What is in the box Sup Forums?!

What is in the box Sup Forums?!

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Prayer room with relics... duh.


A chicken

call a locksmith

The secret recipe to Coca Cola.

biggest fingerbox in existence duh!


With any luck, a small nuke.


The Pope's virginity.

Serious awnser it's a piece of meteorite that pagans worshipped and then the Muslims said it had something to do with Mohammed

its not even in the box retard

Hitler's saferoom

Information that will lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton

Let's blow it open then

i want to know too

Muslim stuff. Carpets and vases. Some nice paintings and a few seats.

Aisha's lost childhood

A underage cousin rape facility.

it's actually empty people go inside to clean it.

roast pork


secrets archives of the ISIS


fucking kek


A tiny space ship?

A meteorite.

a tiny low end pentium chip

Dr. Manhattan

A big log of shit

One stupid stone


the plans to take over europe and 1 shitty arab candy

whats in the room

I know I know!!!

meh dissapointing. i was expecting a secret alien tech or something.

i tought it was an everclosed toilet with no closed sign.

What's in a book

Wasn't there a video once that showed the inside?

Let's open it

Nice Christmas lights!

Pretty sure there's a Hadith or a verse in the Quran (probably a Hadith because I don't think the holy grail of Islam was a thing before the religion was even established) that says the Kaaba (or Qaaba) is protected by Allah.

Why doesn't some nut case try to blow it up just to see if it's true. If it is I'm converting, fuck it.


The box in the box has some alien command console so the aliens that were stuck here on earth millions of years ago could use it to contact their home.

it was destroyed many time before afaik

>"The Kaaba has been repaired and reconstructed many times since Muhammad's day. The structure was severely damaged by fire on 3 Rabi I (Sunday, 31 October 683 CE), during the first siege of Mecca..."
>"...The Kaaba was bombarded with stones in the second siege of Mecca in 692..."
"...In 693 CE, ʿAbdu l-Malik had the remnants of al-Zubayr's Kaaba razed, and rebuilt on the foundations set by the Quraysh..."
>"...After heavy rains and flooding in 1629, the walls of the Kaaba collapsed and the Masjid was damaged..."

what else - a double Bacon cheese burger....

The real question you should be asking is what's under this thing. Used to be temple of Solomon, now it's a mosque, both religions claim it's their "holiest site"

im muzzie ,,dont thank me
الله اكبر


I was the same way. But that's it, three columns representing islam and a bunch of incense burners. That's it.

its of pre islamic origin - contained some old meteor pagan arabs bowed down to


The box is full of oreos that are given to the most devout Moslems.

That's where they keep all the rocks they use to stone women, just like minecraft.


Isn't that cube the world of the Transformers? I heard they are fans of Michael Bay.

It was given to Ibrahim by God, not Mohammad


a big finger

Mo's collection of violated hymens

Did they run out of green tiles, because one is missing? Those floor tiles look like cheap shit you get in Asian countries.

A dick pic

years and years of old, out of date racing forms. piles and piles of 'em...

PIgs are stored in the box

It's where they make these

floor tiles ? are u retarded ?

The Holy Grail, obviously