the crime scene shows the perpetrators knew exactly what they were doing. It's possible that they have worked with masts in the past.



>It's possible that they have worked with masts in the past.

Swedish male confirmed

more like west of Berlin....

It's probably not completely impossible for regular people to sabotage things but if you just walk up to a huge steel structure with a cordless drill or a hacksaw, you're going to walk away with a dead battery and rounded drillbit, or a toothless hacksaw and a sore shoulder.

Hard metal is hard

its a meme that allows swe cops to
a) save face
b) pretend they know wtf they are doing and
c) avoid blaming the glaringly obvious suspects in the brown community

sounds plausible

What makes this case interesting is the fact that the one(s) who did this loosened enough bolts for the structure to fall, but few enough for them to get the fuck out of there before it happens.
They must have known something to calculate this.

Its probably this

Well, you should thank the Muslims then.

And you should thank the mongols, friendo

I do every night in my prayers to Tengri, after I've said good night to my horse, Silver Mane with whom I love conversing.

One needs to respect their ancestors.

I can't stand it, I know they planned it.